Now I have insurance through my job, here is the part I do not understand.
Why are accountants allowed to second guess a medical doctor?
I have an internal condition that can be corrected by surgery. My doctor has recommended I get the surgery, because my condition only gets worse the longer I wait. Now I can "live" without the surgery, but I am on a very restrictive diet, and in pain most of the time. If my condition gets infected it could be life threatening, and lead to emergency surgery, a colostomy, and more surgery, costing the insurance company even more than getting it fixed now when I am healthy.
My insurance company says since I can indeed live without this surgery I will have to pay for it myself or live without it.

So I am looking at paying for the surgery plus four to six weeks out of work recovering. Pretty much guarantees financial ruin for my family.
Now I don't claim to have a solution but something has to change. Maybe the profit needs to be taken out of health care and maybe insurance companies need to be reformed.
Everybody deserves health care and nobody should end up in financial ruin just because they get sick or are injured. So some type of free or low cost basic health care plan is needed, but not a "mandatory gov'ment program" either, people who can afford insurance should be allowed to have their own. Maybe this would create a two tiered health care system, private and public hospitals, I could live with that.