Perhaps you should seek out entertainment that is not rated R and does not insult "your" god.
"my" God is a big fellow and he can take care of himself........i only spoke of my displeasure in the fact that the dialog in this movie took Gods name in vain. Maybe you should read more carefully.
as for the rating info you posted, anyone can find better more detailed info on Wikipedia.
NC-17 rating sates: May contain very strong/sexual/offensive language, strong explicit nudity, very strong/gore/disturbing violence, or strong drug abuse.
this movie certianly falls in the NC-17 category, in my view atleast. we could argue till we are blue in the face about the rating system. One thing will remain the same, some find things offensive and some dont, i gave my honest evaluation of this film. anyone who reads my review can make up their own mind. If they arent concerned with the things mentioned, and are comfortable with viewing it, then they will view it. If by reading my review, they dont like what they hear, they will stay away from it.
You are mearly arguing the rating system, not offering anything valuable to the film review. I think i read a post in this thread where you mention you havent even seen this movie.......go see it then talk about ratings. If you wish to discuss Religon any further, please do it in PM with me or a Mod.
As Always....PEACE,