Then I asked her to turn on the Def Techs BP7004 ($849). There was no comparison for me. I preferred Def Tech. I switched back and forth between the 7004’s and the WF-35s. No comparison for me. Def Tech had it.
Martin Logan Preface speakers at $750 were then tuned on but they sounded horrible. She agreed and said their must be a connection issue. Then we popped on the Def Tech BP7002 ($1200) and I said, check please!! What a difference between the 7002 and the 7004. Throughout all of the speaker/receiver changes (and there were an awfully lot over 2+ hours) I had the 650 watt Def Tech sub LDAA ($700) on.
The center used was the Def Tech is CLR2002. This thing is HUGE!!! 21” wide and 12” deep. No way will this fit on a shelf on my entertainment center, nor is there enough room on top. I don’t have my TV on the wall. Bummer!! I would not be able to get this if I wnet the Def tech route.
Surrounds were the Def 1000’s.
At least for today, it was Pioneer & Def Tech. I just saw an add for Klipsch RF82’s ($1099) for the almost the same price as the 7002. It will be sweet to compare the 7002 to this model but not having them side by side will be challenging. Too late in the day to do it today.