Forum Personalities - I think we have a couple on this list..



Audioholic Warlord

This forum is a place where many different people gather and enjoy audio gear. Through it's growth, the forum now holds many categories, one being the steam vent. There isn't a better place to see ones true color. Many threads on many topics helps paint the big picture of just who is who, what makes us tick (for me, it's short skirts). You could say a Clock is like a forum, it's full of many ticks.

This website has a list of different personalities, some good, some bad. I thought I'd post them for your amusement, and obviously, discussion.

Now, I'm going to make this VERY clear. NO posts in this thread can be about ANYTHING other then this topic. If I seen ANY posts off topic, they will be removed.



Audioholic Spartan
Now, I'm going to make this VERY clear. NO posts in this thread can be about ANYTHING other then this topic. If I seen ANY posts off topic, they will be removed.
And how are you going to do that? You don't have rights to edit or delete posts by others. You should know by now that threads always veer off topic.


Audioholic Warlord
And how are you going to do that? You don't have rights to edit or delete posts by others. You should know by now that threads always veer off topic.
As far as you know. It's a moderators job to keep threads on topic. If specifically requested, I don't see why it won't happen.

The Chukker

The Chukker

Full Audioholic
An interesting thread to say the least...

If I were to categorize my posting habits (if not my personality), it would be non-confrontational yet opinionated. My opinions tend to be heavily biased by what others think (especially if I consider them more intelligent than I), yet I am not afraid to defend my own position if called out. I will often lurk in threads that I have no business posting in, and I am not afraid to admit my own ignorance if it furthers my understanding of a given topic.
How's that Sheepsy :D?
And yes, a meet down the line is a definite possibility...


Audioholic Samurai
I got tired of reading the link so i just started looking at the pics,lame i know :D

The perv pic is awesome.



That link was good. I read all of them and found myself laughing at quite a few. Yes, this forum like any other has its "warriors". Very few posters I think ever remain in one "style" for very long, haha. I can't help but think of the times I've fitted into the Centurion roll or any number of the other ones.

I have to say though, I loathe the "ALLCAPS", "Bong", "Ferrous Cranus", "Garble", "Tireless Rebutter", and "Typhoid Mary's"... No matter how cleverly thought out your response, they just never seem to get it. All of them always walk away just as clueless as when they got there, and no amount of failure on their part ever hinders their ability to promote their cluelessness.

Now, I'm going to make this VERY clear. NO posts in this thread can be about ANYTHING other then this topic. If I seen ANY posts off topic, they will be removed.
Oi... Thats asking for some Evil Clowns to come and getchya.

If I were to categorize my posting habits (if not my personality), it would be non-confrontational yet opinionated. My opinions tend to be heavily biased by what others think (especially if I consider them more intelligent than I), yet I am not afraid to defend my own position if called out. I will often lurk in threads that I have no business posting in, and I am not afraid to admit my own ignorance if it furthers my understanding of a given topic.
That sounds suspiciously like the "Lamer"... hehe, just kidding :p Obviously you're not, I just think its fun identifying ourselves in these silly archetypal caricatures.

TLS Guy is an Ent... hah. AcuDefTechguy = Fanboy? You be the judge! :D
I'm a Centurion... Oh man... I'm going to get razed for being the first "Howler" on this thread, lol.


Audioholic Samurai
Awesome link - like HH though I got tired of scrolling through every single one of the warriors. It is pretty accurate though, from what I read - you know who you are!! :D


Audioholic Spartan
I see myself as a Big Cat. I don't wanna fight, but I roam through various topics out of curiosity. I post when I get an itch that needs to be scratched and I can defend myself if need be, but it's generally too much trouble. I'm keeping my avatar, I guess.


Audioholic Spartan
Hey Sheep, that was good.
The Perv picture was the best.
Though I must admit, the heels really kill my feet.:D:D


Audioholic Ninja
I did as HH did, the pictures say it loud and clear! Hilarious!:D


Senior Audioholic
We can start branding ourselves..or the person above us...
:D...that's gonna be fun


Audioholic Slumlord
We can start branding ourselves..or the person above us...
:D...that's gonna be fun
I can't really brand you. Wait till I read the whole list. But let's do this, I'll think of the member who is best described by the xenophobe profile and you guess who it might be. :D I like this game a lot.


Senior Audioholic
I can't really brand you. Wait till I read the whole list. But let's do this, I'll think of the member who is best described by the xenophobe profile and you guess who it might be. :D I like this game a lot.
That's gonna be hard since many of us here have multiple personalities...:D
Well, i mean it's hard to determine one's personality based on one thread or so. Darn it, i have to go back and look the definition of each. Let's try anyway..hhaha...


Audioholic Slumlord
They are listed in alphabetical order but I was kidding about actually naming names. :eek: That would be rude. :D


Audioholic Ninja
I think everybody has multiple personalities, it depends on the thread and how it affects you. Now, if a person portrays the same traits post after post, well...........:D


Senior Audioholic
Is that link SFW? I'll have to check it out when I go home if it NSFW :(


Audioholic Samurai
Don't like my speakers huh?......Wanna fight about it? :):):)

That pretty much sums up my personality!!


Audioholic Spartan
Pretty funny Sheep!:D

I think making major offenders use the illustrations as an avatar would be a good idea.:p


ps Ok, let me have it....what one am I?

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