
Audioholic Ninja
Palin doesn't have enough time to adjust to the spotlight. In that regard, she will likely make big mistakes. Unfortunately, there isn't enough time for mistakes to fade away since the election is right around the corner. Both McCain and Obama have adjusted over the last year; Palin doesn't have that opportunity. Biden's been in the spotlight so not a complete virgin.

Obviously McCain couldn't wait to choose his VP, but he could have waited before using up all his attacks early on leaving none in reserve for the home stretch.

I agree that the news network (not just CNN and MSNBC) have done a poor job. It really disgusts me.

Palin did bring excitement to the GOP ticket for the moment, but one group that she scares are the independents. That isn't a group McCain can afford to scare off. Several polls are already showing this trend and McCain needs to get a handle on it.

All this aside, what it's really going to come down to is whether McCain can win either Ohio or Michigan. If he wins at least one, he has a better chance of winning. If he loses both, he's sunk. This will be tough as both those states have been hit hard with the down economy which typically favors democrats.
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Anyone watch her interview? I thought she did okay... not fantastic, but pretty good. I think some of the questions were setups, but I expect no less... even from Gibson. Right out of the gate, they he asked if she's ready. If she say no, then they'd be all over her, she say yes, and he accuses her of hubris (arrogrance). It was like he was so proud of himself for getting to follow that setup. It was pretty obvious. I thought the Bush Doctrine question was also kind of baiting? What doctrine? That was pretty nebulous in it's delivery and was clearly a baited question.

All in all, I think it was a fairly good interview. I think they should ask her the tough questions, but I just don't like the framing of some of them and the condescending tone. It's just so funny to see the contrast when the networks or cable new guys talk to Obama. They're all starry-eyed like 12 year old girl watching the Jonas Brothers.

The next segment will be on domestic issues and I think she'll fair better once the interview turns to more specific things as opposed to some of the broad and very vague questions and delivery. I'm anxious to see how she does. We'll see.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
She handled the Georgia joining Nato question rather well. Althought she said war could be imminent with Russia if they show aggression towards Nato allies, she also added that deploying sanctions and other restrictions often resolve these issues. As for the Bush Doctrine she should of done her homework IMO;).


You think? How?
I am thinking the VP debates is going to be one area...

I would agree if only it weren't genuine. I think the people who like her will continue to do so because she's real. Those on the left who despise her for no other reason than she's a Republican will continue to hate her, lie about her, insult her, and smear her and her family. I don't see much changing in the "Palin factor" good or bad.
Palin seems to be religiously 'fervent'. That is the biggest turn off for me out side of what the republican party has done to this country in only eight years. If you want more bankruptcy, more jobless people, more foreclosures, more deficit, I can't think of a better way then voting the GOP right back in. I am amazed at the amount of pain the American public is willing to put themselves through.

The republicans have done a very good job for their corporate masters: DMCA for the content industries and new bankruptcy laws for the credit lending industries. All designed to leave you and me hanged out to dry.


They are having trouble digging up dirt on Sarah Palin, she isn't the typical dirty politician.
Since the media’s ongoing effort to slander Palin is backfiring, the Obama campaign has dispatch an army of lawyers and private investigators to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin.
Of course she is relatively clean. She hasn't been at it that long. :rolleyes:


What exactly has the Republican party "done" to our country? I'm curious. You're not really saying Republicans are responsible for bankruptcies and foreclosures are you? Specifically, can you elaborate on that? Also, you talk about pain and what not... do you not think the Congress has some role in the "pain" you speak of? I understand what you're saying, but I not sure you understand the gears behinds the machine.

Why is a religious person, someone who believes in God, and tries to live their life that way a "turn off" for you?

"Corporate Masters?" Are you serious? Do you not think the Dems have thier own? Do you not think the trial lawyers, the major unions, and other speical interests don't own the Democrats and you really don't think the Dems have caved to their pressure? I think there is quite a bit of equality of pandoring from both sides in that regard.

Palin seems to be religiously 'fervent'. That is the biggest turn off for me out side of what the republican party has done to this country in only eight years. If you want more bankruptcy, more jobless people, more foreclosures, more deficit, I can't think of a better way then voting the GOP right back in. I am amazed at the amount of pain the American public is willing to put themselves through.

The republicans have done a very good job for their corporate masters: DMCA for the content industries and new bankruptcy laws for the credit lending industries. All designed to leave you and me hanged out to dry.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I am thinking the VP debates is going to be one area...

Palin seems to be religiously 'fervent'. That is the biggest turn off for me out side of what the republican party has done to this country in only eight years. If you want more bankruptcy, more jobless people, more foreclosures, more deficit, I can't think of a better way then voting the GOP right back in. I am amazed at the amount of pain the American public is willing to put themselves through.

The republicans have done a very good job for their corporate masters: DMCA for the content industries and new bankruptcy laws for the credit lending industries. All designed to leave you and me hanged out to dry.
Two things- first, the VP debate will have as much effect as it's ever had on the national election- which is approximately none.

Second- while I am not a democrat (nor a republican either for that matter) there are going to be more bankruptcies, jobless people, deficits, and foreclosures over the next TWO years (yes, two years) no matter who is in office. There is no policy that Obama or McCain could enact that will fix these points- and both of them know this.

Finally- the bankruptcy law that was passed in 2005 was supported by many democrats (including Joe Biden).


Two things- first, the VP debate will have as much effect as it's ever had on the national election- which is approximately none.

Second- while I am not a democrat (nor a republican either for that matter) there are going to be more bankruptcies, jobless people, deficits, and foreclosures over the next TWO years (yes, two years) no matter who is in office. There is no policy that Obama or McCain could enact that will fix these points- and both of them know this.

Finally- the bankruptcy law that was passed in 2005 was supported by many democrats (including Joe Biden).
Thank you. You've restored some of my faith. I'm beginning to think that people just can't or don't want to really understand the cause and effect of the issues that face us today. I don't know if we've just become lazy as a society or we've somehow are of the belief that the 30 second soundbite tells us all we need to know.


Palin did bring excitement to the GOP ticket for the moment, but one group that she scares are the independents. That isn't a group McCain can afford to scare off. Several polls are already showing this trend and McCain needs to get a handle on it.

I thought I saw a poll today showing the exact opposite, that independents favored her over the dems. I could be wrong though as I saw it in passing.


What exactly has the Republican party "done" to our country? I'm curious. You're not really saying Republicans are responsible for bankruptcies and foreclosures are you? Specifically, can you elaborate on that? Also, you talk about pain and what not... do you not think the Congress has some role in the "pain" you speak of? I understand what you're saying, but I not sure you understand the gears behinds the machine.
Uh, the Iraq war? Massive deregulation of financial institutions? The state of the economy is the underlying reason for bankruptcies and foreclosures. Tax breaks for the top 1% of wealth.

Why is a religious person, someone who believes in God, and tries to live their life that way a "turn off" for you?
Separation of Church and State. Believe in what you want. Leave it at home when you enter the public office. Palin believes in divine right and 'mission from God'.

"Corporate Masters?" Are you serious? Do you not think the Dems have thier own? Do you not think the trial lawyers, the major unions, and other speical interests don't own the Democrats and you really don't think the Dems have caved to their pressure? I think there is quite a bit of equality of pandoring from both sides in that regard.
At least unions typically have my interests at heart... Lets talk about trial lawyers and how tort law is totally written to favor big business.


Two things- first, the VP debate will have as much effect as it's ever had on the national election- which is approximately none.

Second- while I am not a democrat (nor a republican either for that matter) there are going to be more bankruptcies, jobless people, deficits, and foreclosures over the next TWO years (yes, two years) no matter who is in office. There is no policy that Obama or McCain could enact that will fix these points- and both of them know this.

Finally- the bankruptcy law that was passed in 2005 was supported by many democrats (including Joe Biden).
And Obama wants to repeal the bankruptcy laws passed in 05. I know the current situation isn't going to improve no matter who's in office (momentum). I would like to put someone there that is MOST likely to do something about this. I really hope no one is advocating that the current mess isn't the fault of the current administration and it's policies.


Uh, the Iraq war? Massive deregulation of financial institutions? The state of the economy is the underlying reason for bankruptcies and foreclosures. Tax breaks for the top 1% of wealth.

You really don't understand the economics behind the foreclosure issue. The tax issue is far too complicated to get into, but suffice it to say that there is no historical point in time that can be shown the tax breaks have not actually stimulated the economy. We study this stuff for a living over here in my company, so my opinions come from a place of fact and industry. But whatever, there will always be the folks who believe someone else's hard work should be taken away from them to pay for their own lesser lot in life.

Separation of Church and State. Believe in what you want. Leave it at home when you enter the public office. Palin believes in divine right and 'mission from God'.
So you're saying that if you're religious, you shouldn't be able to lead? If you're quoting what I think you are, then you're clearly taking the words out of context or don't really understand the thought behind what she was saying. Obama professess to be a "deeply religious" christian... do you have concerns there? I imagine not

At least unions typically have my interests at heart.
Do you really believe that? Have you ever owned a company? Unions have their very positive merits, but they have extended so far beyond their merits that they have artificially weakened our econcomy. They directly impede the natural course of economics in the manufacturing industry. Cars should cost half of what they do.

Anyway... I do respect your beliefs and your right to believe them. I shouldn't get on my soap box because I'm not out to change anyone's mind. I just see a lot of misunderstanding on some big issues and I find myself wanting to offer what insight I can. I think however, it always becomes a back and forth that's reduced to the same old rhetoric.

In the end, folks on both sides of the isle will always see the very same issue completely differently. And honestly, I have to keep reminding myself that it's a good thing. Debate breeds knowledge, when it's backed with a solid aunderstanding of the issues.


Audioholic Spartan
I found a page that droped from someone's 40 year old playbook:

Class warfare, race baiting, name calling and white male-hating—all with a singular goal: to get themselves in power by promoting and exploiting divisiveness.

Tell the people who expect the most, that they deserve more. Tell minorities to hate whites. Tell women to hate men. Tell the lazy to hate the motivated. Tell the poor that only a certain political party is rich, and then be sure to tell them to hate them for it.

Every issue, every situation is an opportunity to divide. History, religion, the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the death of a soldier, a political debate, the hurricane which devastated New Orleans. Every tragedy exploited to divide. Every victory belittled to divide. Every incident, every word, every distorted statistic, every holiday—you name it, they will find some way to divide it.


You really don't understand the economics behind the foreclosure issue. The tax issue is far too complicated to get into, but suffice it to say that there is no historical point in time that can be shown the tax breaks have not actually stimulated the economy. We study this stuff for a living over here in my company, so my opinions come from a place of fact and industry. But whatever, there will always be the folks who believe someone else's hard work should be taken away from them to pay for their own lesser lot in life.
I am all ears itschrs'san. First off; I own my own company. Have for 5 years now. I don't mind paying my fair share. I am trying to work smart and hard to make it big and expect nothing to be handed to me.

So you're saying that if you're religious, you shouldn't be able to lead? If you're quoting what I think you are, then you're clearly taking the words out of context or don't really understand the thought behind what she was saying. Obama professess to be a "deeply religious" christian... do you have concerns there? I imagine not
All I know is what I have seen/read. Palin is potentially a person that won't be able to leave that aspect at home. Where it belongs. My feeling is that Obama has an easier time at that separation.

Do you really believe that? Have you ever owned a company? Unions have their very positive merits, but they have extended so far beyond their merits that they have artificially weakened our econcomy. They directly impede the natural course of economics in the manufacturing industry. Cars should cost half of what they do.
I have owned a company for 5 years now. If you want to ping Unions, one only need to look at their genesis to find the root of their existence. Beware industry and the monsters they create.

Anyway... I do respect your beliefs and your right to believe them. I shouldn't get on my soap box because I'm not out to change anyone's mind. I just see a lot of misunderstanding on some big issues and I find myself wanting to offer what insight I can. I think however, it always becomes a back and forth that's reduced to the same old rhetoric.

In the end, folks on both sides of the isle will always see the very same issue completely differently. And honestly, I have to keep reminding myself that it's a good thing. Debate breeds knowledge, when it's backed with a solid aunderstanding of the issues.
Debate is great indeed. I am trying to figure out with things like DMCA,the new bankruptcy laws, ludicrous copyright extension how the citizens of this nation are BETTER served because of it. I am trying to figure out how Bush's trampling of our constitution, habeas corpus, privacy rights, due process, warrant less wiretaps etc... have benefited and been to the greater good.

Government at large could be doing a MUCH better job at serving her people.

Do you think if they never relaxed regulation of Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae that all those NINJA loans would have ever been granted?


Have you looked at who was in charge of those agencies? You might be surprised to find several prominent Clinton advisors. Folks like Frank Raines who overstated earning by over $10 billion and Jaimie Gorelick were both instrumental in the collapse and could even be later found to engaged in fraud. Do some research on how Congress failed to act and hold the agencies feet to the fire. By the way... it was a Democratic Congress.

The point I'm trying to make is that so many on left simply repeat the chant that Bush is bad, evil and responsible for all that is wrong in the world. All I'm asking is to be fair and educated in your judgement and understand that both sides have a lot of responsiblity to shoulder. Both sides to good things... both sides do bad. We can pont fingers all day long and I imagine there will be plenty for both. I just happen to agree with the thought process and methodology of conservative Republicans. I don't like redistribution of wealth and I don't like the idea of creating a society of victims. If you (not you jinjuku) were too ignorant to understand that you could not afford your mortgage when it went from $900 to $3200, then I'm not sure you deserve my sympathy nor my tax dollars to bail you out. In fact, maybe you should lose your house and maybe I'll buy it and rent it out to you. That's what happened to my neighbor who had no ability whatsoever to afford the house he bought. He's bitter and pissed and thinks it's someone else's fault that he's in the predicament he's in. How could he have ever thought the could live in our neighborhood of $400 to $800K houses for less than you can a 2 bedroom apartment for? It's ignorance and greed of the everyday ciitzen that's our biggest problem... not the government.


Audioholic Spartan
I am trying to figure out with things like DMCA,the new bankruptcy laws, ludicrous copyright extension how the citizens of this nation are BETTER served because of it. I am trying to figure out how Bush's trampling of our constitution, habeas corpus, privacy rights, due process, warrant less wiretaps etc... have benefited and been to the greater good.

Government at large could be doing a MUCH better job at serving her people.

Do you think if they never relaxed regulation of Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae that all those NINJA loans would have ever been granted?
Any president has to deal with congress.
The Democratic Controlled Congress could have stopped him anytime they wanted; they chose not to.
I'll bet you've never asked yourself why.


Senior Audioholic
He's bitter and pissed and thinks it's someone else's fault that he's in the predicament he's in. How could he have ever thought the could live in our neighborhood of $400 to $800K houses for less than you can a 2 bedroom apartment for? It's ignorance and greed of the everyday ciitzen that's our biggest problem... not the government.

Your probably gonna laugh at me for saying this, but i think some TV shows like Lifestyles of The Rich and Famous, MTV Cribs, Music Videos are partly to blame. They bring the lavish lifestyle of rich celebrities and althletes to everyones homes. People feel like they got to have it that good too. Some are willing to kill and steel for it. Others are just willing to make bad finacial decisions like interest only mortgages and whatnot.



Audioholic Spartan
No, he's not setting the stage for an exit. He was (this is obvious in context) propping up Clinton. He's well known for having a close relationship with her, and he's also somewhat known for his self-deprecating humor and modesty.

That's all it is.
My bad.
I guess I don't know them as well as you do...

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