True, but people will always be attracted to the land of Bose and honey.
Jokes aside, here's my take on the situation (at least for today...well, for right now):
I'm not against people in general. People who want to try and make a better life for themselves and work for it - that's good stuff. If someone comes here, does work, doesn't put any burden on our financial structure, and wants to send money back home - I've got no problem with that. Americans are very generous in helping out other countries, so the situation of someone sending money back home to their families seems to fall into the same area for me.
What I am against are people who take advantage of the system and extract resources at the expense of others. I don't care if the freeloaders are illegal aliens or U.S. citizens - a thief is a thief. I am quite bothered by the illegal alien part because being this close to Mexico, I hear stories from friends in the medical field about illegals putting a strain on the medical system here and then just going back to Mexico. Apparently, they cannot be denied care. Yet, I have elderly friends down the street who suffer because the system bounces them around before ever helping them, probably because of insurance rules. Torques me off.
The attitude of entitlement aggravates me. I think that's a big difference between the first group that I described (who work for and earn what they have) and the second group (who take from others).