

Seriously, I have no life.
So - could someone tell me what the deal was with the repeated mocking of community organizers last night? ....
When they are out of ideas, anything is fair game:eek:
A desperate attempt.

Sara was on the front page of my local paper. I happen to notice that she was wearing some sort of lapel pin, as was her husband, visible in video, but it certainly wasn't the American Flag:D So, they lambasted Obama, then the VP select on national TV doesn't, nor did not see one on John McCain. I guess being Patriot is kind of a moving target for them:D


Audioholic Spartan
Yes, you do have to give that to her. But, was that HER speech really or the party's prepared speech written some time ago for a VP, then modified to fit her:D
A politician with a prepared speech! I don't believe it!:D


Audioholic Spartan
Yes, I'm serious. I'm mystified.
If your explanation is really all there is, they are REALLY off their game.
You ask a question, I answered it, based on what I've understood from the news.
I don't have a dog in this fight; and you sound entirely too partisan to have a constructive discussion with.
Call back your attack dogs.:confused:


Audioholic General
You ask a question, I answered it, based on what I've understood from the news.
I don't have a dog in this fight; and you sound entirely too partisan to have a constructive discussion with.
Call back your attack dogs.:confused:
Now I'm REALLY mystified.

You're the one that made the baseless assertion that Obama's made fun of hockey moms, etc. That was something YOU brought to this. Not me. So don't talk about "partisan" and "attack dogs" without looking in the mirror first.

I understand your answer. It just doesn't make sense to me that the republicans would execute an attack on Obama in such a scattershot manner, aiming their mockery NOT at Obama's specific experience, but upon community organizers in general!

If your answer is THE answer, then I'm shocked the Republicans have gotten so shoddy in their attacks. They used to be an awesome, well-oiled political machine, that's all.


Audioholic General
When they are out of ideas, anything is fair game:eek:
A desperate attempt.

Sara was on the front page of my local paper. I happen to notice that she was wearing some sort of lapel pin, as was her husband, visible in video, but it certainly wasn't the American Flag:D So, they lambasted Obama, then the VP select on national TV doesn't, nor did not see one on John McCain. I guess being Patriot is kind of a moving target for them:D
I think that was an Alaskan flag pin - her handlers shouldn't have let that go through, with the AIP story still working itself out, and the Big Stink about Obama's lapel they made. "Country First" indeed :rolleyes:


Audioholic Jedi
...Republicans...used to be an awesome, well-oiled political machine, that's all.
Heh, heh. I just found that humorous, and possibly a very clever and subtle remark. :)

Hand check - I'm not arguing for either party.


Audioholic Ninja
Based on what I've been seeing, the republicans are certainly not at their best compared to the past. Last night smelled of desperation and it's clear they're off-balance.

I like the headline I just read. "McCain seeks town-hall feel to give acceptance speech." Could it be they're having trouble finding enough people to fill any real space :D

I also like the headline "Palin speech brings in $8 million...for Obama." You may like or hate Obama, but there's no denying his ability to bring in the dough.
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Audioholic Spartan
I understand your answer. It just doesn't make sense to me that the republicans would execute an attack on Obama in such a scattershot manner, aiming their mockery NOT at Obama's specific experience, but upon community organizers in general!
I'll try to help you understand. The jokes were not made at the expense of community organizers as a profession. The joke is that community organizer is the only work experience that Obama has outside of elected office. The Obama camp repeats the ridiculous claim that Palin has no experience that qualifies her to run for VP, so the joke is that being a community organizer is qualification enough to be elected State Senator, US Senator and President. The joke is that while Obama was a community organizer, Palin was I think in her thirteenth year of elected office when Obama was elected to the State Senate, yet he has the cajones to call her experience into question.

Her speech was directed at Obama's specific experience, particularly the shot about Obama publishing two memoirs, but not authoring a single law or reform. The target audience knows that Obama's resume is paper thin and his legislative record consists largely of voting "present" instead of "yes" or "no" in legislative votes. Obama's reluctance to make a decision in his legislative career is in stark contrast to Palin's legacy of making hard decisions and taking down long established vested interests. So you see, Obama's "work" record and his legislative record is a joke compared to either of the GOP candidates, nothing against community organizers in general.


Audioholic General
OK, I understand the intended message.

I don't think that's at all what came across. I - like many people - missed Romney's speech, which I now gather introduced this theme, having read up on this topic in the meantime. Unfortunately, without that context (like most people), the later jabs simply seemed like random poking at people who work to help their communities. It seemed utterly bizarre.

I find the argument that Obama is a lightweight *compared to Palin* to be preposterous, but I do at least understand the intended message

Sorry, but what I saw didn't communicate the intended message at all. This actually ties in with what I think is likely to cost the Republicans the election: their apparent shift to a "cater to the base" strategy, without a strong emphasis on catering to swing or cross-party voters. That's worked in the past for them; it won't this time.


Seriously, I have no life.
I think that was an Alaskan flag pin - her handlers shouldn't have let that go through, with the AIP story still working itself out, and the Big Stink about Obama's lapel they made. "Country First" indeed :rolleyes:
That is the whole deal. First THEY complain about it having an important symbolism and proof positive that you are a patriot, then this and silence.
Her husband had the same pin, of course. I didn't see McCains with any pins on the brief shots that I saw of that night events.


Audioholic Spartan
I find the argument that Obama is a lightweight compared to Palin to be preposterous, but I do at least understand the intended message
Now it's your turn to help me out. Please outline the highlights of Obama's career accomplishments as either a State or US Senator. What achievements has Obama performed that qualifies him to become president? I hope you know that I will give your response serious consideration. You have the opportunity to affect my view of Obama if you can provide something in the way of substantive legislative leadership on Obama's part.


Seriously, I have no life.
I think that was an Alaskan flag pin - her handlers shouldn't have let that go through, with the AIP story still working itself out, and the Big Stink about Obama's lapel they made. "Country First" indeed :rolleyes:
Same tonight, same flag for her and no American flag for McCain:eek: How unpatriotic.


Audioholic General
Now it's your turn to help me out. Please outline the highlights of Obama's career accomplishments as either a State or US Senator. What achievements has Obama performed that qualifies him to become president? I hope you know that I will give your response serious consideration. You have the opportunity to affect my view of Obama if you can provide something in the way of substantive legislative leadership on Obama's part.
Well, I actually have link to his Senate record in my post. For now, that'll have to do as i was just checking in before turning in.

Off the top of my head, there's also this, which, while full of smarmy partisan commentary, also has an very good and accurate timeline of Obama's experience and accomplishments. A good reference for Obama, if you filter the commentary. (The Palin stuff on that page...maybe not so thorough).

Not exactly stepping up to the bat personally, but as I said, I'm headed for bed now.


Audioholic Spartan
Off the top of my head, there's also this, which, while full of smarmy partisan commentary,
You're right about the smarmy commentary on that site. I would characterize Obama's career based on that timeline as that of "push". I mean push in the sense of having his career artificially advanced beyond or faster than he would naturally have risen. For instance, he gave the keynote address at the '04 Dem primary while still a state senator. That seems unusual in itself and suggests that highly influential people pulled strings to get him that extremely visible position. Then he was immediately elected to the US senate and placed on a bunch of influential committees that again seems unusual for a newly minted senator. Again, I see the hand of influence rather than experience.

All in all, I see that his career has been rushed up the ladder and his resume padded along the way, especially in his three short years as a senator (and most of that time as senator spent running for president anyway). But what I fail to see is the significant results of his career other than paving the way for the presidential nomination. I still see an empty suit with some powerful friends in the Democratic Party.


Audioholic Ninja
Quite frankly, I'm tired of hearing about McCain the hero. No one denies that, but how many others went through the same hell or worst. If this is the measure of a commander in chief, why don't we make Forest Gump president. Will being a POW put food on people's tables? Will it help stop global warming? Will it create jobs? I didn't hear anything last night except for a bunch of values talk.


Audioholic General
For instance, he gave the keynote address at the '04 Dem primary while still a state senator. That seems unusual in itself and suggests that highly influential people pulled strings to get him that extremely visible position. Then he was immediately elected to the US senate .
When he was chosen for the keynote address, he was chosen because he was currently a U.S. Senate candidate, in a year when the Dems were hoping (and barely succeeded) to take over the Senate. A lucky break for him, sure, but hardly an unusual choice requiring any more machinations than the usual choice for Keynote speaker. (This year's [borrriinngg] keynote address was also a Senate candidate.)

Beyond that he's had a brief national career, sure, that's no secret, and it's no secret than since 2004 he's been "groomed" for the national stage. But looking solely at the Senate skips over the previous 24 years of experience and accomplishment. That man is highly intelligent and accomplished, and has selflessly pursued public service when he could have made millions as a mega-star in law. He only acquired any real wealth post-2004.

If you aren't impressed by him...well, fine. I can't make you be impressed. But I hope you don't turn around and swallow the ""Best Person for the Job" talk re: Palin, then.

Conservative commentators, when honest, don't buy that crap either:

Noonan and Murphy, live mic oops!: Link

Buchanan and Scarborough, awaiting news of the VP Choice:
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billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
They call it the Xcel Energy Center and for good reason, its considered one of the loudest building in hockey and last nights acceptance speach by John McCain didn't bring the house down IMO like a game winning goal does by the Wild;). My guess is most of those delegates heard it all before;). JK..:D

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