And what would those policies be

The number of americans that were unemployed was 8.8 million according to the
Dept of Labor and some 2 million added to the work force. The largest percentage of unemployeed to increase were teenagers. As for jobs to be found, thats covering a broad range factors and fields to say that there are few to be found.
That 2 mil I quoted are the people who have been laid off just in the last 9 months. I saw numbers that, as of July, over 1.5 million people had been out of work for more than 6 months. Add to that, since the first of the year, about another 1/2 mil have been laid off.
And I guess you're not really looking at the construction industry, Most of that work force are not teenagers. Just in the state of Nevada, which has less than 3 1/2 million population, or less than 1/2 the pop of LA, from the end of '06 to the end of '07, 80,000 construction jobs were lost. That's huge considering the total pop of the state.
I was told by a California unemployment case worker that there are so many people out of work in that state, they're not sure how many are out of work.
Those are just two reasons the Fed Gov opened up extended UE benefits, for only the 3rd or 4th time, I can remember, over the last 40 years.
The housing industry is in the worst condition since the '30's great depression. Of coarse alot of that has to do with bad mortgage lending. And for the majority of Americans their pay checks don't go as far today as they did 30 years ago. Things have gotten totally out of hand, at least for the working class.
I read that there are more millionaires in this country than ever before, but the other side of that coin is the fact there are more people in poverty than ever before. Which I suppose is the reason for a payday loan office on most any corner of every city, something that not seen at all 30 years ago.
The oil companies get the huge tax breaks (and other large companies) and, through price gouging, creating record profits, while the rest of us get screwed at the pump.
But I guess that has nothing to do with Bush being an oil man.