Easy tigers, I put in the smiley to indicate it was just a tongue in cheek little joke. But as they say, there's a little truth to every joke so let me explain where I'm coming from.
I would say that Alex has been raised to believe that if he is good, he will go to heaven and that if he is bad, he will go to hell. Non believers are held out as an example of those who will not receive the benefit of heaven. Alex is going to heaven. Dave is going to hell. I certainly have to think that Alex feels better about himself thinking that he will go to heaven, unlike my damned (literally) heathen self. The only thing that could make Alex feel better about himself is if he could convert me to the faith so that I might join him is heaven. But he can't do that without me, so yes, Christians rely on people like me to feel better about their religion.
Freak, my whole family is uber-religious, from a Baptist minister to born-again evangelicals and Presbyterians. All good people and good Christians, to be sure. Most of my friends have also been quite religious, yet we all get along just fine. I hope you don't take my wink-wink nudge-nudge sense of humor as an attempt to insult or degrade anybody. There can't be good without evil, sometimes I think that it's my role in life to make the good people feel good.