Another piece of info for you Bush bashers..

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Audioholic Spartan
To be honest, a do-nothing Congress is the best you can hope for right now. Their idle distractions are allowing market forces to correct the oil industry as it should be, instead of forcing an ill-considered, hasty and ultimately self-defeating "solution" on the gas crisis. Let them celebrate watermelons so they don't raise your taxes. Let them debate the origins of baseball so they don't invent more impediments to industry, trade and job creation. Remember the adage that says that government governs best, governs least? You've got it. Enjoy it while it lasts.


I agree with with less goverment is better goverment. The point I was making was that politcal attacks by those seeking election or re-election tend to point out GWB's goverment, and blame him personally for the nations economic woes. Ive been an advocate of voting local to make national changes more passable. Here in Florida, Rep. Wexler is the rep for palm beach, and doesnt reside in palm beach(his adress is 2500 North Military Trail
Suite 100 Boca Raton, FL, suite 100 is PO box). He was elected by constituents that were hammered by the promise of change, when he doesnt even reside with in his district. The shame comes with US politics is one that worsens with each generation. We are in a country that elects its officials through the media and its my children and their children that will continue to feel the ill effects.


Audioholic Spartan
Well, election politics will always be election politics. Nothing of substance will ever be the focus of a political ad. One needs to watch carefully to see how a person thinks, what their knowledge base is and what they will do once elected. These things will not be picked up by the media, nor exploited by the other campaign, let me give a recent example:

When the candidates were asked what their response would be to the situation in Georgia, Obama's response was that he would seek a resolution from the UN Security Council condemning Russia's actions and seeking sanctions against Russia. The response to this should be "WHAT THE H-E-L-L are you thinking????" Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council and has veto power over anything the council can decide. This is asking Russia to condemn itself, it's own actions and apply sanctions to itself. No way will it ever happen, especially when Russia has a veto on the Security Council.

This shows a naive and uneducated understanding of diplomacy by both Obama and the collective wisdom of his trusted advisers. This was not picked up on by the national media, nor did McCain's campaign use it to advantage. But IMO it shows an incredible lack of understanding that should preclude Obama from taking the office of president. But if Obama chooses the right dog and the right running mate and finally wears his American flag pin on a regular basis, he will get national media coverage and could win this election and ask Russia to sanction itself in the Security Council. Amazing.

Dont get me started on his economic policies, but suffice it to say that job security is in the field of unemployment counsellors in the Obama economy.


Audioholic Ninja
Asking the UN Security Council full-knowing Russia has veto power is still useful politically. I do think it's stupid for a country to have veto power over something targeted towards them. They shouldn't be allowed a vote in these sorts of circumstances.

Don't be so quick to dismiss the younger candidate as naive. The Russians thought the same of JFK and discovered he wasn't a pushover.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
The only good thing about the current election is that whoever wins is 100% certain to be better than Bush. Literally anybody would be better than that idiot.:eek:


Agreed we have to pick the lesser of 2 evils on this one......


Asking the UN Security Council full-knowing Russia has veto power is still useful politically. I do think it's stupid for a country to have veto power over something targeted towards them. They shouldn't be allowed a vote in these sorts of circumstances.

Don't be so quick to dismiss the younger candidate as naive. The Russians thought the same of JFK and discovered he wasn't a pushover.
JFK would be considered a far right-winger by today's socialist democrats, including Obama.
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That's what I've done for the last 2 elections :eek:

Because those who hold the reigns know this, it will only continue to get worse. It is a degredation of society to gain more power. It is a slow but effective power grab. Break the people down slowly and take more of the freedom away, rely on your government to help you. Politicians have successfully created a political elite class of people in power. They have effectively made it too difficult for people with real ideas to pursue office because of extremely high election/campaign expenses.

The problem I see is that come election time, the sheeple in this country buy the lies hook line and sinker and can't break themselves to vote for the person that really may make a difference, i.e. someone from a party besides demican or republicrat.

We need real change, not the crap being spouted by current candidates. To bring about real change, it must happen on a local level. People need to get interested in politics and make things happen from the ground up. Don't vote for the lesser of two evils, vote for who really represents, whether you feel the vote is wasted or not. Don't vote the same old people back into office if one wants change.
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The only good thing about the current election is that whoever wins is 100% certain to be better than Bush. Literally anybody would be better than that idiot.:eek:
Hmmm dejavu. The point of the thread was what? Its ok to dislike the CIC but to blame him defies logic.


Audioholic Ninja
Don't vote for the lesser of two evils, vote for who really represents, whether you feel the vote is wasted or not. Don't vote the same old people back into office if one wants change.
This is a very good point. We often get caught up on who's "electable" and all that. It'd be nice for Barr, Paul, or Nader to get a decent margin this election just to show some movement.


Audioholic Spartan
This is a very good point. We often get caught up on who's "electable" and all that. It'd be nice for Barr, Paul, or Nader to get a decent margin this election just to show some movement.
Wishing upon a star is fun and all, but when we're talking about the future of this country, unfortunately voting with your heart doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I wasn't happy with Kerry in the last election, but I sure as hell wanted Bush out of office. It's sad, but voting for anyone, other than the 2 main parties is just throwing your vote away. Until we get a viable alternative to the 2-party system, that's the way it's gonna be.

I actually supported Nader in 2000. But he's part of the reason that this country is stuck in the mess it's in.

We need real change, not the crap being spouted by current candidates. To bring about real change, it must happen on a local level. People need to get interested in politics and make things happen from the ground up. Don't vote for the lesser of two evils, vote for who really represents, whether you feel the vote is wasted or not. Don't vote the same old people back into office if one wants change.
While this is nice rheotric, unfortunately that's all it is. There's too much at stake in this election to waste my vote.


Wishing upon a star is fun and all, but when we're talking about the future of this country, unfortunately voting with your heart doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I wasn't happy with Kerry in the last election, but I sure as hell wanted Bush out of office. It's sad, but voting for anyone, other than the 2 main parties is just throwing your vote away. Until we get a viable alternative to the 2-party system, that's the way it's gonna be.

I actually supported Nader in 2000. But he's part of the reason that this country is stuck in the mess it's in.

While this is nice rheotric, unfortunately that's all it is. There's too much at stake in this election to waste my vote.
Honestly it is that line of brainwashing by the two big parties that has us in the mess we are in. They want you to believe it is a wasted vote. Sadly, their propaganda works tremendously well, especially when the mainstream media is in their pocket.

There is no more at stake than any other election. They are all more or less on the same side. What I mean is they do not look out for our needs as citizens and a country, they look out for who will get them elected next (special interests & re-election coffer supporters). Until one understands this it is easy to pick one side or the other rather than option "C" (so to speak).

People who think, use their mind & common sense are becoming a dying breed in this country and politicians love it. Masses are easier to manipulate when their will, spirit, thought processes are broken.


Audioholic Spartan
Honestly it is that line of brainwashing by the two big parties that has us in the mess we are in. They want you to believe it is a wasted vote. Sadly, their propaganda works tremendously well, especially when the mainstream media is in their pocket.

There is no more at stake than any other election. They are all more or less on the same side. What I mean is they do not look out for our needs as citizens and a country, they look out for who will get them elected next (special interests & re-election coffer supporters). Until one understands this it is easy to pick one side or the other rather than option "C" (so to speak).

People who think, use their mind & common sense are becoming a dying breed in this country and politicians love it. Masses are easier to manipulate when their will, spirit, thought processes are broken.
OK, so I go ahead and cast my vote for Mr. Libertarian, or Mr. Green Party, or Mr. Let's Have a Tea Party; do you REALLY think that the Democrats and Republicans are going to see this and think, "Wow, Darien voted for someone else in this election. Maybe we should re-think what we're doing in Washington"??????????

Gimme a break. It's not going to make one bit of difference. Not unless you convince about 100 million other people to do the exact same thing. And pre tell, how do you propose to do that? I'm not saying it's right. It's just the way it is.

Until you come up with a solid game plan, your words are just rhetoric.

P.S. And how do you think there's nothing more at stake in this election than any other?!?!? We're losing billions of dollars a day, fighting a pointless war, and the economy is in the worst shape it's been in my lifetime. Sure as hell seems like high stakes to me.


Gimme a break. It's not going to make one bit of difference. Not unless you convince about 100 million other people to do the exact same thing
Thats the point vote your vote not 100 million others( and if everyone voted it would be about 160 million). Your local vote sets the standard, keep ingnoring that and things will be as they have been:) If you want to be "heard" start there. The President doesnt make law or policy.:D


Audioholic Spartan
OK, so I go ahead and cast my vote for Mr. Libertarian, or Mr. Green Party, or Mr. Let's Have a Tea Party; do you REALLY think that the Democrats and Republicans are going to see this and think, "Wow, Darien voted for someone else in this election. Maybe we should re-think what we're doing in Washington"??????????

Gimme a break. It's not going to make one bit of difference. Not unless you convince about 100 million other people to do the exact same thing. And pre tell, how do you propose to do that? I'm not saying it's right. It's just the way it is.

Until you come up with a solid game plan, your words are just rhetoric.
Darien, I do understand how you feel.
Though I'd have to agree with annunaki.
One good example is when Ross Perot ran:
(from wikipedia)
In the 1992 election, he received 18.9% of the popular vote, making him the most successful third-party presidential candidate in terms of the popular vote since Theodore Roosevelt in the 1912 election. Perot managed to finish second in two states: In Maine, Perot received 30.44% of the vote to Bush's 30.39% (Clinton won Maine with 38.77%); In Utah, Perot received 27.34% of the vote to Clinton's 24.65% (Bush won Utah with 43.36%).

A detailed analysis of the voting demographics revealed that Perot's support drew heavily from across the political spectrum, with 20% of his votes coming from self-described liberals, 27% from self-described conservatives, and 53% coming from self-described moderates. Economically, however, the majority of Perot voters (57%) were middle class, earning between $15,000 and $49,000 annually, with the bulk of the remainder drawing from the upper middle class (29% earning over $50,000 annually). Exit polls also showed that Ross Perot drew 38% of his vote from Bush, and 38% of his vote from Clinton, while the rest of his voters would have stayed home in his absence on the ballot.

The Democrats and Republicans were running scared after that showing.
They don't want to share their piece of the pie, with a third party.


Audioholic Spartan
No federal candidate I've ever voted for has won an election.
No provincial candidate I've ever voted for has won an election.
One municipal candidate I voted for has one an election.

Yet not one of my votes was wasted. I have always voted for the candidate that most closely reflects my values and ideas for governing. I wish my neighbors would share my reasoning and elect the person that I vote for, but simply because my neighbors don't does not mean my vote has been in vain.

I will not cast a vote for a person whom I do not want to represent me. Those who vote for a candidate they don't like simply because they are a Republican or Democrat instead of a third party with a candidate they really like have truly wasted their vote (even if that candidate wins).
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