When is justice to be served?



Audioholic Warlord
Nobody knows if communism would work, because it has never been tried. The so-called "communist" countries are (or have been) much closer to dictatorships, especially Stalin's Russia.
No, I am not communist. Merely pro-personal-freedom, anti-war, and pro environment. I am too young to have been a hippie, but I think they got a lot of things right.
Yes, there's one fault with communism, it just simply doesn't work !!!!
Communism is about equality and that everyone should share resources and help each other.... But... whenever communism enters all these ideas fall apart.

That's not even remotely similar to North Korea, China or how the former Soviet Union worked......


Audioholic Overlord
You can't be serious.

It is right-wingers who look like fools. Always have, always will. Sadly, while some fools are funny, they are humorless and malicious.
Really? How? Well. you ARE providing some comic relief here while all we're doing is trying to talk some sense into you which does seem to be a hopeless task. But, at least we can have fun with you.

We may be "neck deep" into it, but there has never been a valid reason not to simply pull out at any time in the last 5 years. The so-called president keeps finding new excuses to stay in it (all of them lies.)
I guess you didn't read the posts that followed my last post , did you. Particularly our friend from Norway's.

There hasn't been a single vampire attack in OKC since I started selling garlic necklaces, so I guess those work, too.
which begs the question, how many vampire attacks were there before you started selling garlic necklaces?

My personal freedoms have not been denied, but only because I don't happen to look islamic. If I did, I would be terrified to set foot out the door (much less into an airport!)
How does one "look" Islamic? Do they wear thick overcoats in the hot summer and/or have bombs strapped to their bodies and carry posters that say "Death to America"?

If they have nothing to hide what's their problem? We use the airport frequently and see many prople of many ethnic backgrounds go through with no problems. But, with your attitude, you should leave a little extra time for that full cavity search.
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Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Really? How? Well. you ARE providing some comic relief here while all we're doing is trying to talk some sense into you which does seem to be a hopeless task. But, at least we can have fun with you.
You have it backwards. I (and my fellow liberals) are the ones who have sense. You right-wingers are the ones we are trying to talk some sense into, but I agree it isn't working.

Instead of "look islamic", I should have said "look middle-eastern". As far as bigots and police are concerned, these phrases mean the same thing.


Senior Audioholic
Well, I said earlier that I was going to respond to some other posts. Unfortunately, I just can't keep up, and I don't have the time. I'm not trying to dodge or ignore, but I just can't keep up.

Good luck everyone!


Audioholic Overlord
You have it backwards. I (and my fellow liberals) are the ones who have sense.
Trust me, you're not doing your fellow liberals any favors here.

You right-wingers are the ones we are trying to talk some sense into, but I agree it isn't working.
So, because I point out the absurdity in your thought* processes, I'm a right winger? How simple of you to fall back on simple categorizations like that. Obviously, you haven't understood a word I've posted in this thread. I see faults on both sides but you don't seem to be able to accept that.

Instead of "look islamic", I should have said "look middle-eastern". As far as bigots and police are concerned, these phrases mean the same thing.
Careful, joe. you're the one looking like a bigot here by categorizing people by their looks, not them.

* for lack of a more fitting term. It's more like you react instincitively, much like an parmecium to outside stimuli.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Careful, joe. you're the one looking like a bigot here by categorizing people by their looks, not them.
No, you are wrong as usual. I am not categorizing anybody by their looks. I am merely pointing out that there are many who do. Someone who looks like they might be Iraqi has to worry about being beaten up wherever they go in this country, and is likely to be searched if they set foot in an airport.


Audioholic Overlord
"beaten up wherever they go in this country" - Oh, come now.

No, you are wrong as usual. I am not categorizing anybody by their looks. I am merely pointing out that there are many who do. Someone who looks like they might be Iraqi has to worry about being beaten up wherever they go in this country, and is likely to be searched if they set foot in an airport.
You've been running in the woods at night again and run head-first into one too many trees.

And, why do you single out Iraqis? Do they look different from Saudis, Iranians. Lebanese or any other middle-eastern nationality?

FWIW, how many of the 9/11 perps weren't young middle-eastern males?


Audioholic Samurai
Nobody knows if communism would work, because it has never been tried. The so-called "communist" countries are (or have been) much closer to dictatorships, especially Stalin's Russia.
No, I am not communist. Merely pro-personal-freedom, anti-war, and pro environment. I am too young to have been a hippie, but I think they got a lot of things right.
Holy crap......it's inconceivable!!

Seriously Joe, you should stop trying to dig yourself further into the hole...
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Audioholic Samurai
So which skin color did the Oklahoma bomber have?
A terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist. It's not invalid to say that the stereotypical terrorist in everyone's mind is dark-skinned, wears a robe and a turban, and prays to Allah. BUT - terrorists have come from all walks of life, all religions, all creeds and nationalities. Timothy McVeigh (sp?) was just as much of a monster as Mohammed Atta and the other 18 hijackers who caused 9/11.

The reality of it however, is that there are far more Atta's out there than McVeigh's, and they are constantly plotting to KILL American's and destroy the American way of life (did you hear that Joe?). The troubling thing is that they are very smart, clever and know that we are looking for the above descriptions - hence, they may be walking among us and we don't even know it. They are the guy in front of you in line at the store, they are the person driving alongside you on the highway, they are the group of students enrolled in a state university at an unassuming campus in Central Florida, and they are patient enough to realize that we are in the process of letting down our guard - and when we do, you liberals, duck and cover.


Audioholic Warlord
A terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist. It's not invalid to say that the stereotypical terrorist in everyone's mind is dark-skinned, wears a robe and a turban, and prays to Allah. BUT - terrorists have come from all walks of life, all religions, all creeds and nationalities. Timothy McVeigh (sp?) was just as much of a monster as Mohammed Atta and the other 18 hijackers who caused 9/11.

The reality of it however, is that there are far more Atta's out there than McVeigh's, and they are constantly plotting to KILL American's and destroy the American way of life (did you hear that Joe?). The troubling thing is that they are very smart, clever and know that we are looking for the above descriptions - hence, they may be walking among us and we don't even know it. They are the guy in front of you in line at the store, they are the person driving alongside you on the highway, they are the group of students enrolled in a state university at an unassuming campus in Central Florida, and they are patient enough to realize that we are in the process of letting down our guard - and when we do, you liberals, duck and cover.
Agree with you on that......


Audioholic Overlord
Clever, indeed, but people learn and adapt.

The reality of it however, is that there are far more Atta's out there than McVeigh's, and they are constantly plotting to KILL American's and destroy the American way of life (did you hear that Joe?). The troubling thing is that they are very smart, clever and know that we are looking for the above descriptions - hence, they may be walking among us and we don't even know it.
The fact that the only real "weapons" needed for 9/11 was a couple of box-cutters and out past experience with plane hijackings.

In the past, hijackings meant an inconvenience for passengers, nothing more. The hijackers would get a ride to their destination, the plane would be released, and the passengers would be returned safely, albeit a bit worse for wear.

What nobody counted on was that these guys were willing to die for their cause and take as many innocents as needed to accomplish their plan! Never did it occur to the passengers that they were riding in a missile that would be deployed at buildings, using jet fuel as the explosive.

Once the first few succeeded in their plan, the element of surprise was over. Flight 93 got wind of what was going on and, true to the true American spirit, rather than go down like meek, cowering wimps knowing they would be the instrument of death of even more innocents, a few fought the hijackers and took their destiny in their own hands and denied them their victory.

To this day, I don't think anyone will simply "assume" a hijacking will be only a temporary delay to their destination and woe be to anyone who tries it.

We live and learn. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


Audioholic Warlord
Harald, you should make it to Florida at some point. First round's on me. :D
Thanks !!!!

I'd like to go to Orlando to the 2008 CE State of the union, but it's a long trips for such an event.....

I'm definitely bringing the family (Wife and 2 small ladies) to floriday to Disney World, and relax on the beaches :D
I don't think it's going to happen this tear, but NEXT, perhaps :cool:


Harald N


Audioholic Warlord
Forgot to say.....

I spent a week in Orlando in 2003, magnificent.... Loved every second of it..... I will never forget the first visit to Tony Roma's and how we were served the spare ribs :D


Audioholic Warlord
He's got a cold one waiting for him should he make it to NYC area as well. ;)
I'll fly to New Ark and rent a Ferrari 456 :D
(I need a four seater)

Guys, you're all on my buddy list by now !


Audioholic Overlord
works for me.

I'll fly to New Ark and rent a Ferrari :D
(Must be a four seater though
But let me drive. I know the area. :D

Actually, Newark is the preferred airport. It's closer to Manhattan than either Kennedy of LaGuardia.

...about 15 minutes.

...less in a Ferrari.

...particularly a rented one.

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