L. Ron Hubbard/Lovecraft/Scientology


Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
What's scary about a baptist church? Have you ever attended service?
The things that they preach include: 1) Science is wrong, and evolution in particular is a plot by the devil. 2) All non-Baptists are going straight to hell. 3) Prayer will solve real-world problems, including cancer. 4) There is no reason to try to improve the world, because the apocalypse is coming soon anyhow. 5) Gays deserve to be severely beaten or murdered, as do abortionists.

I have read the bible. It was exactly as valuable as any other work of historical fiction. One would gain just as much "enlightenment" from reading Shogun or Centennial.


Audioholic Ninja
The things that they preach include: 1) Science is wrong, and evolution in particular is a plot by the devil. 2) All non-Baptists are going straight to hell. 3) Prayer will solve real-world problems, including cancer. 4) There is no reason to try to improve the world, because the apocalypse is coming soon anyhow. 5) Gays deserve to be severely beaten or murdered, as do abortionists.

I have read the bible. It was exactly as valuable as any other work of historical fiction. One would gain just as much "enlightenment" from reading Shogun or Centennial.
So you've been inside a baptist church? 1. I don't know of any pastor that has said science is wrong. 2. All un-saved go to hell. 3.How would you know, you profess to be an athiest. 4.Christ's mandate was "go unto the world and preach the gospel", that improves the human condition. 5. Christians judge within the church not outside, so this statement is obviously coming from someone who's never attended a church, nowhere in Christian doctrine is murder tolerarted, espoused, or condoned.

If you read the bible, which I seriously doubt, you wouldn't have given such a sophomoric statement.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
So you've been inside a baptist church?
Yes I have, and yes I have read the bible (as I said, being fiction, it has never "saved" anyone.) I am, of course, referring to the "charismatic" evangelical baptists. This is not all baptists by any means, but it is what you will find in the scary, stadium-sized churches here that I mentioned in my post.
(I know what I am talking about and you don't, for the simple reason that I live in Oklahoma and you don't.)


Audioholic Ninja
Yes I have, and yes I have read the bible (as I said, being fiction, it has never "saved" anyone.) I am, of course, referring to the "charismatic" evangelical baptists. This is not all baptists by any means, but it is what you will find in the scary, stadium-sized churches here that I mentioned in my post.
(I know what I am talking about and you don't, for the simple reason that I live in Oklahoma and you don't.)
Oh this gets better....Oklahoma has exclusive rights to baptist churches and to Christian doctrine, I guess living in Oklahoma makes you an expert in Christianity then??? Oh nelly, once again your logic is inescapable. Forget it Joe, you can carry the bashing on your own.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Oh this gets better....Oklahoma has exclusive rights to baptist churches and to Christian doctrine.
Please try reading with comprehension next time.:rolleyes:
No, what I am saying is that the baptist churches in Oklahoma (as well as parts of Arkansas, Kansas, and Texas) are of a different, far more rabid variety that the ones you see elsewhere in the country, including Florida.
Remember the brain-dead @$$holes claiming that dead soldiers deserved what they got "as punishment for America accepting queers"? That church was in Kansas, and gives you an idea of what to expect around here.


Audioholic Ninja
Please try reading with comprehension next time.:rolleyes:
No, what I am saying is that the baptist churches in Oklahoma (as well as parts of Arkansas, Kansas, and Texas) are of a different, far more rabid variety that the ones you see elsewhere in the country, including Florida.
Remember the brain-dead @$$holes claiming that dead soldiers deserved what they got "as punishment for America accepting queers"? That church was in Kansas, and gives you an idea of what to expect around here.
I'm afraid the lack of comprehension is on your side Joe, I'll state it a bit more simply: Christian doctrine is universal, it doesn't mean a thing what a "pastor" preaches in Oklahoma, Texas or Kansas, period. The cornerstone of Christianity is THE BIBLE, not some "preacher's" notion of social doctrine. Sitting in a church does not make you more of a Chrisitan than siting in a garage makes you a car. The Branch Davidian's were not Christian, they were a cult, yet they reference scripture to falsely give the movement legitimacy, same with false teachers of any stripe that uses scripture to further their own agenda. In the bible Paul exhorts the Bereans for double checking their facts before accepting his testimony. I think it's wise to check facts before lumping all into one cauldron, don't you think? For someone who's read the bible this should be elementary and obvious.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Sitting in a church does not make you more of a Chrisitan than siting in a garage makes you a car.
You are beginning to inch slightly closer to getting the legitimate point I have been making all along. Maybe a little more thought, and you will get there. It was never christians in general that I referred to as "scary" (merely believing in BS like miracles and Jesus having "died for our sins" does not make them scary, just deluded). I was referring to the churches here in OKC, many of which are like cults (or Nazi rallys.)


Audioholic Overlord
Just like many religions there are people that claim they are part of them with some other purpose in mind. If these radical Baptist churches in Oklahoma housed real followers of the Lord they would not speak out as they did against the dead soldiers.

That being said, this thread is about Scientology. Joe should have never brought up Baptists as it has nothing to do with this thread.

Before you ask, I am not Baptist. There are rotten cultists in almost every religion, but that doesn't mean the idea behind the religion is completely faulted. The human factor is the fault.

Scientology tortures people and brainwashes them. Like I said before, if someone wanted to investigate Scientology by becoming part of it they would likely be tortured and brainwashed just the same, probably more so because their purpose would make the torture and brainwashing just take longer. That's what makes them scary and a threat to potentially everyone. What if Scientology's plan is to attempt taking over the world with their radical ideas about thetans and crap?

I suppose that's a little warning to anyone thinking they can go into Scientology undercover to reveal it's secrets, I doubt most people are hardened enough to make it through there without losing what makes them human.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
That being said, this thread is about Scientology. Joe should have never brought up Baptists as it has nothing to do with this thread.
I was comparing them to Scientologists, so my comment was on topic.


Audioholic Ninja
I read Dianetics, it's the most boring, non-sensical treatise I've ever read, there's no rhyme or reason.


Audioholic Overlord
I was comparing them to Scientologists, so my comment was on topic.
The religion itself is not comparitive to the cult of Scientology. I am not talking about the cult's people, just the cult. Stop discussing Baptists on this thread please. If you want to start your own thread about Baptists, be my guest, I would prefer this thread stay on topic.:)

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
The religion itself is not comparitive to the cult of Scientology. I am not talking about the cult's people, just the cult. Stop discussing Baptists on this thread please. If you want to start your own thread about Baptists, be my guest, I would prefer this thread stay on topic.:)
I started my own thread, and now it is gone. They are giving me a clear message that butting in on your thread is the only option.:D


Audioholic Overlord
I started my own thread, and now it is gone. They are giving me a clear message that butting in on your thread is the only option.:D
Really, what was your thread about? Scientology/Baptist?:rolleyes:

Do you need a thread starting guide?

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Really, what was your thread about? Scientology/Baptist?:rolleyes:

Do you need a thread starting guide?
It was about people believing in utter and complete bullsh*t. Baptists and Scientologists are both specific examples of that (among many others.):)


Full Audioholic
That would be why it was removed-c'mon, they're all for free speech around here, but you can't totally badmouth the majority's belief system. If you had instead asked "why" people believe in what they do, it may have lived a little longer until things became uncivil...But you can't just bash religion. This topic was, at the very least, started as a question from someone who wanted to know what the deal with Scientology was, even though he didn't believe in it or agree with it. This is not how you make your deleted thread sound.


Audioholic Ninja
He won't stop until they lock this one too. Joe everyone's tired of your hate man, give it up already, you're going to get this thread locked up too. Or they're going to ban your butt.


Full Audioholic
Exactly what I was thinking but was hoping to not have to say.

Joe, this in no way is intended to be mean. You just seem to be at a rough place in life with the general tone in your posts, many are quite negative. I hope things start going better for you if that is in fact the case.


Audioholic Overlord
It was about people believing in utter and complete bullsh*t. Baptists and Scientologists are both specific examples of that (among many others.):)
My response to this is you cannot know without doubt that God, or Thetans do not exist. Nothing is proven, and never will be. I do believe in God, I don't believe in Thetans, Tom Cruise (as in worship), or L. Ron Hubbard's reincarnation.

It does seem your intent is to get this thread closed. If it does, so be it. I hope you sleep soundly at night because you got a thread closed.
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He won't stop until they lock this one too. Joe everyone's tired of your hate man, give it up already, you're going to get this thread locked up too. Or they're going to ban your butt.
It's called "Starting a Troll Thread".

Intentionally baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussions.

These types of threads will not be tolerated for very long. This very thread is an example of one that is skirting the very edge. It is so easy for an admin or a mod to find these types of threads. They always revolve around religion, politics, subwoofers, wires or Bose. You won't see many of those thread lasting very long since they always get out of hand. And all of the admin and mods know that. They're so easy to find. Besides the number of reported post e-mails we receive everyday from members along with their comments.

I think some members might need to take a few minutes and review the forum rules that Gene and Clint have developed. They're quite short and easy.


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