billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
FWIW there is a 1 in 5 chance that Palin could become President because of McCains age and health:eek:. Now that is scary.


Audioholic Slumlord
FWIW there is a 1 in 5 chance that Palin could become President because of McCains age and health:eek:. Now that is scary.
When was the last time a president died while in office? Not counting assasination.


Audioholic General
Im sure eveyone sees it differently, but my opinion of either VP candidate dont hinge on the fact that they dont know how their respective running mate voted on all things in their career. Couric was out for ratings...nothing more. she proved nothing to me by asking that question. I want to know how the VP candidates will act on the real issues, not how well they know their running mates voting history. By all means if anyone wants to hold it against Palin or Biden dont let me stop ya.

Knowing how ones running mate voted is only a tiny piece of the big picture. Her responses there as well as her responses and speeches elsewhere point out to me a serious lack of experience and lack of understanding. Couric may have been out to get ratings but she did make a point when she questioned Palin directly on a claim Palin had previously made, that was something Palin should know about and have a response to. She failed to really support her campaigning point about how McCain can push for more oversight, instead just calling him a maverick.

If you can't be prepared to be questioned about something you're using as a campaigning talking point, don't talk about it. In that respect and others I've found her at times to be naive.

I'm as curious to see how she fares in the VP debate as I am to see how Biden does. I'm not thrilled with either of the major party candidates to be honest.

When was the last time a president died while in office? Not counting assasination.
How does that factor in? McCain doesn't look healthy to me... doesn't matter what has happened in the past.


Audioholic Slumlord
How does that factor in? McCain doesn't look healthy to me... doesn't matter what has happened in the past.
IMO how he looks to you (and me) is what doesn't matter. What's happened in the past should be an indication that these people get the worlds very best health care. You've got the most talented medical people in the world keeping him ticking. Even if his mind goes, these magicians will make it okay. It is a case of IMO but the past has always been a great indicator of the future.
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Audioholic Chief
They should, you'd be surprised at how many people get their news from them.
Nod. Comedy Central and Google News for me.

I can't watch regular news programming. The hosts are such d-bags I can't take it.


Audioholic General
IMO how he looks to you (and me) is what doesn't matter. What's happened in the past should be an indication that these people get the worlds very best health care. You've got the most talented medical people in the world keeping him ticking. Even if his mind goes, these magicians will make it okay. It is a case of IMO but the past has always been a great indicator of the future.
There's only so much medicine can do. It does matter to me and I think it should matter to other people. Certainly I know many others who are concerned about his health and the prospect of him lasting through four years of being president. And, even if his physical health shouldn't fail, his mental capabilities have been of growing concern to me, although seeing him at the debate dod ease my concerns there a bit as he seemed more together and coherent than he has at many recent speeches.

I can't watch regular news programming.
I don't bother to watch many of the major news outlets anymore. Most of the reporting is sensationalist nonsense and what isn't is so biased (which way it leans depends on the news channel) that it's just is not worth listening to.


Audioholic Slumlord

With all due respect, look at Reagan. On his worst day he still sounded smarter than you know who. Let's keep that between the two of us though. I wouldn't want to start any trouble ... hehehe ... :D

Edit: They kept Chenney alive through 57 heart attacks and 9 strokes.
McCain is an olympian compared to him! :D
I gotta knock this off. I'm a democrat for Pete's sake!
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billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
When was the last time a president died while in office? Not counting assasination.
When was the last time a 72yr old was elected President?

PS:I must respectively disagree, Doctors aren't GOD. Having recently lost my in-laws I can relate to how fast the condition of people in their 70's can change.


Audioholic Slumlord
When was the last time a 72yr old was elected President?

PS:I must respectively disagree, Doctors aren't GOD. Having recently lost my in-laws I can relate to how fast the condition of people in their 70's can change.
I am sorry for your loss.

I don't want McCain in and as far as I'm concerned Sarah can go back to chewing blubber. 'Nuf said on that but your inlaws weren't getting the kind of medical attention he's getting. Professional atheletes get the kind of care normal people can only dream of. The top dog of the world's most powerful country is getting alien meds for all I know. I just think that his health concerns have been well addressed. There's nothing to be done anyway.
Obama is unelectable.


Audioholic Spartan
Have you been listening to the same interviews? She's unable to respond with specifics, instead she provides canned responses.
I'm still waiting for some reporter to ask to even ask Obama a specific question or ask him to explain how his pleasant generalities translate into policy action. Obama has never been pressed by the media the way Palin has, except maybe by Bill O'Reilly but even O'Reilly let him off pretty easy. He very well could become president without ever giving a specific answer to a tough question, nor ever telling the electorate what he will do once elected.


Audioholic General
I'm still waiting for some reporter to ask to even ask Obama a specific question or ask him to explain how his pleasant generalities translate into policy action. Obama has never been pressed by the media the way Palin has, except maybe by Bill O'Reilly but even O'Reilly let him off pretty easy. He very well could become president without ever giving a specific answer to a tough question, nor ever telling the electorate what he will do once elected.
He has definitely been treated pretty nicely by the media.

I think he's given some more specifics lately but I still have a hard time figuring out what exactly he and McCain really plan to do.


So have some of the other Democrats on the failures of the Freddie & Fannie. I was watching clips from 2004 where Barney Frank and others were almost indignant about the agencies needing reform. These are direct quotes... not taken out of context:

"I see no cause for concern..." ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''

Funny how the media even gives this guy, and Dodd and others a free pass on this when their committee, The Financial Services Committee, failed in every way and did not even want to respond to concerns brought up not only by the Bush Admin and specifically McCain, but by other Democrats as well.


Audioholic Spartan
So have some of the other Democrats on the failures of the Freddie & Fannie. I was watching clips from 2004 where Barney Frank and others were almost indignant about the agencies needing reform. These are direct quotes... not taken out of context:

"I see no cause for concern..." ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''

Funny how the media even gives this guy, and Dodd and others a free pass on this when their committee, The Financial Services Committee, failed in every way and did not even want to respond to concerns brought up not only by the Bush Admin and specifically McCain, but by other Democrats as well.

Here is a clip:
All politics aside; it's really divisive how bias the media is.
It's really sad that most people will never know the truth.
This whole bailout problem, has it's roots in a "Social Engineering" scheme.


The goal was originally to help the poor get into a house AFFORDABLEY.

Instead of building housing that were AFFORDABLE and letting conventional 30 year fixed interest loans be handed out... It was a trickle down theory. Put a ton of bureaucracy between the government and the citizens it was trying to help.

It's the whole trying to break the cycle of: Poverty, Illiteracy, Under/Uneducated peoples.

Fixed cost housing co-ops aren't a new idea. There are example of where they work. What really happened is that banks were supposed to loosen up lending requirements a bit to help those more in need. What really happened is $$ was being made for the QUANTITY of transactions. Not the quality.

Banks, brokers, investors all became so open minded that their brain fell out. It was about how many applications they could get approved. Then when it was underwritten by someone like Freddie/Fannie they could wash their hands of it.
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Here is a clip:
All politics aside; it's really divisive how bias the media is.
It's really sad that most people will never know the truth.
This whole bailout problem, has it's roots in a "Social Engineering" scheme.

It's just funny how most liberals won't ever concede anything questionable about what goes on. I'm certainly a conservative Republican and I make my living in the Finance & Economic industry. The thing is, I consider myself very critical of the current administration. I for one think they've totally failed on the immigration issue. Yet you won't ever hear me defend it, spin it, or rationalize it away. I call it like I see it and I don't care whether it's an R or a D in front of their titles.

What I can't stand is the gamemanship, and the outright lies that are spoken and circulated. I can't stand that someone like Barney Frank can actually feel free to be arrogant... today... about his arrogance of yesterday. I can't stand it that no one will question why Frank Raines is Obama's Sr. Economics advisor. How is it that you can blame everyone else accept yourselves? I think McCain completely failed in the debate when he didn't just rail on Obama about that and didn't respond to Obama's constant statement starter, "Like George Bush you...." McCain failed when he did interrupt him the first time he said that and said to him " to say I'm always in agreement with Bush is like saying you are in agreement with Rev. Right. You sat there for 20 years and had him marry you."

I find it striking that even with a vast majority of the media dry humping his leg at every opportunity, he still can't garner the support of 50% of US for any extended period of time. If the media was just a bit more objective and reported and/or questioned many of the unanswered issues with Obama, maybe people would have more cause to pause. If they still choose him after that... than great... I respect that... but there's too much bias for most people to say they have a comprehensive understanding of both candidates.

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