When is justice to be served?



Audioholic Warlord
What some people are made of.... Is beyond my comprehension :confused:

There is this Norwegian soldier who lost his best friend in a car bombing in Afghanistan last year. Those soldiers are there as part of a UN operation trying to protect the local citizens. Al Qaida is part of the enemy there .... and that is NOT a friendly environment ....

As a result of the accident: They had to cut his foot above the knee, well the guy is recovering, with the aid of an artificial knee and foot... and now he just wants to be well again so that he can go back and continue the task he started. This is so important that he's willing to die for it... to protect the Afghani locals.... This is the kind of commitment that's quite unbelievable.....

Stratman stated that the youth today probably wouldn't stand up against bad people, considering this story, I dont thinks that's the case...... Happy that you're wrong on this Strat....

Maaaaaan, talk about commitment ...............................


Audioholic Warlord
Hell, you just demonstrated that CAPITALISM WORKS. Take that message back to all those tree-hugging Nancy-boy European nations that are collapsing under the weight of their oppressive socialist policies. ................
Hey Dave......

It would be nice to hear some more from you about how life is where you live and what it is to live right about there :cool:


Harald N :eek:


Audioholic Ninja
Stratman stated that the youth today probably wouldn't stand up against bad people, considering this story, I dont thinks that's the case...... Happy that you're wrong on this Strat....Maaaaaan, talk about commitment ...............................
Nope, it proves my point, The fact that he's in the military, the fact that he shows courage, determination, the willingness to serve his country and put others above his interests at the cost of life and limb proves that he's a unique individual, like our own Matt and Beast, these brave souls are the exception to the norm, the norm would rather do something else. One of the many reasons the US military is superior to others is because it's voluntary, the majority that sign up know what they're getting into (the most hazardous job in the world) those that are compelled and would rather be somewhere else don't fit the above category. Commitment, self-sacrifice, un-selfishness, trustworthy are words that have been slowly erased from our psyche, the Boy Scouts (a private organization) has been under fire for their strict adherence to principles that embraced this philosophy. The US for better or worse Haraldo, has always extended it's hand of friendship to the world, even when we defeated nations in war, we came back and rebuilt them and gave them a new lease in life, usually with no thanks from them, we just thought it was the right thing to do. So yes this country has been blessed for centuries, but like all good things that must come to an end, what our enemies couldn't do from the outside our own misguided citizens are from within, it started with our children and we now see those seeds in the younger generation and their attitudes.


Audioholic Spartan
Hey Dave......

It would be nice to hear some more from you about how life is where you live and what it is to live right about there :cool:


Harald N :eek:
Here in Canada? Much like the U.S. in most respects, but more socialist. We have national universal health care, but unlike most other nations private health care delivery is outlawed, just like North Korea and Cuba, so you can see we are keeping good company when our lives are at stake.:rolleyes:

Taxes, for me at least, include a 33% income tax right off the top but easily exceed 50% when all forms of taxation are considered (14% sales tax on goods and services, property tax, CPP/UIC, health levy, various fees and sin taxes). Our standard of living is somewhat lower than that of Americans.

Our government is more intrusive than that of the U.S. We don't have entirely free speech nor an entirely free press. Handguns are severely restricted and illegal to carry except for on-duty LEO's and all longarms are registered by the Feds.

Overall, it's a pretty good place to live given some of the terrible alternatives out there. However, our standard of living is almost entirely dependent upon our proximity to the U.S. and as the economy of the U.S. goes, so does our own.


Audioholic Warlord
Here in Canada? Much like the U.S. in most respects, but more socialist. We have national universal health care, but unlike most other nations private health care delivery is outlawed, just like North Korea and Cuba, so you can see we are keeping good company when our lives are at stake.:rolleyes:

Taxes, for me at least, include a 33% income tax right off the top but easily exceed 50% when all forms of taxation are considered (14% sales tax on goods and services, property tax, CPP/UIC, health levy, various fees and sin taxes). Our standard of living is somewhat lower than that of Americans.

Our government is more intrusive than that of the U.S. We don't have entirely free speech nor an entirely free press. Handguns are severely restricted and illegal to carry except for on-duty LEO's and all longarms are registered by the Feds.

Overall, it's a pretty good place to live given some of the terrible alternatives out there. However, our standard of living is almost entirely dependent upon our proximity to the U.S. and as the economy of the U.S. goes, so does our own.
You have confused me for a while now Dave.
Never figured the Location: Soviet Canuckistan........ didn't match your posts really

Been to Canada quite a few times (Burlington, south of Toronto) and I have a nephew in Vancouver... Guess I'll be going there next year.....
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Audioholic Spartan
You have confused me for a while now Dave.
Never figured the Location: Soviet Canuckistan........ didn't match your posts really

Been to Canada quite a few times (Burlington, south of Toronto) and I have a nephew in Vancouver... Guess I'll be going there next year.....
I think Canada has earned the Soviet Canuckistan moniker. It seems to me that Canucks will always choose limitations on individual freedoms and actions (for the public good) and will always choose increased taxation to support an ever-growing social program network. Canadian cultural "nationalists" often define themselves by their anti-Americanism. Joe Schmoe would be quite happy here.

If my posts don't make me sound like your typical welfare-loving, freedom hating social-engineering project socialist, maybe it's because I was born an American in a Canadian body.


Audioholic Warlord
I think Canada has earned the Soviet Canuckistan moniker. It seems to me that Canucks will always choose limitations on individual freedoms and actions (for the public good) and will always choose increased taxation to support an ever-growing social program network. Canadian cultural "nationalists" often define themselves by their anti-Americanism. Joe Schmoe would be quite happy here.

If my posts don't make me sound like your typical welfare-loving, freedom hating social-engineering project socialist, maybe it's because I was born an American in a Canadian body.
Never heard about "Soviet Canuckistan" before ....

If Canada is Soviet Canuckistan, then I really wonder where I live, taxes are significantly higher here, politicians claim that we get significant returns for those taxes, of course this must be true. Because, if you can't trust politicians, who can you trust :rolleyes:

I'm close to 40% tax on income, and if you consider to buy a BMW X5 4.8i V8, you would have to hash out US$ 270.000 + extras for options (That's not a typo), I'm not sure what this car costs in US or Canada, but the difference would be our local taxes. Wonder how many of these cars that's around here???? Guess our government are pirates when it comes to cars.... :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Well, anyways, there's a lot of good things around here, and most people live pretty well :cool:


Harald N
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Audioholic Warlord
Of course, that justifies Chinese soldiers to kill unarmed people, the soldiers hid on the rooftops shooting into the crowd.
Do you think it's fine that people are getting killed in Chinese jails in Tibet? Their only offense is speaking out, THIS IS AN UNDISPUTED FACT

Chinese government is so nice, guess that's why they sent armed troops and an 100 ton armed tank targeting unarmed people in Beijing.

Denmark and Sweden occupied Norway for a very very long time...
The Swedes claimed for a long time that Norway was Swedish....
The Danes claimed that Noway was Danish
..... does that make us Swedish or Danish?

The fact that a Dynasty claims a territory doesn't make it Chinese....

Do you think there would be riots if Russia invaded Berlin.... The east of Germany "belonged" to the Soviet Union, why not invade all of Europe?

This is the sort of propaganda that makes me sick....

You know what a Dynasty means to me.... Something very very bad...

which means, why should Tibet be Chinese because a Dynasty claims this, people were never allowed to state their opinions anyways, guess those who did were killed.....

And the horror stories I have heard about the true Chinese government and how it works are horrible....
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1) I showed my evidence. You have to show yours. Otherwise you might as well be shouting fire in a movie theater.

2) Tibet has been part of China since the Yuan Dynasty over 800 years ago. Through the subsequent dynasties, Tibet has always been part of China. Tibet only briefly broke away from China during the latter part of the Qing Dynasty, for a period of less than 50 years, during the early 1900's. And that was due to British and Russian meddling in their so called "Great Game [in Asia]."

3) Go to your local library, and check out any maps of Asia made by Europeans or Americans during the 1700's, 1800's, or 1900's, or even earlier. All those maps clearly showed that Tibet is part of China.

Of course, that justifies Chinese soldiers to kill unarmed people, the soldiers hid on the rooftops shooting into the crowd.

Chinese government is so nice, guess that's why they sent armed troops and an 100 ton armed tank targeting unarmed people in Beijing.

The fact that a Dynasty claims a territory doesn't make it Chinese....


Audioholic Warlord
1) I showed my evidence. You have to show yours. Otherwise you might as well be shouting fire in a movie theater.

2) Tibet has been part of China since the Yuan Dynasty over 800 years ago. Through the subsequent dynasties, Tibet has always been part of China. Tibet only briefly broke away from China during the latter part of the Qing Dynasty, for a period of less than 50 years, during the early 1900's. And that was due to British and Russian meddling in their so called "Great Game [in Asia]."

3) Go to your local library, and check out any maps made by Europeans or Americans during the 1700's, 1800's, or 1900's, or even earlier. All those maps clearly showed that Tibet is part of China.
My evidence:
Dalai Lama got the Nobel Peace prize

The Government and Norwegian minister of foreign affairs are working on very strong protest towards China. The fact that the highest authorities in my country will provide some of the strongest protests in a long time should be evidence enough

All civilized countries should support this position in this case.

You don't seem to get my points anyway and you don't answer my questions.

And since when did manipulated YouTube videos count as evidence?

Now with all the countries in Europe breaking free from the many years of suppression from dictators.... That's of course wrong.... Crotia is not a country, it's never been there on the map, Slovakia is not a country, it's never been there on the map, we should all put some force behind this and get the armed forces together and join these countries under the dictators where they belong. (b.t.w. Sorry, the dictators are gone, but not in China) along the armed forces should kill everybody that objects......
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Manipulation or not, I showed you actual footage.

Like I said earlier, I showed you footage of what really happened in those riots. You claim otherwise, so I ask you to show me either footage or photos of your version of what happened.

Otherwise you might as well be shouting fire in a movie theater.

My evidence:

And since when did manipulated YouTube videos count as evidence?


Audioholic Warlord
Manipulation or not, I showed you actual footage.

Like I said earlier, I showed you footage of what really happened in those riots. You claim otherwise, so I ask you to show me either footage or photos of your version of what happened.

Otherwise you might as well be shouting fire in a movie theater.
I'm sure I could dig up tons of stuff, but I don't see the point...... Unarmed people are getting killed for nothing, what potentially happened in the riots only makes sense to me, that would have happened here too if we were occupied......
You're only showing manipulated videos.....

And our government is protesting sharply, which should be evidence enough for everyone around here......

I'm not spending my time providing evidence to you because whatever you state is just plain foolish, I'm not wasting my time on such things....

You could find a few things here:


Audioholic Spartan
Never heard about "Soviet Canuckistan" before ....

If Canada is Soviet Canuckistan, then I really wonder where I live, taxes are significantly higher here, politicians claim that we get significant returns for those taxes, of course this must be true. Because, if you can't trust politicians, who can you trust :rolleyes:

I'm close to 40% tax on income, and if you consider to buy a BMW X5 4.8i V8, you would have to hash out US$ 270.000 + extras for options (That's not a typo), I'm not sure what this car costs in US or Canada, but the difference would be our local taxes. Wonder how many of these cars that's around here???? Guess our government are pirates when it comes to cars.... :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Well, anyways, there's a lot of good things around here, and most people live pretty well :cool:


Harald N
This is an issue to take up in another thread, but the BMW X5 V8 costs $73,500CDN or $55,275USD. Sorry to hear than your government is robbing you of the standard of living that other nations enjoy. You see the results of this grand socialist social programming experiment? The outrageous price you have for this vehicle is simply the result of living in a socialist Kleptocracy, where the gov't will devise ways to take or acquire the wealth of citizens by any means, even if they justify it by the immoral reasons as "if you can afford the vehicle, you can afford whatever additional charges we place on it." That's not a free society, where free people can make free decisions without undue interference from gov't.


Audioholic Warlord
This is an issue to take up in another thread, but the BMW X5 V8 costs $73,500CDN or $55,275USD. Sorry to hear than your government is robbing you of the standard of living that other nations enjoy. You see the results of this grand socialist social programming experiment? The outrageous price you have for this vehicle is simply the result of living in a socialist Kleptocracy, where the gov't will devise ways to take or acquire the wealth of citizens by any means, even if they justify it by the immoral reasons as "if you can afford the vehicle, you can afford whatever additional charges we place on it." That's not a free society, where free people can make free decisions without undue interference from gov't.
Good one Dave :D
I don't think you're far from the truth....

Our prime minister talks on "autopilot" The rich are so wealthy, so we'll order some more taxes for them and provide more for the poor ones... But even they're getting more taxed too :eek:

Just wanted you guys to know that when you may scream expensive, it's not necessarily the case :p
You don't want me to mention Gas prices.... ;);););)

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