I bought a new integrated, a
Shanling A3000, from my local shop about six months ago. After about four months, I noticed a buzzing in the right channel. This buzzing can only be heard with no music playing if I have headphones on or if I put my ear within 12” or so of the speaker (point is it’s a quiet buzz).
I’ve tried many things to make it go away, but it persists.
- I’ve disconnected all sources from it (and unplugged them while I was at it),
- I’ve disconnected the speaker cables and still heard it through the headphones.
- I’ve tried a polarity cheater on the power cable.
- I’ve tried different power cables.
- I tried reversing the tubes in the input buffer L>R.
- I have crossed the external pre amp/amp jumpers L>R.
No luck, it’s still buzzing in the right channel.
So, after speaking with the shop, I boxed it back up and brought it back to them so they could send out to Music Hall/Shanling repair on the left coast. After about a week (I was away), the shop called me and said when they checked it to verify my problem, they didn’t hear anything and that I should come pick it up. When I asked if they hooked it up to test equipment, they said they don’t have any test equipment, they were simply using their ears. So, disappointed, I brought it home, hooked it back up and it’s still doing it.
Any advice about what to do next would certainly be appreciated.
A few other things that might be helpful to know:
- I don’t have power conditioning, but my system is powered by a dedicated 20amp circuit.
- When I use the remote, the motorized volume pot has always buzzed through the speakers. (This may or may not be normal?)
- It’s still under warrantee