This isn't so much a steamed post as it is a curious (and a true) one.
Mrs. Tomorrow dragged me to a "health fair" yesterday morning (at 7:00 a.m.
). So yeah, I do have a tiny bit of venting to do. BUT....we stopped by one booth that had one of these thingies. I believe it was the TBF 300A.
It measures a person's body mass and composition of fat/muscle/bone/water, etc., calculating the individual's Body Mass Index, Total Body Fat, and
I'd like you all to know that I officially am a 441 ohm speaker. Now I assume that the electrical impulse that the unit uses takes the path of least it must have wound it's way up thighs, through my stomach, tickled my brain a bit, then went out the other half/side.
Not surprisingly, the missus presented a resistive load almost double mine.
And now you know why men and women are different.
Good cheer to all.