Obama says we should learn to speak spanish.. HUH?

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Unless there is a news article that actually confirms this, I call shens on the OP because I can make similair claims that it has been recently confirmed that McCain has been possessed by the ghost of J. Edgard Hoover. :eek::D:p

I actually saw the news report and I can confirm that the OP is essentially right on with what he (Obama) said.


Audioholic Intern
Ah youtube, I'm still waiting for the porn equivalent. :D

Anyways, after listening to the context of that passage, I actually have no problem with what he's pressing. He's not arguing that we should learn Spanish per say. He's arguing that Americans should learn to speak more than one language. Good English and Bad English does not count :D. Cookie if you know the reference.

Obama is correct on his observation that almost all Europeans know English on top of their native language. When I went backpacking through Italy, just about every single Italian I ran into had a decent grasping of English. And probably another language or two on top of that as well.

In reality, such ideals are a bit more difficult to implement. In Europe, you could drive for an hour in any direction, and you'll end up in another country with a different language. Do the same thing here in the US, what I would call "soda" the locals would call "pop". :p


Senior Audioholic
I never mentioned Obama and the Pledge. Ive never seen him say the pledge. I was merely refering to some locals in my neck of the woods.

BUT...BUT...BUT...Obama was born in the USA.:confused::confused::confused:



Audioholic Field Marshall
Ah youtube, I'm still waiting for the porn equivalent. :D
Check out www.youporn.com and www.redtube.com :D.

Anyways, after listening to the context of that passage, I actually have no problem with what he's pressing. He's not arguing that we should learn Spanish per say. He's arguing that Americans should learn to speak more than one language. Good English and Bad English does not count :D. Cookie if you know the reference.

Obama is correct on his observation that almost all Europeans know English on top of their native language. When I went backpacking through Italy, just about every single Italian I ran into had a decent grasping of English. And probably another language or two on top of that as well.

In reality, such ideals are a bit more difficult to implement. In Europe, you could drive for an hour in any direction, and you'll end up in another country with a different language. Do the same thing here in the US, what I would call "soda" the locals would call "pop". :p
It is vastly different in Europe- not only because of the close proximity in countries too each other, but also because some of the countries have more than 1 language (e.g. Belgium with Flemish and French) and even the dialects in the same language have much larger differences than the differences we see in English (e.g. German spoke in eastern France w/ German spoken in western Germany).

I do agree that in all of my travels through Europe I've never had a problem finding somebody who spoke English (although thankfully I do speak French which helps).

I think it's good for American children to be learning another language in school, and at a very young age- and it shouldn't just be Spanish. It helps build vocabulary, it builds confidence, and it opens them up to parts of the world that they may not know exist. French, for example, is the main language of a wide variety of countries from the Carribbean to Africa. Kids have a much greater proficiency for picking up new languages because of how their brains are wired to learn their native language.

I don't necessarily think Obama communicated his message (whatever the hell it may have been) in the appropriate way- but if it's about making sure our children become multi-lingual then I'm all for it.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
While English is in no way "inherently" superior, it has been the language of the US since Colonial times. Every wave of immigrants has learned English, regardless of where they came from or what their native language was, until now! Why should there suddenly be an exception to this just for Spanish-speakers?

What p****s me off more than anything else is hearing the requirement to learn English described as "discrimination" by those who think we should learn Spanish! Did German or Russian immigrants complain about being discriminated against? No! They accepted that English was the language of their adopted country and learned it, as everyone who wants to move here should!

Also, let's not forget that a very large percentage of Spanish-speakers in this country (probably the majority) are here illegally, and thus deserve absolutely no concessions whatsoever!

Sorry for the rant, but this has long been a pet peeve of mine.:mad:
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Why is learning a different language perceived as a threat? The only real threat here is the ease in which people whom are Spanish have infiltrated your borders. Fix those issues and the rest will take care of itself;).
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Audioholic Spartan
I never mentioned Obama and the Pledge. Ive never seen him say the pledge. I was merely refering to some locals in my neck of the woods.
I know. I was just commenting on the similarity in action between those who dislike the USA and Obama. To date, Obama has shown nothing but contempt for the national symbols of the USA, such as the flag, the pledge and the national anthem, just as the people described in the previous post.

I find it sadly laughable that there is a very good chance that the next president of the United States could very well be a man that hates the United States and holds its national symbols in contempt.

P.S. Here's a brain teaser for you. Do you think that if Obama wins the presidency that he will recite the Oath of Office? Or will he remain silent like he does during the Pledge and the national anthem. Does anybody have video footage of his swearing in as a senator? Did he repeat his oath aloud or just stand there silently while everybody else took the oath properly?


Audioholic Spartan
To date, Obama has shown nothing but contempt for the national symbols of the USA, such as the flag, the pledge and the national anthem, just as the people described in the previous post.

I find it sadly laughable that there is a very good chance that the next president of the United States could very well be a man that hates the United States and holds its national symbols in contempt.
I agree Dave, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
It's very telling when you read Michelle Obama's senior thesis, while she attended Princeton University.
Her thesis was sealed until after the election, (though it's been subsequently released, due to growing pressure)
Her thesis, coupled with some of her current statements; shows she still sees the world through a race-based prism.
Including this current remark, "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country."
Or a quote from her college paper: "My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my 'Blackness' than ever before," she wrote.
"I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus, as if I don't really belong."One solution, she continued, was to "utilize all of my present and future resources to benefit (the black) community first and foremost".
Not to mention Obama's racist pastor Jeremiah Wright; who for the last 20 years at the Trinity United Church of Christ, spewed racial hate and
neither Obama, or his wife noticed.

Racism is a terrible thing. I just hope we're not putting two racists in Washington, DC.:eek:


In almost every country english is a class that must be taken. I have been all over Europe dozens of times and almost every single person speaks even a little english. Although I do not agree with Obamas statements I do think our children should at least learn another language. We already are the laughing stock of most of the world it would be nice for our kids to grow up in a country that cares about the rest of the planet.If anything we should be learning Mandarin, he he...:D


Audioholic Spartan
In almost every country english is a class that must be taken. I have been all over Europe dozens of times and almost every single person speaks even a little english. Although I do not agree with Obamas statements I do think our children should at least learn another language. We already are the laughing stock of most of the world it would be nice for our kids to grow up in a country that cares about the rest of the planet.If anything we should be learning Mandarin, he he...:D
One thing I find, that most countries who's economies depend on tourism; they learn English.


Audioholic Spartan
"For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country."
Yes, that is a very telling statement. Why was she not proud of her country while every citizen has a right to run for public office? Why was she not proud of her country when Jesse Jackson ran for president? Why was she not proud or her country when her husband was elected to the Senate?

What has changed recently to make her suddenly proud of her country except that her husband is now in the running for the presidency? I find her remarks ingenuous and can't for the life of me believe that she is any more proud or respectful of the United States, it's institutions or symbols than she was prior to her husband's candidacy.


Senior Audioholic
Why is learning a different language perceived as a threat? The only real threat here is the ease in which people whom are Spanish have infiltrated your borders. Fix those issues and the rest will take care of itself;).
Billy, You should be afraid......very afraid!:D After the USA is has been bled dry, Canada is next. Ive never been to Canada, I sure hope it has great borders. :p

This was all said in fun man..... nothing to it. I try and see the humor side of everything.


Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
At this point, only two things really matter to me about the next president (whover that turns out to be):
1) Will he stop the war?
2) Can he reverse the damage that Bush has done to the economy, and thus prevent a full-blown depression?

If he accomplishes one of those things, he will be a good president. If he accomplishes both, he will be great.


Senior Audioholic
At this point, only two things really matter to me about the next president (whover that turns out to be):
1) Will he stop the war?
2) Can he reverse the damage that Bush has done to the economy, and thus prevent a full-blown depression?

If he accomplishes one of those things, he will be a good president. If he accomplishes both, he will be great.

I dont see how one man, even if he is the president, can change the economy. Bush didnt get us into this shape all by himself. I think we need a whole new start up there and in congress. A start that will have people who work for the best interest of the people, and not their wallet. As it is now its, Liberty and justice for all who has the fatest wallet. Us poor folks dont get nothing but a tax bill at the end of the year.



Audioholic Ninja
P.S. Here's a brain teaser for you. Do you think that if Obama wins the presidency that he will recite the Oath of Office? Or will he remain silent like he does during the Pledge and the national anthem. Does anybody have video footage of his swearing in as a senator? Did he repeat his oath aloud or just stand there silently while everybody else took the oath properly?
I don't know where people keep getting that Obama doesn't recite the Pledge of Allegiance or doesn't place his hand over his heart. Here's video:


As for the national anthem. Nothing in U.S. code says you're required to face the flag, place your hand over your heart, or sing. It is suggested, but not required. Actually, I don't even think singing is mentioned.

I'm sure the video of Obama swearing in exits. Perhaps on C-Span.
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Audioholic Ninja
Yes, that is a very telling statement. Why was she not proud of her country while every citizen has a right to run for public office? Why was she not proud of her country when Jesse Jackson ran for president? Why was she not proud or her country when her husband was elected to the Senate?

What has changed recently to make her suddenly proud of her country except that her husband is now in the running for the presidency? I find her remarks ingenuous and can't for the life of me believe that she is any more proud or respectful of the United States, it's institutions or symbols than she was prior to her husband's candidacy.
Is this really what people concentrate on? Why did McCain leaves his first wife? Why did his wife steal drugs from her own charity to feed her drug addiction? Shall I proceed? Can we stop the nonsense.

I think learning another language is something we should do. But learning Spanish simply because of the large amount of immigration is plain stupid. People should adapt to the countries they immigrate to, not the other way around.
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Audioholic Spartan
I don't know where people keep getting that Obama doesn't recite the Pledge of Allegiance or doesn't place his hand over his heart.
Those are the very least of the Obama problems in this thread.
The two biggest problems for me are:
1. He has no experience.
2. He and his wife are closet racists.
I know that both things are true, after reading her college thesis, and with them hearing their racist pastor for the last 20 years, and did / said nothing.


Audioholic Ninja
Those are the very least of the Obama problems in this thread.
The two biggest problems for me are:
1. He has no experience.
2. He and his wife are closet racists.
I know that both things are true, after reading her college thesis, and with them hearing their racist pastor for the last 20 years, and did / said nothing.
-Some of our best presidents had little experience. In fact, many had less than Obama. Hell, Buchanan had 30+ years experience and is considered one of the worst presidents in history. Although he was smart not to marry :D But this is a perfectly reasonable reason not to vote for someone.

-Assuming they are racists, you mean to tell me that he'd be the only racist holding a political position and the only president in history to be racist? Again, a reasonable reason not to vote for someone.

What bothers me are people who won't vote for someone because they don't wear a flag pin. Imagine how many great presidents would never have existed if there was TV and Internet back in the day.
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Audioholic Spartan
-Although he was smart not to marry :D

-Assuming they are racists, you mean to tell me that he'd be the only racist holding a political position and the only president in history to be racist? Again, a reasonable reason not to vote for someone.

Well, since none of us have control over the past.
We can only try to stop future racism.

OK... you got me on the too smart to marry thing.:D
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