

Seriously, I have no life.
Sadly, she wouldn't even be good at that. She doesn't believe in birth control or condoms, even between married people. :rolleyes: My school taught us to use condoms, and I remember sneaking some from my dad when I lost my viriginity. If I hadn't been taught that, maybe I'd have ended up like Sarah Palins 17 year old daughters boyfriend.

Speaking of that, what's with them locking up condoms at CVS's? I feel like I'm buying hardcore porn whenever I need a box. And I always have to ask the old lady that works there to get them for me. It's just awkward. She gives you that "sinner" look.
I need to commend you on that thinking process, seriously.:D
Europe has an extensive education program on it and the lowest out of marriage births, I believe. That would mean much lower abortions as well.:D I thought they liked that:D

Ask CVS why they are locked up? Ask if you have to be 18;) or what. Unless, it is the owners there who have a religious conviction and lock it up:eek:


Seriously, I have no life.
This is the second interview that I have watched all the way through with Palin.

I think she is a sincere person. I don't think she is VP material. She simply doesn't have the experience nor the education.
Yes, sounds sincere but way out of her league in that position.


Seriously, I have no life.
Speaking of VP debates, anybody else remember Admiral Stockdale as fondly as I do?? :D (I can't get youtube at work- could somebody post the famous hearing aid clip please?)

After the fact edit- I just read Stockdale's entry on Wikipedia (, I highly suggest you read it. I never realized exactly what that man went through in his life and how smart he actually was- check out the Dennis Miller quote about 2/3 down the page.

That was a sad debate if it was a debate at all.


Senior Audioholic
If I hadn't been taught that, maybe I'd have ended up like Sarah Palins 17 year old daughters boyfriend.
Yeah like Palins daughter or Obamas Mother....The drunkard mother she became. She got pregnant out of wedlock too. Or like Palins daughters boyfriend or Obamas Drunkard father.....who died in an automobile accident due to the fact he was drunk! His dad was married to her later even though he was already married to other women at the about trash! everyone seems to want to use Palins daughter as a point of fault with her. If a person fails to remember all of Obamas family woes during the finger pointing, that makes a person a hypocrite.

Im not slamming on people who come from broken homes, or whos family contains alcoholics. I grew up in a home with all of the above accept none of my siblings got pregnant on enpregnated anyone out of wedlock. All im saying is dont talk crap about Palin when Obama has an even worse history when it comes to family.

If anything i think Obamas past makes him a stronger person with stronger character than people who grew up in fairy tale homes.



Senior Audioholic
Ask CVS why they are locked up? Ask if you have to be 18;) or what. Unless, it is the owners there who have a religious conviction and lock it up:eek:
Im pretty sure if you ask that question....the answer you will get is "because people will steal them if we dont lock them up". The cost of condoms is high when you are young and full of sexual energy. :D

I dont know how it is in your area, but here if you go to the Health Department, they give out as many as you want. With no age discrepancy.



Audioholic Chief
Yeah like Palins daughter or Obamas Mother....The drunkard mother she became. She got pregnant out of wedlock too. Or like Palins daughters boyfriend or Obamas Drunkard father.....who died in an automobile accident due to the fact he was drunk! His dad was married to her later even though he was already married to other women at the about trash! everyone seems to want to use Palins daughter as a point of fault with her. If a person fails to remember all of Obamas family woes during the finger pointing, that makes a person a hypocrite.

Im not slamming on people who come from broken homes, or whos family contains alcoholics. I grew up in a home with all of the above accept none of my siblings got pregnant on enpregnated anyone out of wedlock. All im saying is dont talk crap about Palin when Obama has an even worse history when it comes to family.

If anything i think Obamas past makes him a stronger person with stronger character than people who grew up in fairy tale homes.

The difference is that Palin is running for vice president and Obamas mother isn't. The fact that her daughter got pregnant at 17 wouldn't bother me so much if her mother believed in condoms, birth control and real sex education, because then I could say it was probably her daughters fault and not hers.

Fairy tale homes are the exception, not the norm. I'm not asking for magic, I'm asking for reason.


Senior Audioholic
The difference is that Palin is running for vice president and Obamas mother isn't. The fact that her daughter got pregnant at 17 wouldn't bother me so much if her mother believed in condoms, birth control and real sex education, because then I could say it was probably her daughters fault and not hers.

Fairy tale homes are the exception, not the norm. I'm not asking for magic, I'm asking for reason.

It sounds like everyone thinks we as parents can slap chastity belts on our kids...we cant. We have to teach them the values that are right and hope when they get to the age when they think they know more than us, they will remember what we instilled in them as they became young adults. You cannot blame Palin for her daughters unwed pregnancy. You dont even know her, and if you did ill bet you would have a different opinion of her.

As a Christian im betting she taught her daughter abstinence. And before you say that is wrong, let me say this....if she taught her to use condoms instead of abstinence, it would be as good as telling her it is ok to have sex as a teen as long as you practice safe sex. Im teaching my kid that. Im gonna teach abstinence. im also gonna teach the importance of waiting until she is married to have sex. If anyone blames Palin for her daughters pregnacy, they are wrong.....simple as that.

Last edited:


Senior Audioholic
The difference is that Palin is running for vice president and Obamas mother isn't.
You are absolutely correct Obamas momma is not running for vice president. One could argue that Obamas family life would play more of a role in ones upbringing and family values as an adult, than Plains. And i dont mean in a positve way. Example, how can an man who grew up with Obamas family life be in touch with American family values? Theres more to the Political office than foriegn affairs and the economic health of the country. Those are the two deciding factors for me but what about those who dont rely on those two issues alone? Bottom line You and me dont know how Palin raised her daughter. We only speculate because her kid is pregnant. However we do know how Obama was raised, It isnt pretty. I dont hold it against him, some do. I also dont hold Palins daughter being pregnant against Palin either.

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.-John 8:7



Audioholic Chief
It sounds like everyone thinks we as parents can slap chastity belts on our kids...we cant. We have to teach them the values that are right and hope when they get to the age when they think they know more than us, they will remember what we instilled in them as they became young adults. You cannot blame Palin for her daughters unwed pregnancy. You dont even know her, and if you did ill bet you would have a different opinion of her.

As a Christian im betting she taught her daughter abstinence. And before you say that is wrong, let me say this....if she taught her to use condoms instead of abstinence, it would be as good as telling her it is ok to have sex as a teen as long as you practice safe sex. Im teaching my kid that. Im gonna teach abstinence. im also gonna teach the importance of waiting until she is married to have sex. If anyone Palin for her daughters pregnancy, they are wrong.....simple as that.


I know you can't slap a chastity belt on your kids, humans are so horny at 17 they are about to burst. What I do believe in is teaching your kids to use condoms and practice safe sex. There is nothing wrong with abstinence. However, teaching that without teaching what to do if they decide not to practice abstinence, is stupid. Because most kids want to have sex, and it is as simple as that, and the thought of not having sex until you find the right person, for most people, is too long to wait. And the only reason I bring up her daughter is because if she has living proof in her house that abstinance only sex education doesn't work, you'd think she would perhaps give condoms a chance.


Senior Audioholic
I know you can't slap a chastity belt on your kids, humans are so horny at 17 they are about to burst. What I do believe in is teaching your kids to use condoms and practice safe sex. There is nothing wrong with abstinence. However, teaching that without teaching what to do if they decide not to practice abstinence, is stupid. Because most kids want to have sex, and it is as simple as that, and the thought of not having sex until you find the right person, for most people, is too long to wait. And the only reason I bring up her daughter is because if she has living proof in her house that abstinance only sex education doesn't work, you'd think she would perhaps give condoms a chance.
Im sure that if her daughter watches tv at all she knows what a condom is for. I KNOW that television isnt a means of sex ed, but c'mon thats where i learned it:p:D




I think Palin is going to be very impressive at the debate. I think she's a very good speaker and is about to take over this country. If she bombs then I'll promise not to use my Home Theater for a week. Go beauty queen!


Audioholic General
I love how liberals are so afraid of Palin that even when she makes absolute sense in answering questions and they don't like her answers they say she is not qualified or Mcain should keep her locked up. That would make the bleeding heart liberals in this country happy but it won't happen. Winston Churchill once said ""When your in your twenty's and not a liberal you have no heart, but if your in your thirties and aren't a conservative you have no brain"" How true that statement is...........
Have you been listening to the same interviews? She's unable to respond with specifics, instead she provides canned responses. I actually laughed when they responed to Couric that McCain was a Maverick as a response to her questions about his past achievements. That's not an answer but it will probably appeal to McCain's stronger supporters. I am very curious to see how she does in the debate with Biden, I'm also curious to see how Biden does.

There were some interesting surprises in last Fridays presidential debate, McCain certainly sounded better than he does in most of his speeches but I've got plenty of concerns about how both of them performed.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
I think the modern problem and demise of politics came when Bill Clinton took office and embraced celebrity. He was really the first modern president to consider himself one of the Hollywood elite."
This was only tongue-in-cheek as I was only drawing this parallel with R.R. because he in fact came from that circle and Clinton had the same appeal.:)
RR a camera hog:rolleyes: Pelosi and others are selling books while in office, wine and dine with the cash cows, use the media to sell personal and political agenda, hold hemselves above most americans while cliaming they are their very hope, tiss tiss, RR was a bad choice to use;)
This was not a knock on Reagan because he was an excellent President and I respected him. As for your congressional leaders they have very little star status outside of America..;)
I think Palin is going to be very impressive at the debate. I think she's a very good speaker and is about to take over this country. If she bombs then I'll promise not to use my Home Theater for a week. Go beauty queen!
She'll be okay as long as her answers don't sound like this:eek:!
Have you been listening to the same interviews?* She's unable to respond with specifics, instead she provides canned responses.* I actually laughed when they responed to Couric that McCain was a Maverick as a response to her questions about his past achievements.* That's not an answer but it will probably appeal to McCain's stronger supporters.* I am very curious to see how she does in the debate with Biden, I'm also curious to see how Biden does.There were some interesting surprises in last Fridays presidential debate, McCain certainly sounded better than he does in most of his speeches but I've got plenty of concerns about how both of them performed.
The VP debates will be entertaining to say the least. IMO the clear winner will be the VP candidate who won't trip over their tongue.:D


Audioholic General
Have you been listening to the same interviews? She's unable to respond with specifics, instead she provides canned responses. I actually laughed when they responed to Couric that McCain was a Maverick as a response to her questions about his past achievements. That's not an answer but it will probably appeal to McCain's stronger supporters. I am very curious to see how she does in the debate with Biden, I'm also curious to see how Biden does.

There were some interesting surprises in last Fridays presidential debate, McCain certainly sounded better than he does in most of his speeches but I've got plenty of concerns about how both of them performed.
I shouldn't post when I'm not really awake yet. Typos!


Senior Audioholic
Have you been listening to the same interviews? She's unable to respond with specifics, instead she provides canned responses. I actually laughed when they responed to Couric that McCain was a Maverick as a response to her questions about his past achievements. That's not an answer but it will probably appeal to McCain's stronger supporters. I am very curious to see how she does in the debate with Biden, I'm also curious to see how Biden does.

There were some interesting surprises in last Fridays presidential debate, McCain certainly sounded better than he does in most of his speeches but I've got plenty of concerns about how both of them performed.
Im sure eveyone sees it differently, but my opinion of either VP candidate dont hinge on the fact that they dont know how their respective running mate voted on all things in their career. Couric was out for ratings...nothing more. she proved nothing to me by asking that question. I want to know how the VP candidates will act on the real issues, not how well they know their running mates voting history. By all means if anyone wants to hold it against Palin or Biden dont let me stop ya.



Audioholic Ninja
Is the VP debate going to be broadcast by Comedy Central as usual :D

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