I can't believe it.... I'm away for a few days, and there's like 16 pages of incredibly boring posts, you guys are incredible.....
Ric, you're waiting for Juice details, he he..... I can only say that I've been with the XXXXXXX XXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXX XXX..... And I'm sorry guys, I don't think I can go into too much details, last time that happened me, Halon, Joe Smoe and Caveman got the thread closed (by Matt34?) in like 25 minutes...... we don't want this to happen again
I have beer now. Woohoo! Now, if only a cute, desperate, single lady would show up at my door...maybe to take a post-election survey or something...well, then I could write about it here after she quickly walks away.
My new 1TB hard drive arrived today.
Adam..... I don't know how to tell you this, but opening a beer doesn't automatically mean that a woman pops over, it takes a few more steps... Like goin g out of the house
This would be post # 2001 now, check the new threads!
Harald's back! Welcome back, man!
I'm glad to infer that you're having a great trip.
Is it that obvious