Hi John,we all know my gear was bought as an investment but i cant help myself,if i can make a buck im on it
,if im gonna lose 1 red cent im out,no matter how bad i want the gear,i refuse to lose anything.
On the "investment" side why does that leave a member ripe for riddicule?,my entire collection was bought as an investment & has paid large dividends,larger than my cash ever could have made in a standard savings account,infact my entire main system is paid for entirely from the dividends paid on my investments into gear, with not one red cent of out of pocket cash tied up in the system,do i love audio?, yes i do but i refuse to spend a large portion of my families income on MY HOBBY,this shouldnt leave me or anybody else open to riddicule.
Financial responsibility is something in our hobby that is widely overlooked,i see nothing wrong with looking at ANYTHING expensive as a long term investment,thats what responsible adults are supposed to do,isnt it ??
Anyhow i picked you for the bulk of my response because of a few shared experience's we have had together a few years back,when we were both newbee's here & for no other reason
When I first came to this site i remember a thread both you & I were part of,the thread was about how tube gear sounds,it was a simple question asking what the traights of tube gear were,the thread was not getting any responses that answered the OP's question,only the usual rehetoric from those with zero experience (except google) with tube gear
I answered this thread with direct responses to the question in the thread & i received my very 1st positive feedback, saying thank you for clearly answering the OP's questions,the very next post in that thread was from the biggest hunter of them all & the master of lighting fires,with a never ending cycle of answering a question with a question & steering the thread into different avenues of discussion not relevant to the OP's question.
Remember my old signature?? where i used to list my equipment collection,even though i never mentioned my gear it was pointed out by the hunter,he allready had a preconcieved notion that anybody with high end gear was outta their mind,he light the fire by saying & i quote "JUST LOOK AT HIS SIGNATURE",followed by the usual grinning smily face
,he then further asserted that i must believe in snake oil gold plated botique cables even though no mention of cables was made in the thread,that is what baiting is & that is what preconceived notions are,both of which suck.
It took 6 months for this member to stop talking about my ( Monster amps) at every turn, AND it took you to call him on it for him to stop,not that i gave a hoot (still dont) but it was nice that somebody noticed i was being baited constantly.
After being baited/lead then attacked so many times i got a bad attitude twords most here, weather they deserved it or not, so i can fully understand why new members like Chad lash out,i dont condone it but i do understand it.
This same member joined the Chad thread, even though through his entire time on this site he has never not once shared with the group what gear he owns or shared how much he has spent on anything,if asked he will always respond that is "irrelevant",why would a member who refuses to ever answer what equipment/cables/speakers or any other gear they own respond to a thread that asks "How much have you spent on cables" when they have no intention of ever answering that question to any degree in any form.
To me the answer is obvious (target acquired & locked),im not blaming anything in the Chad thread on this member either,infact he kept his cool more than all others,im just pointing out the motive for some to even join a thread in the first place weather they realize it or not,something for everybody to think about,it may require looking deep inside one's self to answer the question of "why do i join these threads in the first place" but it is needed.
At no time am i excusing Chads comments in any way as that is not my intent,to that i will respond seperately.
Great day to all