OK, I'm an idiot, or so I am told!! First post here.



Full Audioholic
In the long run the display will not matter as I will have all my gear in a closet so I wont see the display anyway but 400-500 bucks off of a top-line AVR is going to be hard to beat so I would consider this if I was the OP..
+1 I got my RX-V1500 just when the 1600's came out, and paid $750 for it (the 1500's were around $1300 in canada for a while)...


Audioholic Jedi
That advise didn't work for you. You purchased a Definitive system. :rolleyes:
Ha, ha, ha.

Very funny.

I forgot to laugh.:rolleyes:

It just so happens that I love my Definitive system.

And that's the most important thing of all - you have to love the way your system sounds. No matter what anyone else says, you live with your system everyday.

In fact, my plan is to get 3 more BP7000SC speakers to replace my BP7001SCs and CLR3000.

So there!:p

I cannot tell you enough how awesome my speakers sound!:D

Everytime I listen to my system, I have this BIG GRIN on my face like this: :D:D:D:D:D

And that is a mighty big grin!:)


Audioholic Jedi
Hey, dont pick on him, he did all his research, his ears just don't work all that well:eek::D
Well, another thing is, I bought my speakers BEFORE I even joined this forum. That's right. So, therefore, I am exempt from this rule.:D

I've had my speakers for over a year now, and if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would get 5 BP7000SCs.:D

Greg, man, for crying out loud, just go over to Marvin Electronics after work today and just listen to the BP7001SCs!!!!!

Please do that!!!

Could you do that?:D


Audioholic Overlord
I am going there tomorrow to see how big the volume display is on the 1900 so maybe I will check out the DTs but I dont really want to:eek:
Well, another thing is, I bought my speakers BEFORE I even joined this forum. That's right. So, therefore, I am exempt from this rule.:D

I've had my speakers for over a year now, and if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would get 5 BP7000SCs.:D

Greg, man, for crying out loud, just go over to Marvin Electronics after work today and just listen to the BP7001SCs!!!!!

Please do that!!!

Could you do that?:D


Audioholic Spartan
You must join the dark side and purchase the evil black speakers... /jedi mind trick


Audioholic Intern
Update from today...

I went out today armed with a few CD’s. Genesis (track 4-Second Home by the Sea) – all instrumental , Hearts Greatest Hits (Dreamboat Annie, and the acoustic version of Dog & Butterfly. And to completely change gears, and what really brought other customers into the room was Van Halen’s Greatest Hits cranked loud :eek:.

First, I prefer the sound of Pioneer (the new elite 03 - $899) over Denon (2808 - $799). Yamaha 1800 ($899) is a close to 2nd and to be honest, I would be happy with either the Yamaha or the Pioneer, but I spent the majority of the time with the Pioneer on. I’m told that the Pioneer 1018 that they did not have, is comparable to the 03 and a better fit for what I need, (not alot). That unit is $599.

The Direct something or other feature on the Pioneer was outstanding in 2 channel and when playing the torpedo attack scene in U-571 I thought I had died and gone to heaven. The sound was absolutely amazing. Adam posted some real good stuff yesterday and helped me from dropping too much on a receiver out of the gate. After today, I’d rather spend an extra $1000 on speakers than buy a $1700 receiver. Thanks Adam.

When I walked in today, the employees saw my 3 CD cases and came right over. I still looked like the bum I do on my days off, but someone posted earlier that CD’s would spark interest. Boy did it. I had 2 people wanting to help me.

I walked in and said, “I need a receiver and speakers for $4K.” I’m taking my wife on a much needed vacation with the other $2K I was planning on using.

Ebony started to fine tune a Denon 3808 while the movie was loading. I asked her to use the 2808 instead to compare apples to apples. The sound was good, real good. The movie was U-571, I played the scene where they were being attacked at sea. Ok, I had her switch from the Denon to the Pioneer and the difference was clear and obvious to even a beginner like me.

Every inch of the room seemed to come alive. Really good sound (Denon) was now Outstanding balls to the wall sound (Pioneer). It was unbelievable :D:D:D. I had never heard such noise outside of a movie theater. My poor Bose speakers were crying.

I shut the movie off and put in my Genesis CD, and took the center channel out of the mix. The song, 'Second Home by the Sea' is a killer song from 1983 that was always great to listen to as the night went into day. It never sounded better than it did today.

I started with Klipsch WF-34 ($600 ea). They were good. I then went up to Klipsch WF-35 ($750 ea). Better, fuller sound, nice. Then I asked her to turn on the Def Techs BP7004 ($849). There was no comparison for me. I preferred Def Tech. I switched back and forth between the 7004’s and the WF-35s. No comparison for me. Def Tech had it.

Martin Logan Preface speakers at $750 were then tuned on but they sounded horrible. She agreed and said their must be a connection issue. Then we popped on the Def Tech BP7002 ($1200) and I said, check please!! What a difference between the 7002 and the 7004. Throughout all of the speaker/receiver changes (and there were an awfully lot over 2+ hours) I had the 650 watt Def Tech sub LDAA ($700) on.

The center used was the Def Tech is CLR2002. This thing is HUGE!!! 21” wide and 12” deep. No way will this fit on a shelf on my entertainment center, nor is there enough room on top. I don’t have my TV on the wall. Bummer!! I would not be able to get this if I wnet the Def tech route. :mad:

Surrounds were the Def 1000’s.

At least for today, it was Pioneer & Def Tech. I just saw an add for Klipsch RF82’s ($1099) for the almost the same price as the 7002. It will be sweet to compare the 7002 to this model but not having them side by side will be challenging. Too late in the day to do it today.


Audioholic Spartan
When I walked in today, the employees saw my 3 CD cases and came right over. I still looked like the bum I do on my days off, but someone posted earlier that CD’s would spark interest. Boy did it. I had 2 people wanting to help me.

. . . and so it begins . . .


Audioholic Warlord
First, I prefer the sound of Pioneer (the new elite 03 - $899) over Denon (2808 - $799). Yamaha 1800 ($899) is a close to 2nd and to be honest

Some of the greatest minds in audio couldn't hear a difference between those receivers. Glad you where able to. :rolleyes:


You should really listen to the B&W speakers as well. I would chose B&W over Def Tech any day as they are not my cup of tea. Your review was very good by the way....


Audioholic Jedi

Some of the greatest minds in audio couldn't hear a difference between those receivers. Glad you where able to. :rolleyes:
Hearing a difference between the receivers could very well be based upon the way that they were set up. The auto set-up routines in those units are different...plus, the store might have (a) set some up and not the others and/or (b) tweaked some of the settings. So, in real life, the receivers can definitely sound different.

As for the Pioneer 1018, I like that unit. It's been going for around $450 at authorized online dealers. Even if you want to buy local, try to get them to price match.


Audioholic Overlord
Boy, if I owned an AV store and you came in and said "I want to buy an AVR and speakers for 4K", I would sell you an AVR and speakers for 4K. You may want to work on your negotiating skill a tad. It is fairly simple to get ~25% off this stuff if you buy a lot at once.

As far as hearing any difference in AVRs, it was probably secondary to the calibration of the different brands. I wouldnt put too much into this, just get the one that has the power you need and all the features you want.

Please dont stop after just hearing those brands of speakers. Find some B&Ws, Paradigms and Dynaudios.
Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

And if you see a pair of Revel Ultra Salon2's take a listen...$22,000 a pair, thats all.


Audioholic Jedi
Oh, no.



Let's look at the trend, shall we?

...I went to Best Buy Magnolia and after listening to the sounds in Magnolia, told myself, it was time to drop the remaining $6K.
I walked in and said, “I need a receiver and speakers for $4K.” I’m taking my wife on a much needed vacation with the other $2K I was planning on using.
I predict by Wednesday, we'll be trying to pick out a $400 HTIB. By Thursday, we'll be answering the question, "If you had $28 burning a hole in your pocket, what DVD would you buy?" :D

[Just kidding around, rsd22! Family comes first.]


Audioholic Intern
Oh, no.



Let's look at the trend, shall we?



I predict by Wednesday, we'll be trying to pick out a $400 HTIB. By Thursday, we'll be answering the question, "If you had $28 burning a hole in your pocket, what DVD would you buy?" :D

[Just kidding around, rsd22! Family comes first.]
Funny!! Actually it was you who saved me over $1K with what you said about the $400 receiver thing -- made perfect sense so I re-evaluated and you were absolutely correct -- why pay for things I don't need and/or things I may use in time. So today i walked in with that mindset and said to myself that $3500 should be more than enough for my speakers. After today, I didn't see (or listen) to anything that would take me to 3500, and it sounded pretty good to the untrained ear. Still, that was one pretty funny post!! Touche.


Audioholic Spartan
I agree that you should continue to listen to more speakers, as other members have suggested. Before you cut a check, you really should hear what B&W, Paradigm, Dynaudio, PSB, Monitor Audio, Focal.JMLabs, Era and others have to offer in you price range. Once you've listened to a variety of speakers, if you still like the Definitives you can be certain that you have the best speakers for you.


Audioholic Chief
I agree that you should continue to listen to more speakers, as other members have suggested. Before you cut a check, you really should hear what B&W, Paradigm, Dynaudio, PSB, Monitor Audio, Focal.JMLabs, Era and others have to offer in you price range. Once you've listened to a variety of speakers, if you still like the Definitives you can be certain that you have the best speakers for you.
I love Era speakers. Not to mention their towers are gorgeous.


Audioholic Spartan
I love Era speakers. Not to mention their towers are gorgeous.
The issue with recommending Era for auditions is that it's very hard to find a dealer. If you don't have a local dealer, they will send speakers to you for audition if you contact them at Signal Path International. I put them in the list because they are well worth the time to audition if you have the opportunity. In many ways, I prefer my D5 over my Dynaudio, especially for rock music like the OP is using. Plus, a full 5.0 system, SVS sub and a really good receiver will fall well within the original budget.


Audioholic Chief
Era's satellites pack a big punch given their small stature. I remember talking with Signal Path and they mentioned they've had only a handful of drivers fail ever. I wouldn't mind an Era/Decco setup for my bedroom.


Audioholic Spartan
Glad to hear you liked the Def Techs, they really are awesome. If you think the CLR2002 is large, you ought to see a CLR3000, it's a lot bigger and much heavier. I think you will be very happy with the def tech system, I know I love mine, but they aren't for everyone.

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