Intelligent Design ruling

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Audioholic Ninja
Why all this talk about fossils? There's loads of evidence in our DNA code in the form of dormant genes. And the fact that the genome of a human and a primate are almost identical. However, one could argue that the creator was simply making adjustments and tweaks. Imagine, a few tweaks and you go from discussing amp design to swinging from trees :D


Audioholic Ninja
Someone could also wonder which outcome was the desired one.

Not to start down another path. Just a comment.
Good Lord. Imagine we find out there is a creator and we were mistakes. That would really suck.


Audioholic General
i have a very hard time believing that scientists can date fossils and other finds back to "Millions of years ago" with radiocarbon dating. You can believe it is possible as for me I think that you have to be able to prove its millions of years old to start with, then you can test radiocarbon dating on it to prove radiocarbon dating is accurate.

The reason i believe evolution to be theory is because Darwin himself said it was.
Radiocarbon dating is only good for <50,000 years. Perhaps you mean "radiometric" dating, which is the general term for many different methods, incl. carbon dating. The interesting thing, is that all the methods agree with each other. Fascinating coincidence, isn't it, if they're all invalid?

For general information on how radiometric dating actually works, try here.

And, as I said before: of course it's a Theory. Just like the Atomic Theory of Matter and the Germ Theory of Disease.

In Science "theory" = explanation, not "supposition". Something can be extremely well-confirmed (e.g., Atomic theory of matter), but it's STILL a "theory" in the scientific sense, because it's STILL a scientific explanation.


Senior Audioholic
The interesting thing, is that all the methods agree with each other. Fascinating coincidence, isn't it, if they're all invalid?
How can you validate that the tests work on anything beyond 20 th century?
it has only been around since then. I guess i feel the same way about radiocarbon dating as you do about Christianity. you just have faith that it cant really prove just have faith that it is so.

Im done, thats my final post in this thread. i had reservations about even engaging in this discussion. I should have know there would those who have to uncivil in their posts.

I still love you guys :D Christians or Not. :p



Audioholic General
How can you validate that the tests work on anything beyond 20 th century?
it has only been around since then. I guess i feel the same way about radiocarbon dating as you do about Christianity. you just have faith that it works........
For dating, I reject faith and rely only on evidence.

You clearly didn't read the links.

1. Why do the methods agree with each other? If invalid, it's a remarkable coincidence that they all happen to match with each other.
2. Why does carbon dating agree with non-radiometric methods like ice core samples and tree-ring data?
3. For many of the methods to be wrong, our fundamental theories about nuclear decay have to be wrong...and they have been verified in many, many inpedendent ways.


Seriously, I have no life.

Now, there have been over 80 posts since then...some good, some of them not so polite. So let me just say: Sorry, Dave. :eek:
You can have some polite but not all the time, this being one such subject, I guess, like it really matters what a few hate to say, in an audio chat room:D

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Can you be a little more specific on the highly enjoyable activities, cause what you may find highly enjoyable may not be the same for someone else.

also i dont know any religion that says you can be perfect and without sin. My beliefs are that all have come short.

I dont have any issue with the states not allowing the teaching of ID or creationism. On the same note, i dont think they should teach evolution either. they both are about the origins of mankind and nature.
I do whatever I like, and yet I am entirely without sin. The reason is simple: I don't accept the concept of "sin", and therefore it does not apply to me.

The reason that ID/creationism (the word "or" does not apply, since they are the same thing) should not be taught in public schools is that it is a purely religious idea, with no basis in science or fact. This makes teaching it a violation of the separation of church and state.
By contrast, evolution should be taught because it is science.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Im really amused at the number of non religious people (homosexual or straight) who would use the term "Marriage". It is a term that most religions use for the joining of a man and a woman and is widely viewed to be a religious ceremony.
The rest of us, however, view it as a legal contract. Of course, many gays are also religious and regard marriage as a joining of two people in love.


Audioholic Spartan
There it is! Rickster is offline, but Dave blasts in with an unexpected use of the phrase. Brilliant.
I was in bed by 10pm, some of us need our sleep.:D
Thank You Dave, for not letting that one get by.
I've been told it could alter the Space Time Continuum...
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