Electro Voice 30w 30inch sub woofer

Gimpy Ric

Gimpy Ric

Hey does anybody know if the OP is going to build an enclosure for that 30" E.V? I think he should use it in the back end of an old Winnibago Motorhome :D


Audioholic Intern
Hey does anybody know if the OP is going to build an enclosure for that 30" E.V? I think he should use it in the back end of an old Winnibago Motorhome :D
Hello Audioholics
To answer your question Rich;....I have seen some wild and far fetched attempted and constructed ideas for what to do with these subs and I like yours. What a great idea. I think for about two grand one can buy a recently overhauled used school bus with an Allison motor and trany. For five hundred more it can come with a lift for wheelchairs but I can imagine a million other uses for it. Gas costs are of no worry for they are pushed onto the customer as always. Pick-up points will be at all major hot-spots and stores during the day. A private coach will bypass the liquor license and since I am the Capt. I deny a ride based upon my sound judgment.
Whichever cab design I choose to go with, I am leaning more to the 46 cft cab and do not think I am up for getting into my trusses of the attic and walls.
If TLS guy says the 76 cft cab is worth it I will go with those. I will also make two interchangeable faces for the cabs. The other faces will be cut out for four 18" subs each....more than that amount for the 76 cft cab.
I forgot what else I was going to post.....over & out for now


Seriously, I have no life.
Electro Voice has plans for the 18 ft³ and 46 ft³ enclosures. I got a copy when I had a pair of these and was considering changing them.

If it's no longer available, I can send a copy. The large box is basically a 4'x8' sheet of plywood for the front and back, with 2"x4" framing to make the outside dimension 28-1/2". You can use whatever you want so it looks the way you want.

The helicopters on "The Wall" could be felt outside.


Audioholic Intern
Thank you for the very kind offer HIGHFIGH. I do have original plans for the 46' cab. You should hold on to them. Turns out these speakers are kind of trendy collectors items. I have been offered some substantial money for them. I was talking about them at the cabana to a friend.A charter captain was listening in and more so begged me than asked if I would sell them to him. Of course there was a long story about him having some back when he was some sort of smuggler in the past. I remember him say he had a fast Pantera too. Anyway, the money he was talking about was quite a bit for a modest man like myself. I just remembered I gave him my number. Boy I should have taken his. I hope he does not call and keep asking for the speakers. I bet TLS GUY is inputting the data for the 76' cab into his magic TLS machine as we speak.:)


Audioholic Jedi
Thank you for the very kind offer HIGHFIGH. I do have original plans for the 46' cab. You should hold on to them. Turns out these speakers are kind of trendy collectors items. I have been offered some substantial money for them. I was talking about them at the cabana to a friend.A charter captain was listening in and more so begged me than asked if I would sell them to him. Of course there was a long story about him having some back when he was some sort of smuggler in the past. I remember him say he had a fast Pantera too. Anyway, the money he was talking about was quite a bit for a modest man like myself. I just remembered I gave him my number. Boy I should have taken his. I hope he does not call and keep asking for the speakers. I bet TLS GUY is inputting the data for the 76' cab into his magic TLS machine as we speak.:)
Sorry I forgot about this. I did get the brochure, but it was the same as the one posted in this thread. No T/S parameters. You will have to measure them with this.


Audioholic Intern
Hello Adioholics,

Well......If I test for the T/S parameters and aquire them will one of you excellent Audiophiles be interested in running the numbers through one of your modeling programs? I now think finding the T/S parameters will be the way to start. Thank you for all the assistance thus far. I am determined to build these most likely one at a time since I do not personally have a cab shop and have to use a friends. I am having ideas about new gear I could buy with the money from the sale of just one of these subwoofers. I might be able to buy a new korg keyboard ...maybe. So I want to make a fine cab, to be proud of.
Thank you for your ideas forum looks like I still need your help and would enjoy building these with your help.;)


Full Audioholic
If you get them tested for parameters I'm sure there will be several of us that will run models for them just to see what they can do. I've found a few articles on the web about them, a couple said thay had a hollow sound to them, and a few more that said they had some extremely deep pleasing tones even at very low volumes playing orchestral music. It would be quite interesting to find someone using still putting them to use in this decade.

One quick question. Are the ones you have paper laminated on the front of the cone, or just the bare high density polystyrene foam? It turns out theres actually three different iterations of this woofer, on is pure paper, one is paper laminated, and the other is bare psf, and it seems that the pure paper has a lower fs, but laminated version sounded better even with the higher fs because of the better cone dampening.

I'm sure tls will chime in with his opinion on this too.

Good luck!!!


Audioholic Jedi
Hello Adioholics,

Well......If I test for the T/S parameters and aquire them will one of you excellent Audiophiles be interested in running the numbers through one of your modeling programs? I now think finding the T/S parameters will be the way to start. Thank you for all the assistance thus far. I am determined to build these most likely one at a time since I do not personally have a cab shop and have to use a friends. I am having ideas about new gear I could buy with the money from the sale of just one of these subwoofers. I might be able to buy a new korg keyboard ...maybe. So I want to make a fine cab, to be proud of.
Thank you for your ideas forum looks like I still need your help and would enjoy building these with your help.;)
I will be happy to model it for you.


Full Audioholic
It seems alot of equipment back then was very under rated. I have a Crown DC300A. Even at 27 yrs old both channels don't start clipping until they hit 198 watt's per channel. The thing runs almost a full 25% above it's manufacturer spec.
I have the same amp, however, I was looking at selling it. How much do you think I could get for it?


Audioholic Intern
Good news forum

I have been on the phone with the senior Electro Voice tech. He would like to know the T/S parameters too. I will post what the test results are as soon as I get the e mail from E.V.
He asked me what model of speaker I needed assistance with. When I told him he said "Oh yea those I remember those." He said he will test it and hand write it into the 30w specs sheet and post it on the web as well so the info can be found by others. That was kind of exciting for me. I felt like I was part of a scientific experiment. So soon the T/S mystery will be unraveled. Thank you TLS GUY ahead of time for modeling the numbers.

Haha I can imagine the senior tech guy looking for these relics in their warehouse. Who knows maybe they have them in some sort of showcase display.


Audioholic Intern
Okay I checked my email this morning and it was there. He sent me a copy of the specs of this speaker just like ones posted on this thread but the T/S parameters are written in at the top next to the picture of the speaker. Hey hey listen to this he also said this thing can handle more than it is rated for. Some of his handwriting is hard but I think I have it.:D

Vas....=210 ft3
Mo.....= 5% half space
Vp......=84.3 in3
Sp.....=562 in2
Pe(max)...=60 watts
Zmax.....=8.0 ohms


Audioholic Intern
If you get them tested for parameters I'm sure there will be several of us that will run models for them just to see what they can do. I've found a few articles on the web about them, a couple said thay had a hollow sound to them, and a few more that said they had some extremely deep pleasing tones even at very low volumes playing orchestral music. It would be quite interesting to find someone using still putting them to use in this decade.

One quick question. Are the ones you have paper laminated on the front of the cone, or just the bare high density polystyrene foam? It turns out theres actually three different iterations of this woofer, on is pure paper, one is paper laminated, and the other is bare psf, and it seems that the pure paper has a lower fs, but laminated version sounded better even with the higher fs because of the better cone dampening.

I'm sure tls will chime in with his opinion on this too.

Good luck!!!
The back is thick styrafoam and the front is paper on both


...I think I have memories of that driver. I think it is a low Qt driver and only suitable for use in an enormous horn for auditorium use. I don't think that driver will do much in a ported or sealed enclosure...
Electro-Voice would differ with you. The 30W was used in the Patrician 700 and 800 speakers.

While the cabinet is big, the actual internal volume was not as big as you might expect. I don't don't know what alignment was used for those boxes. I have seen them on sale on eBay. Some one actually had a pair and I think they went for over $8,000.

The 30W is a vintage speaker. I would treat it as such and be careful. They were not designed to take a lot of power and can mechanically be damaged. I have no idea who could repair one if it became damaged.

I have also seen a post somewhere on the web where one guy built a sealed room in his basement and put in a bank of these drivers (4 or 6 of them if memory serves) in the one wall when he had the house built.


Full Audioholic
Here's a couple models using Bassbox Pro, the ported version would require a subsonic filter around 40hz to prevent over excursion at the tuning frequency.




Audioholic Intern
Wow thats even bigger than the 76 cu ft cab.... 104 cu ft! Supposedly I am supposed to switch the polarities and see which works best so I do not get cancellation? Does anyone know about that? I found a T/S data base that has some info on this speaker yesterday. There is different variations of these speakers. I have the ones with thick hard polystyrene in the back of the cone with heavy paper in the front and a heavy wide accordion type material around the rim of the cone.
There is a guy selling two 30w's on ebay for close to four grand. They are not E.V.'s I guess some company called University Sound bought them for a while. They are not even in cabs. I have heard of the Patricians. It mentions them in the old designs I have and according to my old father these speakers came out of Patricians.
Very interesting thank you forum members. Do I dare ask where I should go from here?


Full Audioholic
I ran the model for the flattest response and came up with a 21hz tune that yielded 76 cubic feet. I would rather depend on how big your room is for the cab you want to build. If you mostly listen to music you could go with a higher tune/smaller box or even the sealed, but if you want the deep low end response, the 21 or 16hz tune would probably be a little better but also take up significantly more space. If you haven't ruled out the possibility of an IB (Infinate Baffle), you could post your garage dimensions and I can model the performance for that too.




Audioholic Intern
I ran the model for the flattest response and came up with a 21hz tune that yielded 76 cubic feet. I would rather depend on how big your room is for the cab you want to build. If you mostly listen to music you could go with a higher tune/smaller box or even the sealed, but if you want the deep low end response, the 21 or 16hz tune would probably be a little better but also take up significantly more space. If you haven't ruled out the possibility of an IB (Infinate Baffle), you could post your garage dimensions and I can model the performance for that too.
......How much bigger is better? I think if I build a cabinet 76 cubic feet will be the limit. Any bigger than that and it will have to be an infinate baffle.Will the original specs for the E.V. 76 cubic foot cab be the logical thing to build? ..........I will post the garage measurements when I find it. I think I remember what is under A.C. and is not but want to make sure. Wow maybe I should hit the lottery and buy some more old giants and make the worlds largest sub-woofer. ......just build`em right into the house all over. No...I don't think my house will stay together never mind. Or I just wont turn it up all the way. The thought of mounting to the walls seems simpler than building cabs. So what if I have giant speakers jutting out into the garage or better attic.
.........Now I see why people go crazy and build huge speaker designs. Please do not let that happen to me I do not want to become an audioholic. Where in the world would or could I go for that rehab where in the world could I turn to for rehab.
.........Okay Thanks sparky and forum. Goodnight. Time to turn off my subs they need to sleep:eek:
Kaminari Sound

Kaminari Sound

Using the 76cu. ft. Alignment For the EV/University 30w

Based on my experience I would use the 76 cu. ft. Dual Square port (one above, one below tuning alignment. You are most likely looking at the white papers that came with the original EV "PA Bible" for sale. Make the removable port plugs using T-nut hardware so you can test different resonant tunings with your listening room. As specified, within reason ~do not exceed the RMS rating of the driver. The reason for this is the huge moving mass. Due to the physical weight of the cone, the driver induces huge resistances on the piston strength of the coil. This creates heat, thus the lower rating on this particular woofer. However, You will appreciate the efficiency of the enclosure and how it compensates for lack of overall power handling. If possible install large commercial rubber casters to facilitate moving the enclosure in the future (can be quite heavy). Hope this helped, I tried to explain this in layman's words without getting into engineering jargon/terms such as BL(motor strength)SD (cone area) and more. The 30w is an amazing driver, AND RARE:) Any questions feel free to contact me anytime. Good Luck!<p>
www . myspace. com/kaminarisound
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Kaminari Sound

Kaminari Sound

Four 30" EV 30w Infinite Baffle Setup

I had a friend in Pittsburgh, PA that was a University Sound dealer back in the day. He installed four 30w's in a infinite baffle configuration in his Eve of the living room vaulted ceiling. They were run off of a UREI 6500 (dual mono block) idling at 4 ohms on each channel. The sound was amazing.
For reference, although the magnetic gap accepts many coil substitutes -the cones for these drivers are no longer available. Please be extremely careful with this driver. Fixing it could be costly, if not prohibitive.

www . myspace. com / kaminarisound
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Audioholic Intern
Hurricane season is coming to a close and the temps here will soon be bearable. I have heavy duty casters and handles and all the stuff for the corners and edges. So....I am going to construct one cab to start. It will be the giant 76' cab. I am assuming I will use the original design from E.V. with removable ports great idea. I have the perfect little amp that I do not think will cook the speaker if I drink too much and start turning things up. ( It happens). There is not much of a rush but it will be completed in the near future. I will post pictures and any kind of audio and video so the forum can see an ancient sub that is still alive and kicking well. Any info from forum members is welcomed still!

......check out www.somafm.com for some nice listener supported free internet radio stations that will put a smile on your face. The best chill and ambient I have found period:D

  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis