

Audioholic Chief
I want to have sex in your room with the Topgun theme blasting through your speakers. :D
What a unique way of saying you like the room.:confused:

On the other hand, if you look EXACTLY like Scarlett Johansson … it could happen.:p


Audioholic Field Marshall
What a unique way of saying you like the room.:confused:

On the other hand, if you look EXACTLY like Scarlett Johansson … it could happen.:p
Scarlett is also on my mind, we watched The Other Boleyn Girl last night. My wife doesn't think Scarlett is as hot as I do though. ;)

Rob, those speakers look amazing. Where do you have them crossed over with the four Fathoms?


Audioholic Jedi
First, your room looks amazing. Very, very nice. It's one of the systems in the gallery that makes me want to get out there and see what's available. I'm pretty sheltered, I suppose, but I hadn't seen speakers like yours before. I like them a lot.

What a unique way of saying you like the room.:confused:
Second, I'm not sure Blue would restrict his comments to just your room. I'm sure that would go for just about any place... :)


Audioholic Chief
What a unique way of saying you like the room.:confused:

On the other hand, if you look EXACTLY like Scarlett Johansson … it could happen.:p
Well, not with YOU, man! :eek: With my ladyfriend.... when you're not in the house I mean. :eek:


Audioholic Chief
Scarlett is also on my mind, we watched The Other Boleyn Girl last night. My wife doesn't think Scarlett is as hot as I do though. ;)

Rob, those speakers look amazing. Where do you have them crossed over with the four Fathoms?
Thanks Rick, currently (it changes often;)), I have the Studios crossed @ 60Hz and the others @80Hz. Seems to give the most even LF response according to my ears and the SMS-1 graph.


Audioholic Chief
First, your room looks amazing. Very, very nice. It's one of the systems in the gallery that makes me want to get out there and see what's available. I'm pretty sheltered, I suppose, but I hadn't seen speakers like yours before. I like them a lot.
Thanks, but be careful what you wish for. It is very expensive to get that next 10% of performance in this hobby.;)

Second, I'm not sure Blue would restrict his comments to just your room. I'm sure that would go for just about any place... :)
That's reassuring, I was beginning to get concerned about a home invasion :eek::p;)


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks, but be careful what you wish for. It is very expensive to get that next 10% of performance in this hobby.;)
Oh, I hear ya! I'm actually quite happy with how mine sounds, but yours just look like art to me. Sometimes you need to satisfy the eyes as well as the ears. :) Speaking of which, time to get back to prepping my kitchen window frames for painting...


Audioholic Chief
Now that I have the speakers and electronics where I want them, I’ve been turning my attention back to the room. The initial deployment of acoustic panels was a little shoot from the hip (even for me). I have been giving this more thought and also spoke with Frank @ GIK and will be adding some bass traps and treat the first reflection on the ceiling with some more absorption panels.

I have been trying to use equalization to get the room right but have been disappointed after numerous attempts using the Audyssey Multi EQ (Integra 9.8 version). Audyssey make the room sound flat and dead.

I really want to be able to tame the bass frequencies a bit as I believe that will improve the performance of the midbass and higher frequencies. Of course, this is all just speculation but hey… it’s my hobby;).


Audioholic Chief
Added some 4" "bass trap" panels to the back walls and ran some more SMS-1 FR sweeps. Similar results to prior to the addition of the bass trap panels. I little more uniform across the full width of the seating area. I am somewhat limited by the in/on-wall SS speaker positions and the actual wall surfaces themselves due to the room being odd shaped. Here are a couple of pictures including a new SMS-1 FR graph. Ceiling panels for the first reflections are next.
The panels:

The graph:
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
don't you have a bit of extra headroom? why not a boost or two at the low end? (unless the JL's have a subsonic filter)
what subsonic filter did you set the SMS-1 to?


Audioholic Chief
don't you have a bit of extra headroom? why not a boost or two at the low end? (unless the JL's have a subsonic filter)
what subsonic filter did you set the SMS-1 to?
I have the SMS-1 Subsonic off.

Thats an interesting idea:). I'm going to have next weekend alone and I'm planning nothing but playing with the system. I might try a little boost at the 18-20 Hz area.


Audioholic Chief
GIK Acoustics

I installed three ceiling 2’X4’ Acoustic Panels last night in what should be my last room acoustical treatment. I listened to a lot of music and watched a couple of movies last night and the difference is noticeable. Killing the first reflection points of my mains and CC has really improved the clarity of vocals and instrument separation. With the added bass traps, the bass is better than ever and the in room FR is now very flat but the bass still has plenty of slam when appropriate. The room still has life left in it but it is definitely not the large echo chamber I had become accustomed to in my old room.

I would still like to have an acoustician take detailed measurements in the room to see exactly where it is at but overall I’m pleased with the results.

BTW, GIK was very nice to exchange three unused of my wall panels for the new off white ceiling panels. They have been a big help in getting the room right acoustically.


I have a couple unused 2x4 ATS panels left over so I think I'll have to give that a try with them on the ceiling like that.


Audioholic Chief
i wish i had a room that nice. i want a do over.

nice of GiK too.
Thanks Mike but I wouldn’t mind a do over myself. Personally, I think I may have gone a little over the top with the treatments. It is looking a bit like a Recording Studio and I need to work on the esthetics. I’m thinking of framing the Panels to give them a more finished look. Also, the sectional couch is great for lounging around or reading a book and listening to music but for movies or critical listening, I’m wishing I had a more traditional HT seating arraignment. Maybe it’s my size (I’m 6’6”) but it’s just not that comfortable to watch a two hour movie on the couch.

The good news is that the systems audio is now as good as I have heard and I’m able to turn my attention to other details that I should have considered before I built out this room. This has been a “ready, fire, aim” project from the beginning and the hindsight view is always much clearer;).


Audioholic Chief
I have a couple unused 2x4 ATS panels left over so I think I'll have to give that a try with them on the ceiling like that.
Good idea Matt, you'll need a helper to hold a mirror up on the ceiling to determine the first reflection point from the seating position. Once you can see the speakers front baffle in the mirror, that's the spot.

Mounting them is a beaach (easy two person job but I did it solo). I used small L brackets and then painted them to match but I still see them even if others don't. I'm going to frame the panels and that will hide the bracket mounts.


Good idea Matt, you'll need a helper to hold a mirror up on the ceiling to determine the first reflection point from the seating position. Once you can see the speakers front baffle in the mirror, that's the spot.

Mounting them is a beaach (easy two person job but I did it solo). I used small L brackets and then painted them to match but I still see them even if others don't. I'm going to frame the panels and that will hide the bracket mounts.
I have cathedral style ceilings with the slope going up towards the front side of the room (8' to 12' approx) so I might even see a more noticeable difference than you did. Like you said though, going to need some help hanging them that is for sure.


Audioholic Overlord
rmk, very nice. Really like how the colors come together. They give the room a relaxed feel to it imho. Keep up the good work. Looks like you have treated the room to address any noise issues. Kudos to you!!!!!




Audioholic Chief
rmk, very nice. Really like how the colors come together. They give the room a relaxed feel to it imho. Keep up the good work. Looks like you have treated the room to address any noise issues. Kudos to you!!!!!


Thanks Phil, just looked at the pictures above again and the dead palm fronds really look bad. Nothing like a dead plant to frame a picture:eek::p.

I'm at a pretty good place right now as the room sounds better than it looks. Cosmetic issues are much easier to fix;). My hope is that I don't get as anal about the video as I have been with the audio:eek::).

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