My boy needs to wake up...



Audioholic Spartan
OK fellow audioholics, I'm looking for a CD clock radio for my 8 year old boys bedroom.

What do your children (or you) use that can actually pull in a radio station and sounds OK (not audiophile just not shrill) and isn't to large.

Let the suggesting begin!:D



I use a giant sledgehammer to wake my kids up ,it leaves a few marks but it works really well. I also use waterboarding if they just won't wake up after a few wacks with the sledge. I am pruning them to be in the UFC and it seems to be working.:D


Audioholic Spartan
I use a giant sledgehammer to wake my kids up ,it leaves a few marks but it works really well. I also use waterboarding if they just won't wake up after a few wacks with the sledge. I am pruning them to be in the UFC and it seems to be working.:D

My boy gets up with an alarm OK most of the time. We just won't turn it up much because it's really harsh.



Audioholic Ninja
If he has an Ipod, get him one that will wake him up to his own music.

I have an Iphone, and I just got the iHome "for the Iphone" there are 2 different alarm clocks from best buy, mine was somewhat expensive, but its shielded from the irritating buzzing that the Iphone does to small computer speakers or alarm clocks....

I was very skeptical about getting it, somewhat expensive, but I am really happy I did, and it elliminates another phone charging chord laying around, I just park my phone in the top docking station.

I think its a pretty nice clock.


Some good AM/FM clock radios I have experienced!

Is CD a requirement?

If not I have a lot of fairily inexpensive ideas starting with Sony model ICF-C218, Dream machine autotime set fro about $10 from Walmart. Very Good FM radio sound!

There is the Sony XDR-S3HD $199 nice HD radio and alarm clock.

There is the Executive Never late 7-day Alarm clock $59.95. Indepentned alrms each day, very good AM/FM reception nice blue lighted background with yellow letter.

And actually the Bose suggestion,, even though Alex was bing fectious , has a good CD radio abite expnesive, now around $500. I don't think it is good for eight year old becuase most of the control is via a remote.\ which could get lost or misplaced.


I have had experieince with all of the models above and all provide good AM and very good FM reception.

Take care,



Audioholic Field Marshall
I have one of those sony dream machines, mine is probbaly about 15 years old. Still works just fine. The only problem with it is that I will set it for 5:30am and then the radio comes on and i lay in bed listening to that for another hour and a half before i actually get up. It also has this really annoying beeper sound you can set it on, but then all i do is wake up, shut it off and go back to bed.

Sometimes it will play the radio with the buzzer thing bleeding through in the background and I can usually sleep through that too but then sometimes it gets really loud, drowing out the music and i get up and shut it off while saying some type of obscentity at it.

Whatever the case tho, I'll be buying another one if this one ever dies on me.


Audioholic Overlord
I don't know exactly what your expectations are, but I've always seen clock radios as pretty much a commodity that was always satisfied with a Sony Dream Machine. They don't sound bad, considering, and they do pick up the local stations fairly well.

That buzzer is designed to be annoying to cut through any REM sleep that may still be present. But, ultimately, nothing says good morning like a glass of cold water splashed on sleeping beauty's face.

And, not to be insulting, he's eight years old. How sophisticated can his listening habits be, particularly for a clock radio? If it was a stereo I could see it, but a clock radio?

If sound is major, Cambridge Sound Works offers some pretty good stuff, both as far as sound and FM reception, but you pay for it.

Also, you might want to check out Teac. They have some interesting radios as well, or did at least.
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Full Audioholic
When I was a wee lad, my father used to wake me up. If I was still in bed 15 mins later then I was greeted with a pitcher of icewater in my face. I now wake up without fail to my own internal clock. Of course if you don't want to risk traumatising him then just buy one of the clock radios others have suggested.


Audioholic Spartan
Thanks everyone!

To answer everybody at once:

Yes I would like it to have either a CD or MP3 alarm capability. Reason being that morning radio is NOT kid friendly and he could then listen to his music whenever.

My expectations are not high, he is 8 after all, but I would like to be pleasantly surprised within reason. You know what i mean...not good just good for a clock radio. He seems to be slightly sensitive to loud or harsh sounds. He has had his hearing checked and it seems to be fine. (wow that was 5 H's in a row:D) So blatantly bad sound.



Audioholic Spartan
Did you not check the items in my previous link? I think that there is a suitable option there. No?:confused:
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
i used to use a regular alarm clock. the ringing alarm clock just wakes me up to a standing position in the first few seconds of it ringing.

just make sure it's not within arms reach. i became late for quite a few school days because i subconciously hit the alarm while asleep.

downside is that you have to set it each night - :(

nowadays that my daily work is pretty regularly timed, i just use the alarm on my cellphone ... i like the weekday and weekend options.


Audioholic Spartan
Did you not check the items in my previous link? I think that there is a suitable option there. No?:confused:

I missed your post somehow...:confused:

Yes they are worth looking at!

Thanks zumbo.


Senior Audioholic
This is what i use, it work very well, the alarm is progressively louder as time passes. the Radio reception is great and the CD player is great. You can wake up to the CD player on whatever song on the CD you prefer. The only downside to this item is, it doesn't have battery back up. The power blinks here quite often, if this is the same in your area, you may want to consider another clock. I also use my Cell Phone in conjunction with the clock.

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Audioholic Slumlord
While the lad is still so young you might look at waking him yourself as a time of bonding
that he will never forget. :eek:



Audioholic Spartan
That's what I do now. Mom's off to work early so I wake him (if he is not already awake) and make sure he's dressed and eats and brushes he's teeth and combs his hair. He's a very responsible little man and likes the idea of having his own alarm clock. The one he has is just horrible enough not to use and like I said earlier morning radio is not for kids.

He also is getting my sense of humor so I'd rather not "here's johnny" him because he'll return the favor some time...:D


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