Forum Personalities - I think we have a couple on this list..



Audioholic Field Marshall
And how are you going to do that? You don't have rights to edit or delete posts by others. You should know by now that threads always veer off topic.

lol. I was thinking the same thing. Since when did you become a Moderator :p


Audioholic Samurai
Now that! Ain't natural.:eek:
I showed my oldest son that pic & he laughed & said it looks like me because im real hairy like that perv.

I like the computer on a pile of porn mags :D


Audioholic Jedi
TLS Guy is an Ent... hah. [/QUOTE]

Yes, and I live in the Tulgey Wood!


Audioholic Warlord
I think it's pretty safe to say WmAx falls under android. :D Pinhead.



Audioholic Ninja
MDS, Buckeye, And you will all have your posts removed. This is just to let you know.

I don't know why you insist on going off topic. If you don't want to talk about the topic, don't post. This was merely to stir up some conversation on what appeared to be a slow forum. Seems to be working.

By the way, I think you guys need your eyes checked, not once did I say I was going to delete your posts.

Good some controversy, maybe it'll get the blood going.;)


Audioholic Field Marshall
MDS, Buckeye, And you will all have your posts removed. This is just to let you know.

I don't know why you insist on going off topic. If you don't want to talk about the topic, don't post. This was merely to stir up some conversation on what appeared to be a slow forum. Seems to be working.

By the way, I think you guys need your eyes checked, not once did I say I was going to delete your posts.

If you had somehow missed it up until this point, The only reason your thread went off topic is because of the BIG BOLD LETTERS telling people to do things YOUR way

Its a public forum with these peculiar things called other people. If you want everything to go your way I guess you can create your own forum and a bunch of different monikers and then post threads and respond to your own threads with other names. That Patrick dude probably does the same thing. It may just be the only forum he wouldnt be banned from :D
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Audioholic Field Marshall
All I asked was to stay on topic, and both of your posts are snipes, literally not mentioning the topic ONCE. You still haven't mentioned the topic at hand. What do you have to save about that?

Well after reading though a few of them descriptions there were a couple that seemed to match this thread. First and foremost being Ego:

For Ego, the discussion forum is all about him, and he regards discussions that stray from that topic as trivial dalliances.(such as off topic posts) Although tolerant of an occasional shift in focus, Ego grows increasingly restive when the forum's attention shifts away from his interests, and he will often provoke conflict to reestablish himself as the subject at hand. Ego is one the the fiercest of all the Warriors and will fight to the death when attacked.

With a little bit of Crybaby:

Although sometimes a male, Crybaby is usually a female, and often a close ally of Innocence Abused. When teased or attacked Crybaby will pitch a loud public temper tantrum, holding her breath and kicking her feet. If that defense fails she will run to Nanny for comfort. (Such as going to the mods to have them delete OT posts)

And then on top of that so that you dont feel bad there is a bit of Jerk:

Jerk is sarcastic, mean, unforgiving and never misses an opportunity to make a cutting remark.(Thats ME!) Jerk's repulsive personality quickly alienates other Warriors, and after some initial skirmishing he is usually ostracized. Still, Jerk is very happy to participate in electronic forums because in cyberspace he is free to be himself...without the risk of getting a real-time punch in the mouth


Audioholic Warlord
Well after reading though a few of them descriptions there were a couple that seemed to match this thread. First and foremost being Ego:

For Ego, the discussion forum is all about him, and he regards discussions that stray from that topic as trivial dalliances.(such as off topic posts) Although tolerant of an occasional shift in focus, Ego grows increasingly restive when the forum's attention shifts away from his interests, and he will often provoke conflict to reestablish himself as the subject at hand. Ego is one the the fiercest of all the Warriors and will fight to the death when attacked.

With a little bit of Crybaby:

Although sometimes a male, Crybaby is usually a female, and often a close ally of Innocence Abused. When teased or attacked Crybaby will pitch a loud public temper tantrum, holding her breath and kicking her feet. If that defense fails she will run to Nanny for comfort. (Such as going to the mods to have them delete OT posts)

And then on top of that so that you dont feel bad there is a bit of Jerk:

Jerk is sarcastic, mean, unforgiving and never misses an opportunity to make a cutting remark.(Thats ME!) Jerk's repulsive personality quickly alienates other Warriors, and after some initial skirmishing he is usually ostracized. Still, Jerk is very happy to participate in electronic forums because in cyberspace he is free to be himself...without the risk of getting a real-time punch in the mouth
Do you think I just found that page yesterday? I've read all of them, and I could be in 30. You picking 3 and deflecting my original argument hasn't achieved anything. I believe that one is Artful Dodger.

All this, because you couldn't just stay on topic. Pathetic.



Audioholic Spartan
If you had somehow missed it up until this point, The only reason your thread went off topic is because of the BIG BOLD LETTERS telling people to do things YOUR way
This caused a lot of trouble in a recent controversial thread when the OP asked others not to post. Now Sheep, being Enfant Provacateur, knew this would stir up a hornets nest so he included it in this thread. Why? That's just the way an Enfant Provacateur works, I guess.
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Audioholic Ninja
Hell Sheep aint no infant procrastinator, he's just fed up with all you big galuts runnin' rounds here acting all tough and all, thinkins yous the big wheel that makes this place turn round. No siiiiiiiireeee, he aint no prostatinator neither.


Audioholic Samurai
This caused a lot of trouble in a recent controversial thread when the OP asked others not to post.
Well, what's wrong with that Dave? :p

Seems like I'm missing out on some of the free entertainment here. Op asking others not to post. Sheeeesh. That's like leaving a bowl of milk in front of a hungry kitten, and asking her not to drink. :p


Audioholic Chief
Went for the Big Cat as opposed to terror cat. Liked the Godzilla but it just did not fit me.


I liked the website, I read all the characters, and I poked a little fun, just like most here did. I've never had any issues with you Sheep, and I like most of what I read from you. Honestly though, saying;

Now, I'm going to make this VERY clear. NO posts in this thread can be about ANYTHING other then this topic. If I seen ANY posts off topic, they will be removed.
Practically begged people to push your buttons. It comes off as rude and condescending, something which I'm almost certain you had no intention of being. You probably remember the definition of the Netiquette Nazi, well such a comment as the aforementioned quote appealed to that in all of us forum posters and thats because such a statement should not be necessary. We all know not to go around purposely hijacking threads, and no one here does, especially on such a lighthearted and fun thread as this. Making the statement though as I said before came off as rude and condescending and so illicited some jabs. Now its ballooned out of proportion and is no longer fun for any of us to participate in.

With that said, I think I'll bow out of this one. Thank you Sheep for a fun thread topic in any case.

... Oh and I've served my country (says the Centurion)

Hehehe... :D
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Audioholic Samurai
C'mon guy's,this is Sheep were talkin about here,did anybody really think he was ever serious about removing posts or asking a mod to do so :confused:.

He has a reason for writing what he did,the reason i do not know but im positive it was not what it looks like.

He will come clean before its over.


Audioholic Warlord
The point was for the ****ing thread to stay on ****ing topic. How hard is that? Look around, all you guys do is gab on in every thread and ruin them. You have these stupid political and religious threads where you are at each others throats, over something completely unrelated to the forums main purpose, audio and video. If you're at each others throats you won't be able to function in the main forums about AV, you remember how much you hated the person for something completely trivial. **** it, I'm done. I took a break a while ago but I came back. I don't think I'll be doing it again. Apparently all you guys want to do it **** around and pretend your the best **** since sliced bread. Eventually you'll get sick of all the condescending remarks you guys throw around and realize I was right.

So long Audioholics,


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