Support for BJC
I guess I'm taking this a bit personal, but I think Monster should grow up, they make tons of money, what's the need to bother BJC? Think about it, BJC is neither in Best Buy, Circuit City, Wal Mart nor any retail establishment, they're only accessible online, they cater to smart A/V consumers and they charge a fair price for top quality merchandise. If you guys can, please, take the time to e-mail them, at least let them know you appreciate their business and they should fight the green Monster, there are many of us here that own BJC products, we always take the time to recommend them to newbies throughout. Let the folks at BJC know that you care, hey it might be their jobs on the line if this gets out of control, I for one would hate to see BJC go the way of the dinosaur, we need small companies like them as an alternative to the pricey monsters of the business world.