Phil I cannot imagine how hard it must be for you. I do accept that due to the advanced nature of his cancer that going peacefully like he did was the best thing. But to have to deal with the constant wonder and worry about each visit to the doctor is a much greater burden to bear. You are the one showing great character to be with her and strong by her side. To be able to do that over the long haul must be extremely difficult. I do hope she gets better and enjoy all of your time together.
Thank you once again Craig for the kind words. It is not so much that my Mom has cancer, but that all she does is keep telling me she is in pain.

Here I am more or less powerless to do anything about it. Yeah, I can call her doctors and kinda get in their $h*t. But the truth is, all they do is look at you..........WTF???? For some reason, most of her doctors act like you are
NOT even there. Just come in, get your treatment, and then go home.

I mean are the treatments working? Why is my Mom in so much pain??? Anyways, she is suffering and it is ripping me apart. One day, I hope that we as a nation can wipe cancer off of the map! Just remember that this forum is full of great people and in some way we all are a family. Hang in there and keep your chin up.
