Northern Florida (Jacksonville and points inland to an extent) I believe got a good dousing, but here in Central Florida and everwhere south of here, nada, zip, zilch, even though most of the day yesterday the sky was practically promising rain, and none came. My yard is turning into a tinderbox, despite regular watering.
Yes, the news of those who have fallen victim to the outbreak of storms further north and throughout the midwest is tragic indeed, but I frown at the thought of any of it being caused by "Global Warming". Not to turn this into a heated debate over GW, but global average temperature right now is actually a degree or two cooler than what it was at the beginning of the decade.
Weather is a fickle thing, and at very best we are only capable of "predicting" meteorlogical events within a set margin, not anywhere near 100% accurate. Things happen, and unfortunately weather on the scale that we are seeing in the midwest is a culmination of otherwise normal events by themselves, combined to create atmospheric turmoil. They don't call it tornado alley for nothing ya know.
No matter where anyone stands on the GW issue, the fact of the matter is that severe weather is
going to happen, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. These days however, b/c GW has reached such a crescendo in the media, anytime a lightning bolt hits the ground somewhere, people are screaming it's because of Global Warming, which is ridiculous if you actually step back and think about it, logically.
Just my 1/50th of a dollar.