Mini Review of New Av123 ELT525



Audioholic Ninja
Several people have been raving about these little speakers so I thought I'd give them a listen. FedEx dropped off a small box yesterday and I hooked these up last night. I thought I’d share my impressions as these are very new speakers.

First, the packaging is great. Doubled-boxed with the speakers wrapped in plastic. Not as nice as Aperion with the blue, velvet bags, but certainly enough to survive the usual UPS assault.

Upon unpacking, I noticed a couple very minor scratches on one of the speakers, but the rosewood sure is beautiful. I was quite surprised how small the speakers are, but they're quite heavy for their size. Not quite as heavy as the Aperion 5B, but as heavy as my Monitor Audio BR'2 which are substantially larger. So heavy, so small, and red in color, the speaker felt like a brick in my hand.

The cabinets are beautiful. They passed the WAF test with flying colors. The logo does stick out a bit, but it doesn't really bother me and you can always take the grills off.

Dynamics are great, but not quite as good as the Aperion 5B. The Aperions are very quick and make the shift from quiet to rocking smoothly. The ELT525's are on par with the BR2's.

The ELT525's are very different from the x-series speakers. Whereas the x-series are a bit heavier on the bottom to midrange, I felt the ELT525's were more neutral not accentuating any particular area. Very similar to the BR2's. The Aperions concentrated a bit more on the upper frequencies than both the ELT525's and BR2's. Overall, the ELT525's are well-balanced speakers.

The ELT525's are terribly inefficient coming in at 83db and they certainly needed a little power to open up, but my Cambridge Audio 540R v2 which is on duty till my new Emotiva stuff arrives had no problem getting them to sing. They won't play as loud as the Aperions, but go loud enough for my taste. The efficiency of the ELT525 and 5B I found to be about the same.

Although the Aperions gave ground to the BR2's when it came to disappearing in the room, the ELT525's had no problem keeping up despite a smaller driver. Every av123 speaker I've heard simply fills the room with sound and has no problems imaging. Everything sounded right where it should.

Overall detail was superior on the ELT525's versus the 5B's and almost on par with the BR2's at moderate volumes. The 5B's had a more reserved midrange and the BR2's sounded richer at lower volumes probably due to their higher efficiency.

Another thing av123 has nailed with their speakers are vocals. And the ELT525's didn't disappoint.

Overall, I feel the ELT525's are an excellent speaker for the money. The cabinets are beautiful and the sound is great. Probably my favorite internet speaker so far. They gave up a little ground to the BR2's, but not much. We all know the excellent customer service av123 offers so it's hard to pass these up, especially for $299/pair. My only gripes are the minor scratches which I know av123 would take care of, the logos, and the low efficiency.

I'd say the relationship between Aperion and av123 speakers is similar to that of PSB and Monitor Audio. If you want speakers that rock you, PSB and Aperion are for you. If you want speakers that offer as MLS put it intimate listening sessions, the ELT525's and Monitor Audio's are for you.
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I was able to listen to these at the Chicago AV123 GTG.

They sounded great as near-field desk speakers driven by a 25 watt amp.


Meaning they don't sound so hot for far field (i.e. everyday home) listening?

I was able to listen to these at the Chicago AV123 GTG.

They sounded great as near-field desk speakers driven by a 25 watt amp.


Meaning they don't sound so hot for far field (i.e. everyday home) listening?
Not at all!

The set-up was in a small office and near-filed was all I got to listen to that day. There are several comments on the speaker on the AV123 forum.


Audioholic Ninja
The ELT's sound great up close and from afar. I never really liked the sound of Av123's other offerings like the x-series and Rockets, but the ELT's are a different animal soundwise. I'm surprised there isn't more interest as they're an excellent value. Perhaps when the towers come out, Audioholics will do a review.


Audioholic Field Marshall
The ELT's sound great up close and from afar. I never really liked the sound of Av123's other offerings like the x-series and Rockets, but the ELT's are a different animal soundwise. I'm surprised there isn't more interest as they're an excellent value. Perhaps when the towers come out, Audioholics will do a review.
Nice review! I was considering a pair to connect to my PC. The setup is in a small bedroom so it looks like these may do pretty well in there. BTW, what is it about the Rockets you don't like? I have some Rockets set up in my living room so just wanted to get an idea of where you're coming from and what differences I should expect.


Audioholic Ninja
Rockets always sounded laid-back and too smooth to me. I like a more forward sound with a little bit of an edge. Not quite as much as say Axiom, but some. I will admit that it's been a while since I've heard Rockets so I might need to refresh.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Rockets always sounded laid-back and too smooth to me. I like a more forward sound with a little bit of an edge. Not quite as much as say Axiom, but some. I will admit that it's been a while since I've heard Rockets so I might need to refresh.
You are correct in your assessment. The Rocket's are more laid back. I used to have Axioms, which were extremely bright in my room. :eek: Once I got the Rocket's, all that brightness went away. They are much easier to listen to in my situation. I think the Rocket's strong point's are in HT playback. If you really want to get kicked in the chest during an action flick, they are a nice choice because they can handle alot of power with little distortion. It was a good compromise for me since my setup is half movies, half music. For music-only or 2-channel setup's there are probably some better options. Don't get me wrong, music still sounds great with the Rocket's. They have a big, smooth sound and not everyone may like that for 2-channel listening.
So, anyway, are the ELT's less laid back?
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Audioholic Ninja
So, anyway, are the ELT's less laid back?
Based on what I remember, I'd have to say yes, they're less laid back than Rockets. They're a lot less forward than Axioms and a little less forward than the new Aperions. Very well-balanced speakers. I imagine the ELT525 towers will be similar, except they're more efficient which should help with detail when the volume is low.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Based on what I remember, I'd have to say yes, they're less laid back than Rockets. They're a lot less forward than Axioms and a little less forward than the new Aperions. Very well-balanced speakers. I imagine the ELT525 towers will be similar, except they're more efficient which should help with detail when the volume is low.
Good description. Thanks. I think they will probably work well in a small room. Now, I know they aren't very efficient, so just curious as to what you were powering them with?


Audioholic Ninja
I'm using my trust Cambridge Audio 540R v2 until my new EMO stuff arrives.


You are correct in your assessment. The Rocket's are more laid back. I used to have Axioms, which were extremely bright in my room. :eek: Once I got the Rocket's, all that brightness went away. They are much easier to listen to in my situation. I think the Rocket's strong point's are in HT playback. If you really want to get kicked in the chest during an action flick, they are a nice choice because they can handle alot of power with little distortion. It was a good compromise for me since my setup is half movies, half music. For music-only or 2-channel setup's there are probably some better options. Don't get me wrong, music still sounds great with the Rocket's. They have a big, smooth sound and not everyone may like that for 2-channel listening.
So, anyway, are the ELT's less laid back?
I am looking at Rockets, Axiom, RBH, an SVS. Were the axioms too much on the high side? I listened to some def techs and thought my ears were going to bleed in direct mode so I am looking for a "more laid back" speaker I guess. what were your perceptions? I certianly am thinking of the QS8's but maybe my main chanels need to be something else?

Definitely overwhelmed with all of the options out there. at least I've got the subs worked out with two Epic Castles . . . .


Audioholic Ninja
Out of the 4 you mentioned, I'd avoid Axioms and RBH if you like laid back sound. But you may want to audition them anyways as the definition of laid back is different person to person.


Audioholic General
But you may want to audition them anyways as the definition of laid back is different person to person.
As is the defenition of forward etc. I think that's very good advice rnatelli.



Have found some GOOD audiophile places in Fresno go figure

I found a place to audition revels, B&W and other here in good ole fresno, CA. I will let you know what I hear.

Any feedback on the B&W 700 and 800 line pricing - the website is void of any pricing.


Audioholic Ninja
Speaker pricing

The B&W 6XX floorstanders should be in a simlar price range to the Axiom and AV123 speakers with the 700 and 800 series speakers costing much more. Just decide on a total speaker budget before you audition.


Full Audioholic
Several people have been raving about these little speakers so I thought I'd give them a listen. FedEx dropped off a small box yesterday and I hooked these up last night. I thought I’d share my impressions as these are very new speakers.

First, the packaging is great. Doubled-boxed with the speakers wrapped in plastic. Not as nice as Aperion with the blue, velvet bags, but certainly enough to survive the usual UPS assault.

Upon unpacking, I noticed a couple very minor scratches on one of the speakers, but the rosewood sure is beautiful. I was quite surprised how small the speakers are, but they're quite heavy for their size. Not quite as heavy as the Aperion 5B, but as heavy as my Monitor Audio BR'2 which are substantially larger. So heavy, so small, and red in color, the speaker felt like a brick in my hand.

The cabinets are beautiful. They passed the WAF test with flying colors. The logo does stick out a bit, but it doesn't really bother me and you can always take the grills off.

Dynamics are great, but not quite as good as the Aperion 5B. The Aperions are very quick and make the shift from quiet to rocking smoothly. The ELT525's are on par with the BR2's.

The ELT525's are very different from the x-series speakers. Whereas the x-series are a bit heavier on the bottom to midrange, I felt the ELT525's were more neutral not accentuating any particular area. Very similar to the BR2's. The Aperions concentrated a bit more on the upper frequencies than both the ELT525's and BR2's. Overall, the ELT525's are well-balanced speakers.

The ELT525's are terribly inefficient coming in at 83db and they certainly needed a little power to open up, but my Cambridge Audio 540R v2 which is on duty till my new Emotiva stuff arrives had no problem getting them to sing. They won't play as loud as the Aperions, but go loud enough for my taste. The efficiency of the ELT525 and 5B I found to be about the same.

Although the Aperions gave ground to the BR2's when it came to disappearing in the room, the ELT525's had no problem keeping up despite a smaller driver. Every av123 speaker I've heard simply fills the room with sound and has no problems imaging. Everything sounded right where it should.

Overall detail was superior on the ELT525's versus the 5B's and almost on par with the BR2's at moderate volumes. The 5B's had a more reserved midrange and the BR2's sounded richer at lower volumes probably due to their higher efficiency.

Another thing av123 has nailed with their speakers are vocals. And the ELT525's didn't disappoint.

Overall, I feel the ELT525's are an excellent speaker for the money. The cabinets are beautiful and the sound is great. Probably my favorite internet speaker so far. They gave up a little ground to the BR2's, but not much. We all know the excellent customer service av123 offers so it's hard to pass these up, especially for $299/pair. My only gripes are the minor scratches which I know av123 would take care of, the logos, and the low efficiency.

I'd say the relationship between Aperion and av123 speakers is similar to that of PSB and Monitor Audio. If you want speakers that rock you, PSB and Aperion are for you. If you want speakers that offer as MLS put it intimate listening sessions, the ELT525's and Monitor Audio's are for you.
Thanks for this review, as I am in search for new bookshelves. I have a few questions. I have limited space. Would a distance of about 10'' between the wall and the rear of this speaker work? I currently have Polk RM7600 speakers. How much better/different would the ELT525 be from the Polk speakers? Thanks.

Also, can these speakers be crossed over at 80hz? Thanks
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Audioholic Ninja
Thanks for this review, as I am in search for new bookshelves. I have a few questions. I have limited space. Would a distance of about 10'' between the wall and the rear of this speaker work? I currently have Polk RM7600 speakers. How much better/different would the ELT525 be from the Polk speakers? Thanks.

Also, can these speakers be crossed over at 80hz? Thanks
I'm not familiar with those Polks, but I would say the old rule of "only your ears can decide what sounds better" applies. 80hz is fine for the ELT's.

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