

Audioholic Jedi
I flipped out on my mom because she promised my nephew a trip to Disney World if he pulled all c's on his last report card...
All C's? Sweet. I think that I would have gotten a one-way ticket to Painsville if I got all C's, with a layover in Beat Town.


Senior Audioholic
The Obama camp keeps bringing up the Bush administration. Like we dont already know hes not gonna be remembered kindly. We want to know what "change" he actually plans to bring, other than more taxes and gun control laws. Biden sounded like a broken record "During the Bush administration......"

Palin showed lack of experience during the debate but, Heck :D she is inexperienced.

I dont know how you guys feel about it, but i would much rather have the inexperience in the VP role with Palin, than in the role of President with Obama.

I would have felt a whole lot better about voting the Rep ticket If he would have picked one of the better qualified candidates for his VP. It could have been a Slam dunk for him if it were so.


P.S.-How about the coverage of the debate, thats all te news i can find on tv, almost like nothing else in the world is happening:rolleyes:
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Audioholic Jedi
I had a difficult time watching any part of the debate in which she was speaking. I don't like watching people struggle, and that's what it seemed like she was doing to me. Maybe I missed some real gems of confidence, but the parts that I saw made me uncomfortable...for her. Biden was a pleasure to watch, as he seemed to be in his element.

As others have mentioned for themselves, this is going to be a difficult vote for me.


Audioholic Spartan
These conversations would be a lot more palateable if they weren't so predictable. You don't have to let anyone know you're a Democrat... you're tone and the words you choose are pretty indicative of most liberals today. I know you're an intelligent and passionate guy but when you just offer up that stuff.. it just hurts your credibility in my eyes and makes not want to even bother listening to what you have to say. It just makes me tune out. Not that you need to impress me or anything, but I get the feeling you could add some valuable insight. It just all gets lost with that typical kind of commentary.

Do you really think someone who's a governor of our largest oil producing state which has reaped significant benefits since her tenure could really be an idiot? You really think that?
Ok, maybe the word "idiot" was a bit harsh. But she definitely comes off as unimpressive and VERY ordinary. She didn't seem any smarter than any other woman I bump into on a daily basis. And as I said, I want my elected officials to be the cream of the crop. But maybe seeming to be "one of us" is her shtick, like Bush. I'm sorry, but I hate that.

And not to be rude or anything, but how much credibility I have in your eyes doesn't mean a whole lot to me. Life's too short to worry about what someone on the internet, that I'll never meet, thinks.


Audioholic Spartan
The Obama camp keeps bringing up the Bush administration. Like we dont already know hes not gonna be remembered kindly. We want to know what "change" he actually plans to bring, other than more taxes and gun control laws. Biden sounded like a broken record "During the Bush administration......"

Palin showed lack of experience during the debate but, Heck :D she is inexperienced.
I kept saying to myself, "How?", all through the debate. That's one thing that really bugs me about campaigning and debating; everyone just speaks in generalities.

"We're going to put government back to work for the people."


"Change is coming."


"We've got to put America back to work."


"We're going to make America respected in the world again."


Enough with the rhetoric and sound bites. Tell me how you're going to make things better!!!
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Audioholic Jedi
Life's too short to worry about what someone on the internet, that I'll never meet, thinks.
You clearly have more going on in your life than I do. :D

I agree with you on Palin's performance. She seemed very unimpressive, at least the comments that I could make myself sit through.


Audioholic Spartan
You clearly have more going on in your life than I do. :D
Yeah, I guess, to my detriment, that I can come off as an *******, but I just don't see the point in being worried about other people's opinions, (family and friends excluded, of course). I honestly don't mean to offend people, but I realize that sometimes I do. But oh well. You either like me or you don't. No skin off my nose.


Audioholic Spartan
He made one reference to France in regards to Bosnia and now he's the king of France:rolleyes:.
My post was a comment on Joe Biden referring to himself in the third person. The reference to France was incidental. I just found it odd to see how Joe Biden referred numerous times to Joe Biden, saying what Joe Biden said or what Joe Biden did. Most people would say "I said this" or "I did that". But Joe Biden wants you to know that Joe Biden said or did this or that. I just think he likes to hear his own name.;)

She didn't seem any smarter than any other woman I bump into on a daily basis.
Perv!!!:eek: How many a day are we talking about daily and how many slapped you for it???:D:D:D


Audioholic Spartan
Perv!!!:eek: How many a day are we talking about daily and how many slapped you for it???:D:D:D
That's why I'm thinking of moving to Japan. You can grope women all the time on the trains and get away with it. :D


Audioholic Spartan

The Land of the Rising Sun!!
I LOVE me the Japanese ladies!!!

This is how bad it is over there, (or good depending on your point of view),
they have signs about it.

Beware of perverts


I LOVE me the Japanese ladies!!!

This is how bad it is over there, (or good depending on your point of view),
they have signs about it.

Beware of perverts
Well look at this... you and I... joking around. Who woooda thunk!:D

I've read that they go around pulling the tops of chicks down while they're buddy's film it... and they actually play those clips on candid tv shows. That's just crazy. I've never been over there, but I'd like to visit Japan and China someday. I have to admit that I was pretty impressed with Bejing during the olympics. It's a shame it's such an oppressive nation.


That debate did nothing. I think it underscored that Obama is indeed a most elegant speaker, who has trouble saying anything of substance, and McCain could do little more than rehash the same slogans and catch phrases of the past 3-4 weeks. It was a loser in every way. I think both missed major opportunities to question each other. I think Brokaw purposely steered the debate away from character and judgement issues, but that's to be expected and the McCain camp should've been able to effectively deal with that. They didn't. Of all the tens of thousands of questions that I'm sure poured in, I find it remarkable that Brokaw could have uniformly picked the most boring and generalistic questions you could ask.


Audioholic Ninja
I think McCain made the bigger mistake. Obama is marching towards a win so he's quite content with the status quo and isn't going to go out on a limb. McCain needed to shake things up a bit in a good way and he didn't change anything. The moderator is the reason the debate was so stale; he stunk IMO.


Audioholic Spartan
Hands down, the best part of the debate was Tom Brokaw saying, "Hey, you schmucks are blocking the teleprompter." :D


Full Audioholic
Yeah that was a laugh-out-loud moment for me. They walked right in front of the camera too that was focused on Tom at the end, they cut away pretty quick though.

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