Are you people insane? Don’t you all remember what’s been happening for the last eight years. Lies, lies, and more lies. You talk about these two candidates and choosing between two evils, but my lord are you going to sit back and elect another George Bush. McCain is the same in a different suit. Palin she does what ever is going to push her the farthest, forget about right or wrong, just what is best for her. That isn’t about you and me. How can this country consider shooting itself in the foot again? Foreign policy doesn’t work anymore because the lack of respect we have from other countries, which is largely to blame because the stupidity of this country, voting in people like Bush. Obama may not have been my fist choice, but are Americans so afraid of change they will elect more of the same, actually more but worse. Mark my words; you put McCain in office we will be in a world war, and his lies about caring for our troops. Look at his record. Our economy? McCain doesn’t understand it, how can he help fix it. Come on people lets give someone else a chance. Besides I would love to be working and feeding my family again, trickledown economics doesn’t work anymore in the 21st century. We need new ideas and methods to stop the madness.