I'm not even sure this is remotely interesting for the Audioholic community, but here it goes:
In the past couple of years I put together a budget conscious 2.0 system for my home office (roughly 13'x14' with 9'-8" ceiling. I have doors in 2 corners and a wall with floor to ceiling windows.
The system is composed of a Yamaha S-202 basic stereo receiver, an Oppo 980H DVD player that I bought new in 2003 and I use for CDs, SACDs, and DVD-A, and a Wiim Pro for streaming Amazon Music up to ultra HD, FLAC files stored in my NAS, and also as a DAC for CDs and DVD-A since the Wiim doesn't support DSD. My speakers are Dayton MK442 (Audioholics 2019 budget speaker of the year), and for architectural and spousal reasons I can't accommodate a subwoofer in the room.
My question/issue is: I absolutely love the damn thing! So much that I don't see myself justifying upgrades for years to come. I'm incredibly happy with it, but I read so many reviews about much better equipment. Does that mean I'll never have "golden ears" or that I'll never be able to hear the difference between what I have at home and what is possible with a few thousand? I'm 55, which is relevant because by now I've lost some high frequency hearing. I listen to classical, rock, some jazz, and some experimental music. I have attended countless classical music concerts in my life since my childhood, I know how it's supposed to sound. The system can go more than loud enough for me, the bass goes very deep in the room, and I can't hear any sign of strain from the receiver or the speakers. Actually I can't tell the difference between high resolution and ultra high resolution music. I can, but barely, tell the difference between a high bitrate mp3 and a FLAC.
Did I peak in terms of my ability to discern sound quality? Should I forget about audio Nirvana and never come back to Audioholics?

. This is a little tongue in cheek, but I'd love to hear some opinions. Thanks!