Glad to hear you're here to talk about it. A few seconds the other way, and things may have been different.
That's too bad, it looks like you've kept the car in nice shape. It sucks when you keep something nice, and someone else ruins it.
Yeah, I might have beat on it, like I am hard on all my toys, but they are very well cared for, constantly and meticulously very well maintained... I changed my oil every 3K or even sooner.... with 130,000 miles, they oil still came out golden when due for a change.... That engine was so smooth and powerful for just a 4 banger... Its a shame, I would have much rather preferred to sell it to someone that would love it for many years to come... It certainly helps to have a shop with 8 hoists, alignment rack, and diagnostic computers at my disposal for upkeep and tweeking...
im curious what happens to this other person. ran a red light, caused damage to your car ... what now?
Technically he did a rolling stop at a stop sign, and thankfully I had a witness to corroborate my story....even though I hit from the rear. They got a ticket, and insurance couldn't argue with fault, but they tried to wiggle on value, but my insurance co stood up for me. Their insurance gave me 6300 for the 9-10 yr old vehicle, so I came out with what I thought it was worth, if I had to sell it I may or may not have gotten that for it. Thankfully Honda's really hold their resale value, a GM car of those years would have probably gotten me $2K at best. All the upgrades and my ability to keep it in perfect condition had a good play in what I got for it from the insurance.
It also helps that this happened less then a block from my business and all the local police are very good friends of mine...
But if I had my choice I wouldn't wish to see my baby destroyed... But the parts are all perfect shape, so many people will use them to fix their own cars... It was still running when I let it go, I drove it back to my business looking like that from 1 block away... Im sure some people were shocked to see me driving it down the road, I could barely see over the hood..