L. Ron Hubbard/Lovecraft/Scientology



Audioholic Overlord
I will preface this controversial thread with a question about H. P. Lovecraft and L. Ron Hubbard. L. Ron Hubbard would have been around 26 years of age around Lovecraft's time of death. Where these two ever in known company? I had heard a rumor that Lovecraft and Hubbard had a bet concerning which of them would be able to start a religion. After doing some light research and reading I have found nothing that would indicate they where ever in known company.

I don't believe that this is true, and it sounds more like someone against Scientology may have made this claim in order to earn some support against it. I wouldn't condone such behavior (not that anyone cares what I do and don't condone). Such as it is, Scientology has me officially a little freaked.

I can only hope that some light will be shed on the situation revealing the true motives of Scientologist heads, whether it be money, power, or their names in history forever (which they probably sealed the deal on that last part by now).

I was reminded of the issues surrounding Scientology when I came across a few videos of Scientology "get togethers" where they kept asking these questions "what are your crimes?", "what are you afraid of?", and "why are your afraid of Hubbard?".

I find this whole case of Scientology progressively disturbing. After hearing so many horror stories of people being forced, brainwashed, starved to support their cause. It seems no fully bred Scientologist can be trusted because of their fear. Anyone trying to penetrate the Scientology organization would be faced with the same trials that would break them down over time to a point where they may never come back.

I just wanted to share my concerns about a growing issue, I hope this doesn't turn into a flame war. If this thread is unfit I suppose it should be closed. I would like to know more about this Scientology phenomena, so I hope this thread will remain open and civil as long as it can. It will likely only be a matter of time before we are flooded with Scientologists. If the mods/admin will this thread gone, I will have no protest and will understand completely the reasons for doing so.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
I would certainly not be surprised if the bet turned out to be true. Remember that Hubbard was first and foremost a science fiction writer. The pseudo-religious garbage came much later.
While Scientology itself is no more irrational than any other religion, it excercises a level of control over its members that is more like a cult, and that is scary.


Audioholic Samurai
I would certainly not be surprised if the bet turned out to be true. Remember that Hubbard was first and foremost a science fiction writer. The pseudo-religious garbage came much later.
While Scientology itself is no more irrational than any other religion, it excercises a level of control over its members that is more like a cult, and that is scary.
Totally agreed - Scientology has had all the workings of a cult more so than any other religion I've ever known. People are so eager and willing to throw away rationale and logic in favor of something to believe in beyond themselves. It is the basis for all religion, but can be the bear trap for those involved in cult-like organizations. Scary indeed... :(


Audioholic Spartan
I know so very little about Scientology that I would not be able to discuss it intelligently. They might as well be Unitarians for all it matters to me.


Full Audioholic
I have done some light research on Scientology and the fact it is not only still around, but garnering headlines with celebrity followers is disturbing to say the least.

It is all about controlling it's followers and sucking every penny from them over time.

The story that was created as the basis for their activity/cult/"religion" is not even good enough to be qualified as a bad B-Movie.

You ONLY achieve mid and high level increases after giving so much money. That is the only way. Period.

I highly encourage those of you who haven't to search the web for the "truth" to Scientology. Read the details of their "story".

Then look and Johnny Travolta (I call him Xenu's pilot-boy) and his jets he keeps parked right outside his back door (literally) and tell me it doesn't disturb you.


Audioholic Overlord
I have done some light research on Scientology and the fact it is not only still around, but garnering headlines with celebrity followers is disturbing to say the least.

It is all about controlling it's followers and sucking every penny from them over time.

The story that was created as the basis for their activity/cult/"religion" is not even good enough to be qualified as a bad B-Movie.

You ONLY achieve mid and high level increases after giving so much money. That is the only way. Period.

I highly encourage those of you who haven't to search the web for the "truth" to Scientology. Read the details of their "story".

Then look and Johnny Travolta (I call him Xenu's pilot-boy) and his jets he keeps parked right outside his back door (literally) and tell me it doesn't disturb you.
John Travolta can afford that luxury, as well as being a higher up in the Scientology organization. It definitely disturbs me, though it seems Travolta is more "hush hush" about Scientology than Tom Cruise is.

While it concerns me that Scientology soaks up it's member's money like no other, I find it more disturbing what else they might be up too that not even most of their members know about.

Also, why is everything a staring contest with Scientologists? You can tell by many of their demeanors that they clearly view themselves as superior to all the SPs.


Full Audioholic
I agree Seth.

And, we might all want to change our usernames to "John Smith".

I'm only half kidding.


Audioholic Overlord
I agree Seth.

And, we might all want to change our usernames to "John Smith".

I'm only half kidding.
I know Mikey, I know. They threaten those that oppose them. Those Anonymous have the right idea.;)


Audioholic General
Scientology is scary. That's why I worship the Great Old Ones. :D



Audioholic Jedi
There is a "church" just a few miles from my house. THAT is scary.
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
It's not like they are out kidnapping people and forcing them to join. Their are plenty of weird and even weirder religions out there to go around. Just about every religion tries to get money out of its followers, even the mainstream ones. Honestly, as long as ther're not going out causing harm to outsiders or knocking on my door bothering me, I could care less about how stupid, absurd, intelligent, or logical their beliefs may or may not be.

Now I'm gonna go watch No Country for Old Men on Blu-ray then play a video game where I get to shoot people, all while enjoying some alcoholic beverages.



Audioholic General
Scientology disturbs me as well, a cult indeed.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the one true god anyway. Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?


Full Audioholic
Scientology is a disturbing "religion" at that. Just remember what the biggest business in the the whole world is.......


Republican Poster Boy
It is not a religion at all. It is a cult pure and simple. I lived not far from downtown Clearwater FL where they own almost the whole area. They walk around like sheep following their master. They have guys dressed up to look like cops that patrol the area to keep anyone from talking to their sheep. They try to intimidate anyone who might start a conversation with their brainwashed groupies. It is really sad and scary.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
There is a "church" just a few miles from my house. THAT is scary.
Actually, I find the numerous stadium-sized Baptist churches in my area equally scary.
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Audioholic Ninja
Actually, I find the numerous stadium-sized Babtist churches in my area equally scary.
Hey if you're going to bash Christians again, at least spell it right, it's B-A-P-T-I-S-T.

P.S. I don't recall the last time a baptist intimidated anyone out of money or anything. What's scary about a baptist church? Have you ever attended service? Joe, a big portion of the people around you are Christian. Don't confuse charlatans that in the name of GOD or Jesus fleece the simple minded, before you come to any conclusions about Christians or Christianity maybe you should pick up a bible sometime and read it, after all it's the manual that real Christian's live by.


Junior Audioholic
Can anyone SAY "Jim Jones" excuse me "Rev Jim Jones":eek:

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