Obama says we should learn to speak spanish.. HUH?

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Senior Audioholic
The Jr Senator Barry Obama is at it again, while stumping yesterday he said "Instead of Americans worrying about immigrants learning English, they need to learn Spanish" I did paraphrase but its accurate.
So once again we see the mis-guided views of the far left trying to change our way of life and I think its another example of how dangerous the far left view is, if Sen. McCain would untuck his testicle's from between his legs he could pounce on this and a few other issues. Sen Obama has also voted twice to deny English as our official language.


Audioholic Overlord
Sen Obamama is ridiculous. He's truly embarrassed we don't speak spanish, and he thinks we should learn Spanish before the Spanish speaking people should learn English. Hello McFLY?!?! I believe they are the ones migrating across the border, most often illegally. What is going on in the right side of Obama's head? (hint: nothing)


Senior Audioholic
Thanks for the "Back to the Future" flashback!......NICE:)

He is (Obama) increasingly showing he truly is either an Elitist or a pandering moron who will tell anyone anything to get elected (he was speaking to Hispanics when making that gaf) either way we dont need a guy like that!

Maybe we will see more hard hitting interviews on "Access Hollywood" covering such serious topics as..."Dad leaves his bag on the floor for me to trip over"


Audioholic Samurai
I don't agree that we should learn to speak Spanish because they are coming here. But, we all should learn at least one of the other major languages of the world. There's no excuse for everyone to not know a second language.

The one time I traveled through Europe, I was amazed at how many people could transition English to Spanish/Italian/French/German in a heartbeat. It certainly makes traveling from one country to the next much easier. Communication barriers are less and the individual you are talking to tends to respect you more because you do know another language.

America is way too ethno-centric. I truly believe that the immigrants coming to America should know the spoken language of the country. But, come on, how many of us travel to Mexico expecting them to know English? Think about it.

Obama's basic concept is valid. The way he's presenting it is just plain wrong.

For anyone who only knows one language and complains about not being able to communicate, where is the problem starting...



Senior Audioholic
I don't agree that we should learn to speak Spanish because they are coming here. But, we all should learn at least one of the other major languages of the world. There's no excuse for everyone to not know a second language.

The one time I traveled through Europe, I was amazed at how many people could transition English to Spanish/Italian/French/German in a heartbeat. It certainly makes traveling from one country to the next much easier. Communication barriers are less and the individual you are talking to tends to respect you more because you do know another language.

America is way too ethno-centric. I truly believe that the immigrants coming to America should know the spoken language of the country. But, come on, how many of us travel to Mexico expecting them to know English? Think about it.

Obama's basic concept is valid. The way he's presenting it is just plain wrong.

For anyone who only knows one language and complains about not being able to communicate, where is the problem starting...

Pat, Im with you on learning to speak a different language. I think its a good thing.
We dont travel to Mexico and expect them to speak English though. We dont move there and expect them to change their national language to English either. If we did they would likely throw us out or inprison us :p



Audioholic Samurai
Pat, Im with you on learning to speak a different language. I think its a good thing.
We dont travel to Mexico and expect them to speak English though. We dont move there and expect them to change their national language to English either. If we did they would likely throw us out or inprison us :p

I hope you didn't take that as a jab to you. It's meant for people who think every society should bow to their individualism or personal society. I've met too many people over time who expect everyone to cater to them. It's really sad...

Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
Obama continues to make me shake my head in wonder... Too bad we can't vote "None of the Above" on our ballots. If you want to learn a second language I heard it's best to learn Latin as it is the "root code" for most languages.


NOTHING SBO says surprises me... oh well, I agree; to bad there is not a check box for "none of the above" in this election.


Audioholic Samurai
I s'pose there is a default "none of the above" box. Simply don't vote. Then again, our votes don't truly count. It's the electoral college.

Just imagine if not voting was a "none of the above"...We wouldn't have any president for years with the voting turnout the U.S. has!



Audioholic Warlord
This is about the point where a moderator should lock the thread and temp Ban the Op for posting threads intended to flame.



Audioholic Intern
Unless there is a news article that actually confirms this, I call shens on the OP because I can make similair claims that it has been recently confirmed that McCain has been possessed by the ghost of J. Edgard Hoover. :eek::D:p


Senior Audioholic
Unless there is a news article that actually confirms this, I call shens on the OP because I can make similair claims that it has been recently confirmed that McCain has been possessed by the ghost of J. Edgard Hoover. :eek::D:p
Here ya go............... (Love the Hoover):)

Sheep, yes folks should get mad as AMERICANS being challenged to adapt to those who come to our country while they strive for no assimilation....thats why we should be mad. Locking this thread and a suspension are in order for this?..where does it stop??, this is a big story today and if you ran the net hundreds of thousands and maybe millions would be handed a suspension today......this is the steam vent and I can think of no better place to shout
"If you want to be here do it legally and learn the language.....if you want to do neither then go way"
By the way I Bilingual...I speak fluid Pig Latin:D
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Audioholic Jedi
I just watched the video clip. I don't believe that he's saying that Americans need to learn Spanish. He's just saying that it's a good idea for Americans to know more than one language (like others here have said). You just have to listen to the whole clip.

I'm not an Obama fanboy, but this is no big story if you ask me.


Senior Audioholic
I hope you didn't take that as a jab to you. It's meant for people who think every society should bow to their individualism or personal society. I've met too many people over time who expect everyone to cater to them. It's really sad...

Pat, I didnt think it was a jab.....far from it. I agree with you on most of what you said. I was mearly pointing out the difference is the people that are appalled by what Oboma said, dont want foriegners moving to their country and telling them what language they should speak. Your analagy was when tourists just visit another country... Mexico was the country you used, but it could apply to any country. we are thinking very much the same way. If i went to another country i would try and brush up on the language before i went to be able to ask things politely. Im one of the many who are tired of having other imigrants' cultures shoved down my throat and being expected to swallow it with a smile. I think it should be manditory that anyone seeking citizenship in this country, learn english, and American History before they could become an American Citizen. That should be a given.
In my area of this great country i see immigrants who display their countrys flag and pay hommage to it, and wouldnt put their hand on their chest and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Those people who dont like The Good Ole USA could return to the country that originate from if they dont like this one enough to Pledge our Flag. Im done. I get very upset when i start talking about this subject. I have family members who served in the military to keep us free. My Dad and my Uncle. I was jus ranting some.....No jabs at anyone at all. I love everyone....some in spite of themsleves :p

Peace To Ya!!,


Senior Audioholic
I just watched the video clip. I don't believe that he's saying that Americans need to learn Spanish. He's just saying that it's a good idea for Americans to know more than one language (like others here have said). You just have to listen to the whole clip.

I'm not an Obama fanboy, but this is no big story if you ask me.
I think it was Spanish he was reffering to but at any rate its the idea that he may feel we should adjust to others HERE and not worry about them adjusting to us, learning a second langauge is good but I think its accurate to say he was referring to Spanish. He is just telling folks what they want to hear based on who is his audience (I think it was a Mexican P.A.C.) but its wrong and he needs to know how people feel because it just may be a dream mandate of his that needs shut down.


Audioholic Jedi
He is just telling folks what they want to hear based on who is his audience...
How uncharacteristic of politicians, and even humans in general. ;) :D

I hear ya, Chad. I think that we're on the same page. Pat and Tommy have said it quite nicely - I think that people who want to move here should learn our language, and I think that Americans shouldn't expect others to know our language when we go somewhere else. That said, we've lost millions in war fighting for our freedoms - and I think that cultural change is one of those freedoms.


Audioholic Overlord
America is way too ethno-centric. I truly believe that the immigrants coming to America should know the spoken language of the country. But, come on, how many of us travel to Mexico expecting them to know English? Think about it.
Traveling is one thing, I wouldn't immigrate to Japan without learning Japanese.;)


Audioholic Spartan
In my area of this great country i see immigrants who display their countrys flag and pay hommage to it, and wouldnt put their hand on their chest and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Those people who dont like The Good Ole USA could return to the country that originate from if they dont like this one enough to Pledge our Flag.
BUT...BUT...BUT...Obama was born in the USA.:confused::confused::confused:
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Senior Audioholic
Hey arent we for the most part gadget geeks? Sounds like a cool excuse to buy a pocket Translator,,,,,,,,errrrr does it translate Pig Latin?:confused:
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