Electro Voice 30w 30inch sub woofer



Audioholic Intern
I have a EV 30w it is a 30inch sub woofer. It is neat as heck. It is vintage and in great condition. I do not have a cab for it and I must make one. I think I want to make a nice visually appealing cab for it verses an industrial concert looking one. I have plans for a 46.5 cubic foot enclosure but will that be optimal for this dreadnought or should it be bigger. Here are some specs on this amazing piece of audio history. Any Ideas ?

resonance; 15Hz +3Hz
nominal 8ohms
minimum 5ohms
D C resistance 4ohms
101 db 1w/1m I think
I think it is 160 watts which is back then which means like 500 0r 600 now
EIA sensitivity 54db
Voice coil diameter 2 1/2 inches
magnet 9 lbs 4oz ceramic
net weight 34lbs


Audioholic Jedi
Welcome to the forum! I think that you'll have better luck posting here than in that other thread. There are really knowledgeable people here when it comes to sub designs that might be able to give you some good ideas - unfortunately, I'm not one of them. :)


Audioholic Intern
I find this line of logic entertaining.:D
Are you saying that I am wrong? What is this place? I post a thread so people can pick me to pieces. To my understanding if this sub was rated for 160 back then in reality now days it will take 500 watts peak rms. whatever I can see where this is going. A bunch of replies from a bunch of snobs. I will design something for these two speakers on my own. I sure as heck will not return here to scroll through a bunch of wise asses to try to find answers. Instead of insightful answers from knowledgeable people I will have a bunch of buzzards hanging around to correct my spelling I can see this already.


and bass box pro are two good programs that will help you model a box. Just because people are being light hearted doesnt make them arses;) If you gonna post on the internet do get so uptight about it. Have you done any yresearch on this driver and its intended applicatons?
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Audioholic Jedi
I don't consider my post condescending. I was trying to welcome you, and to let you know that there are people here who could help you. They haven't responded to your thread, yet, but it is a weekend and they might be off doing other things.

Try to take the comments with good humor, because they are almost always intended that way. Ahhh, I see that bandphan has mentioned this as well. I think that you'll like it here if you give it a chance.

Take it easy.


Audioholic Intern
I understand I may seem a little touchy, but when someone comes to me for advice I do not laugh at them and say something that does not help just to put my two cents in and open the door for a bunch of other cronies to say duh ya ya ha ha man. I feel stupid if that is the case. If my logic is wrong help me to see where it is wrong. I thought this was a forum for exactly these kinds of things. I should have looked around first I bet this whole place is full of people picking each other apart...I give up I had a lot more to write too,, I have plans for 46 cubic feet there is a list on ebay for plans for a 76 cubic foot cab I thought some one might have done something really ground breaking with these curio relic sub woofers.

To any one who reads this who had something great for me Thank you very much. Any moderators or someone who runs things around here please destroy this thread and cancel my account. I am to stupid to know how.


Audioholic Jedi
Any moderators or someone who runs things around here please destroy this thread and cancel my account.
That's too bad. You seem intent to focus on a couple of quips and have chosen to ignore the posts that were trying to help you. I wish you luck in your pursuit of a good enclosure for your woofers. A 30" cone sounds pretty impressive.


Honestly speaking, I am quite unsure of your logic. Watts are watts. The measure of which has never changed since we were able to figure them with Ohm's law. 160watts then is still 160 now. If anything, with advances in voice coil cooling and such I would say it would be less than 160 watts thermal Pe.

I would suggest modeling the woofer with WinIsd or BassBox Pro. If you cannot get all of the parameters needed, you may want to find someone with the Dayton Woofer Tester or purchase one yourself in order to get accurate numbers in which to work with.

You may want to lighten up a bit, it is the weekend. ;) :D


Audioholic Intern
They were very conservative with their ratings on the speakers back then. The voice coil that is in this speaker is the same size that is in their 15" & 18"
no. 5

no. 5

Audioholic Field Marshall
Do you have the full T/S spec's for the driver? That would be very helpful in designing a cabinet.


Audioholic Warlord
I understand I may seem a little touchy, but when someone comes to me for advice I do not laugh at them and say something that does not help just to put my two cents in and open the door for a bunch of other cronies to say duh ya ya ha ha man. I feel stupid if that is the case. If my logic is wrong help me to see where it is wrong. I thought this was a forum for exactly these kinds of things. I should have looked around first I bet this whole place is full of people picking each other apart...I give up I had a lot more to write too,, I have plans for 46 cubic feet there is a list on ebay for plans for a 76 cubic foot cab I thought some one might have done something really ground breaking with these curio relic sub woofers.

To any one who reads this who had something great for me Thank you very much. Any moderators or someone who runs things around here please destroy this thread and cancel my account. I am to stupid to know how.
Jeez, 4 posts and you're ready to throw yourself off the roof. Thicken up, you're going to need it on these boards.

Send WmAx a PM. He gets off on this kind of stuff.



Audioholic Jedi
I have a EV 30w it is a 30inch sub woofer. It is neat as heck. It is vintage and in great condition. I do not have a cab for it and I must make one. I think I want to make a nice visually appealing cab for it verses an industrial concert looking one. I have plans for a 46.5 cubic foot enclosure but will that be optimal for this dreadnought or should it be bigger. Here are some specs on this amazing piece of audio history. Any Ideas ?

resonance; 15Hz +3Hz
nominal 8ohms
minimum 5ohms
D C resistance 4ohms
101 db 1w/1m I think
I think it is 160 watts which is back then which means like 500 0r 600 now
EIA sensitivity 54db
Voice coil diameter 2 1/2 inches
magnet 9 lbs 4oz ceramic
net weight 34lbs
Do you have the model number of that driver? We need the Thiel/Small parameters of that driver. Without that data we can not help you. If you have the Thiel/Small parameters please post them.

You are wrong about old watts being different to new watts. They are the same, it is a 160 watt driver.

I think I have memories of that driver. I think it is a low Qt driver and only suitable for use in an enormous horn for auditorium use. I don't think that driver will do much in a ported or sealed enclosure.

The sensitivity of those older drivers is much higher than modern ones. The reason is that there is an inverse ratio between low bass output and magnet flux. Now in times past there where no high powered amps, so the drivers had to be sensitive and efficient. However, their bass output was poor, and the bass output had to be augmented with horn loading, so that there was useful bass output.

I bet that drover has a large paper cone and a relatively stiff suspension.

Modern subs, have a heavy cone and a loose suspension and low magnetic flux, compared to the older ones, and are generally 12 to 17 db less sensitive then your driver. So if you driver was fully powered with its rated 160 watts, then the spl would be roughly equivalent to a modern sub driven with 1280 watts! Or to put it another way, your driver in a properly constructed horn would produce the same spl from a 10 watt amp, as a modern sub with an 800 watt amp. I think this is where your misunderstanding may have come from.

In order to get any performance from that sub, an exponential or tractrix horn is going to have to be designed. It will be enormous if you want to reach the last octave. At an estimate, the horn mouth will have to be about 12 ft across!

I have only ever done a couple of horn systems, so I'm by no means an expert. An individual named Dr Bruce Edgar has advanced the mathematics and understanding of horn loading over the last 20 years.

If you are really serious about this, he may assist you. Horn speakers are the most difficult to construct.

Unless you are planning to use this driver in an auditorium or old cinema, I think you can forget using this driver. It will be totally unsuitable domestically, unless you want to build one of those mad systems where the horn starts under your front or back yard and a wall of one of your rooms is the horn mouth. Yes, people have built such speakers, and more than a few, but they really have to be pretty high, yes worse than me, on the eccentricity index.


Senior Audioholic
Yes, people have built such speakers, and more than a few, but they really have to be pretty high, yes worse than me, on the eccentricity index.
LOL!! what a Quote!!!

Thanks TLS, this made my day man. Its been dreadfully miserable during this storm and not much to laugh at untill i read your post.



Full Audioholic
From the sounds of it on this website, your best bet for those monsters would be an infinate baffle with equalization.


Audioholic Jedi
I understand I may seem a little touchy, but when someone comes to me for advice I do not laugh at them and say something that does not help just to put my two cents in and open the door for a bunch of other cronies to say duh ya ya ha ha man. I feel stupid if that is the case. If my logic is wrong help me to see where it is wrong. I thought this was a forum for exactly these kinds of things. I should have looked around first I bet this whole place is full of people picking each other apart...I give up I had a lot more to write too,, I have plans for 46 cubic feet there is a list on ebay for plans for a 76 cubic foot cab I thought some one might have done something really ground breaking with these curio relic sub woofers.

To any one who reads this who had something great for me Thank you very much. Any moderators or someone who runs things around here please destroy this thread and cancel my account. I am to stupid to know how.
Now it's you lucky day! So cheer up and enjoy the light hearted fun! A post like yours is bound to get peoples juices going, and arouse at least a prurient interest.

Anyway we do actually try to be helpful guys along with the friendly joshing.

Since my last post I have found an original E/V manual for that driver, including plans for the E/V enclosure for it. The T/S parameters are included. Since the post only had 5 hours to run, I have bought it. I doubt there are many of those around.

When I get it, I will study it and model the driver using modern computer simulation. According to the post the reflex enclosure, needs to be 76 cu.ft! After that, if you are over your huff and a member of these forums, I will sell it to you for the price I paid plus shipping.

So stay tuned to this space.

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