Just in case you hadn't noticed, this is a pretty republican play ground. IMO.
Really? I find it a little skewed to the left, as a rule. There's only a few Conservatives that I see here regularly. After all, we need to have some members who understand economics to explain it to the Democrats.
And most of the members thank God for their gear.

You see what I'm getting at?
I don't think this is the source of Joe's particular issue. It may be the only issue Joe and I agree on. I've made it pretty clear that I don't think God exists either but never got negative rep for it. How can Christians punish us for non-believing. After all, they need people like us so they can feel better about their own beliefs.
BTW, I've only ever given out one red chicklet and that was to somebody repeatedly advocating something that was literally dangerous. I've never left Joe a steaming red chicklet in a burning paper bag on his front porch, then rang the doorbell and ran away. Nope, that wasn't me...not me at all...seriously.