Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Samurai
It's my birthday - I'm going to go buy myself some presents...
Happy birthday!

Whatcha buy?!

I love buying stuff for myself on my birthday too. It's really the only way I'm satisfied by a gift on my birthday, because I always feel a bit bad about someone else getting me a gift...and now that I'm getting older people are getting like NICE gifts... and I never know what to get anyone. This just gave me an idea for a thread.


Audioholic Spartan
I'm looking forward to haraldo's juicy travel stories.
This thread is useless without pics.:cool:

Who am I kidding? This thread is just useless.:D

Except that I learned it's Phil's birthday. Happy birthday, Phil.:)
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
Thanks for the nice wishes guys. I got myself a new pair of shoes, the latest Indy Jones DVD, a new pair of reading glasses (I wore out my old glasses reading this thread ;)) and a fifth of Jack.

I also got my 6y/o son a new 6 speed 20" mountain bike - he's gonna sh!t his britches when he sees it. :D

Gonna put a dent in that Jack tonight. :cool:


Audioholic Jedi
Jack and Phil went up the hill...Jack never made it back down. :D

I just got myself and the pooch lost at Catalina State the dark...again. Holy crap, that sucks. It all started when I decided to get us out of a ravine before it got completely dark by going over a hill. It didn't go as quickly as I had imagined. Nothing says fun like trying to manuever over large bolders while climbing at a steep angle (up, and then later down) through desert plants that have a wide array of thorns ranging from long and thick to just thousands of tiny the dark. Sure, I had my trusty LED headlamp. Yeah, that thing lights up the surroundings like, well, like an LED headlamp. I always get anxious when I do stupid crap like this because I don't want to get the dog hurt. I could make it over the terrain pretty well, but there were areas that were tough for her. I think we both took stock of our lives the couple of times that I was trying to carry her up a steep incline and nearly fell backwards.

It's perhaps a reach to say "lost". More like, off track. I knew the direction back to the trail, but I didn't know how far or in what terrain. It was a relief when we hit relatively flat ground, and then a HUGE relief when we broke through the bushes onto the main trail. The pooch seems pretty unscathed, but I'll look her over closely in just a bit (tried once and she walked away). I think that I've gotten most of the needles out of me, and I'll now try to get the blood washed out of my pants.

Hoowah. Not boring to me, but probably to all of you.
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
Since it's happened before ... maybe you wanna get one of those GPS things? :D


Audioholic Jedi
Since it's happened before ... maybe you wanna get one of those GPS things? :D
Got one. :D Just don't use it. [Where's the "I'm an idiot" smiley?]

I could see the trail from the top of the hill just before it got dark, so I knew which general direction to go. It just got dark before I could see what the terrain was like, how rocky, and how steep it was on the way back down.

EDIT: Oh, I should add this - I didn't plan on letting the pooch walk down that ravine in the first place. I changed my mind at the last minute. Well, we made it home, so it's all good. She sure seems tired!


Audioholic Samurai
He was the first to walk off, blah.

Jamie, you wear ear plugs? I've been wearing some lately. Last night the dj before me had a spl meter and it pinned itself at 120 fairly often.


I wear eaplugs when I am NOT mixing at all times. If you are doing a set and its hitting 120db then you are going to be deaf by the time you are 45. I would recommend wearing them every time you are doing a live set. I have 2 sets of custom ear molds one is 15 db pad and the other is 25 db pad. I would highly recommend getting a set of customs if you are going to be DJ'ing alot. It will save you in the long run. Are you measuring the 120 db "A" or "C" weighted? If you are hitting 120 A weighted you are peeling paint off the walls and seriously damaging peoples hearing. I would imagine that C weighted is how he was measuring.


Audioholic Jedi
It's just about time for me to drive to my friends' house and spend some time with their pooch while their out tonight. I'll be driving by the new Best Buy, but I'm too tired to go look at TVs tonight. Maybe tomorrow morning when they open (after I visit their dog again).


Audioholic Samurai
I wear eaplugs when I am NOT mixing at all times. If you are doing a set and its hitting 120db then you are going to be deaf by the time you are 45. I would recommend wearing them every time you are doing a live set. I have 2 sets of custom ear molds one is 15 db pad and the other is 25 db pad. I would highly recommend getting a set of customs if you are going to be DJ'ing alot. It will save you in the long run. Are you measuring the 120 db "A" or "C" weighted? If you are hitting 120 A weighted you are peeling paint off the walls and seriously damaging peoples hearing. I would imagine that C weighted is how he was measuring.
Not sure. With the earplugs in I actually feel like I can mix better because my ears are not distorting from the bass.

This gives no frame of reference (its the mic distorting), but is worth a laugh anyways, turn down your volume and check out this I recorded from my set:

turn down your volume, at 0:26 the bass drops hahaha


Audioholic Samurai
I'm absolutely baked right now and will probably listen to some tunes and doze off.


Audioholic Jedi
Jack and Phil went up the hill...each with a buck and a quarter...:cool:
That's what was in my head, but I decided to modify it. :) Mine seemed more appropriate if Jack is a drink.

BTW, I wonder what Phil will spend his $2.50 on.

J/K! Well, not that there's anything wrong with that.
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