Uh, the Iraq war? Massive deregulation of financial institutions? The state of the economy is the underlying reason for bankruptcies and foreclosures. Tax breaks for the top 1% of wealth.
You really don't understand the economics behind the foreclosure issue. The tax issue is far too complicated to get into, but suffice it to say that there is no historical point in time that can be shown the tax breaks have not actually stimulated the economy. We study this stuff for a living over here in my company, so my opinions come from a place of fact and industry. But whatever, there will always be the folks who believe someone else's hard work should be taken away from them to pay for their own lesser lot in life.
Separation of Church and State. Believe in what you want. Leave it at home when you enter the public office. Palin believes in divine right and 'mission from God'.
So you're saying that if you're religious, you shouldn't be able to lead? If you're quoting what I think you are, then you're clearly taking the words out of context or don't really understand the thought behind what she was saying. Obama professess to be a "deeply religious" christian... do you have concerns there? I imagine not
At least unions typically have my interests at heart.
Do you really believe that? Have you ever owned a company? Unions have their very positive merits, but they have extended so far beyond their merits that they have artificially weakened our econcomy. They directly impede the natural course of economics in the manufacturing industry. Cars should cost half of what they do.
Anyway... I do respect your beliefs and your right to believe them. I shouldn't get on my soap box because I'm not out to change anyone's mind. I just see a lot of misunderstanding on some big issues and I find myself wanting to offer what insight I can. I think however, it always becomes a back and forth that's reduced to the same old rhetoric.
In the end, folks on both sides of the isle will always see the very same issue completely differently. And honestly, I have to keep reminding myself that it's a good thing. Debate breeds knowledge, when it's backed with a solid aunderstanding of the issues.