Hifi, I do agree with you wholeheartedly, but I feel that you omitted the one thing WRT the cable thread that pushed it beyond the realm of spirited debate and unleashed the venom. The OP in that thread had no right to begin bashing other members and talking down to those who don't use high-priced cables (many, including myself have a limited budget for A/V gear to begin with, so I stick with what works), and as I had mentioned, even if I did have truckloads of money, I still wouldn't purchase those fancy cables because it just doesn't make any sense. But the OP felt it necessary to infer that anyone who thought with a degree of logic on the matter wasn't worthy enough to contribute to the discussion in the first place.
Now, I am always open for a good, spirited debate - I think it's the mother of all innovation and fresh, new ideas; however, in this case the only inevitable outcome was a public outcry and subsequent bashing of the OP. For my part in that I have no apologies. I think he got his just dessert.
The great thing about this forum is that it is comprised of people from all walks of life, all demographics, and just about every tax bracket. There are those who get by on "budget" low-cost systems that contribute as much as those with very high-end gear, but yet - nobody is looking down at anyone else because of what they own or do not own. This is one of the reasons I became a member in the first place. I like to think that we're all basically a bunch of real, down to earth folks here who all greatly enjoy the A/V experience and who choose to make it their hobby.
To boot - most of us here are also very intelligent and as such, with most intelligent people, they are going to have a strong opinion, especially down here in the Steam Vent where the topics are as varied as anywhere else.
Nobody here is looking to gang up on anyone else - I truly feel that as a whole, we're a great big group of strangers who are also friends, who are at times - in discord with one another, but that's simply life. You can't please everyone 100% of the time, so anyone with moral character will stand on his principles and defend themselves and others against vicious uncalled for attacks by someone merely looking to invite controversy and argument on a subject that has been rattled about for years.
There is no wolf pack mentality - just a group of people who don't like being pooped on. I sincerely hope the OP of the cable thread understands this, and that his words were what brought about the chain reaction that followed, and precluded any sort of real debate from developing. I don't see how he, nor anyone else could have expected any different than exactly what happened.
Matt34 did a great job of shutting it down before it got out of hand, and even in one of my last posts I indicated that the point had more or less been made already, everyone got their 2 cents worth in and then some, and there was no more real merit to be had by continuing to bash the OP. In short - I think he got the idea that he had committed a foul, even if he didn't come out and admit it.