Seemed like a good Idea at the time.
Saw this in an economics article-
By ridding Iraq of Saddam, the hope was a democratic pro-business leader could come in and improve the economy of Iraq,
in the long run. The economy of the United States could improve in the long run due to the war for a couple of reasons:
An increased supply of oil:
Depending on who you ask, the war either has everything to do with Iraq's vast oil supplies, or absolutely nothing to do with it. All sides should agree that if a regime with better American relations were set up in Iraq, the supply of oil to the United States would increase. This will drive down the price of oil, as well as driving down the costs of companies that use oil as a factor of production which will certainly help economic growth.
Stability and Economic Growth in the Middle East:
If peace can somehow be established in the Middle East, the U.S. government might not have to spend as much money on the military as they do now. If the economies of the countries in the middle east become more stable and experience growth, this will give them more opportunities to trade with the United States, improving both the economies of those countries and the U.S.