In response to Haraldo's Facebook comment...
("Any creative ideas? Something that really makes a difference
I suggested to all members on the facbook group to throw away their Monster products, but that doesn't make a dime of a difference to this big company..... Well if the group were 50.000 members, now we are 196....
Must be something better than that....")
We may only have 196 members so far, but the question is......Have 196 letters gone out to the MC camp? It's one thing to be a member of a group who's cause you support, but it's another thing entirely to be an ACTIVE member of that group. I sometimes wonder is MC is even remotely AWARE of the unrest they are causing with their customer base. I mean, WE know that their lifetime customers are jumping ship by the hundreds, but if THEY are not aware, then our efforts are falling on deaf ears. I firmy believe that if enough truthful, honest messages got through to the MC people, that they'd HAVE to estimate a dollar amount that it is worth, especially in the Christmas buying season.
So, how can Facebook (as well as ALL of the other forums....) help?
1) EVERYONE needs write letters and/or emails. They need to be sent NOT only to MC's legal dept, but ALSO to their staff, their PR people, their marketing people, etc...(as well as their retail outlets) What I fear is this....It is their legal dept who earns their money by carrying on these lawsuits. So, it is in their best interest of self preservation to simply delete the emails, and not let anyone else see them, or understand that their is even a problem.
When Christina sent a letter to Noel Lee personally, it was intercepted and responded to by their in-house counsel David Tognotti. Mr Lee never even saw the email! Therefore, there is a good chance that he is being KEPT unaware of how the actions of his hired soldiers (and their apparent power of attorney) from just how much bad blood their actions are causing his once respected brand. (I have to believe that he at least STARTED OUT with good intentions).
So in short (or long at this point....) encouraging EVERYONE to write these letters is key. 194 active members is better than 50,000 inactive ones.
2) The second most important thing that can be done is to KEEP SPREADING THE WORD! It is easy to get riled up and start something, but it is human nature to then sit back and watch it wane, then lose interest. Christina and myself are working around the clock forwarding this info to more and more news sources, public forums, blogs, famous people, etc....and every day when we think we've reached everybody, we rack our brains and come up with more. You, the good people at audioholics have been EQUALLY diligent, and that is extremely commendable, because it's not even your fight. You are amazing.
But in response to to Haraoldo's Facebook comment......We have 196 member (and counting), each one of which more than likely has DOZENS of friends in THEIR own personal circles, who in turn have dozens more in THEIR individual circles. The power to reach people on Facebook is SO exponential, that we must use it to our advantage, and encourage our 196 members to tell their friends, and THEIR friends, and so on (Remember the Clairol commercial? OK, now I'm showing my age

It doesn't take many generations of this strategy to actually BE 50,000 strong.
Having said that, I am BRAND NEW to Facebook, and do not know the ins and outs yet. Was it Haraldo who stated our Facebook group? If so, let's open up a dialogue on how to use Facebook to make our awareness go viral. If you like, I can be reached in the office on Monday at 401-454-8100, or on my cel before that at 401-486-3636. Or by email anytime at
-Patrick Vitagliano