Yes anyone could but why bother. I am sure it still wont change your opinion would it?
That's basically "OK, I don't know of any, but I'm going to puff out my chest and flex and hopefully you'll just drop it."
The First Amendment is not there to protect speech that everyone agrees with. It's there to protect controversial speech. It's there to protect speech that people vehemently oppose.
Pelosi's words have not incited anyone to violence. They have not given aid to "the enemy." I know a handful of Marines and they sure as hell haven't been "demoralized" by what they perceive as bleeding heart, weak, liberal opposition to the war.
Expressing an opinion contrary to current government policy is one of the most treasured, important, fundamental freedoms we have. The ability to stand up and shout "NO! This is bad. I vehemently disagree with government policy and will do everything within my legal power to change it!" is an absolute cornerstone of our democratic system.
Violating that freedom would be an absolute travesty.
And, oh by the way... Pelosi's statements echo the opinions of
millions of Americans. Just sayin.