I think you're arguing something else.
So let me get this straight, Pelosi put U.S Military personnel in harms way in Iraq?
I thought President Bush did that... I guess I have to re-read the books again.
While I'm still not sure that Bush did the right thing by going into Iraq, I don't think anyone with a head on their shoulders thought it was going to be a quick and easy in and out process. ...and this includes the Democrats who voted for it as well.
But, signs do indicate that, at last, there finally seems to be some progress in getting the fighting factions over there to realize that we're not the enemy: it's the other outside forces (Al-qaeda (sp?)) that have been playing them against each other.
Given that that country is basically three religions that have been fighting each other for generations, it's easy to throw a stone, run and hide hide, and point the finger at someone else, thereby fostering more hatred.
They now seem to realize that it's not us that have been doing the suicide bombings, it's other Arabs and Persians who are prolonging the conflict for their own purposes. They strive on chaos and, by instigating it, they hope to sweep in and put a stop to it, thereby setting themselves up as the ruler of the country.
But, it seems the Sunni and both Shia factions are now starting to work more together in stopping this evil outside influence. IOW, it looks like the white blood cells are starting to weaken the infection.
but, although the tide is starting to turn, we're needed there to see this situation through until they are fully able to fight it themselves. If we abruptly pull out now, the power vacuum will be filled (again) by the terrorists that have been bedeviling the Iraqis all along, only with a reinforced vigor.
Pelosi's rant is not only a lie, but it also does a disservice to all who have sacrificed to bring Iraq along to this point and provides encouragement to the terrorists to just wait it out until the election. Then, it's back to business as usual.
Like it or not, we've got a commitment to see this through. If we simply pull out and leave then to fend for themselves when they are still weak, we're not living up to our word to see then through to the end and our credibility will be for shiite in the eyes of the world.