The wolf pack mentality/posting methods.



Audioholic Samurai
I feel as if HH blames me in part for the whole "cable thread" as I was the one who initially said the word "troll" (I don't know that you do, I just have a bit of a feeling)
Not in the slightest my friend,everybody who has been a member on AH for any length of time surely know's if i had a problem with any person in particulay i'd say it in the open forum,i lay no blame on you or anybody else.

Most importantly this has very little to do with the Chad thread,that was just the conduit for me to say something that i had been thinking for several months,after the mess in the Chad thread it hit me, that if i dont say sometthing soon i may as well never say anything at all,then sit back & watch while we become a membership that is incapable of answering a simple question about anything other than budget gear.


Audioholic Samurai
Allright guy's,my last post on this (promise) so here goes.

I TAKE THAT PROMISE BACK,Im still getting back to that damm pancake bunny rabbit :mad:

Just because i firmly & whole heartedly believe Mcintosh to make the best amplifiers in the world (we all know they do:D) would not make it right that i push my view on amplifiers on all others at all costs,at every available oportunity,would it ?

Pushing one's belief system at the cost of acting like a helpfull member is not right,i think some have lost sight of that.

I also think some people are looking VERY HARD for the smallest of words or phrases so they can push their veiws on others,science or not alot of these thread hijacks start over the simplest of words being used,i agree that anybody making wild claims of golden microdot tuning forks making their system sound better should be challenged on the spot,or some yoyo that smooshes some goop all over his speaker wire connection so they can be better conductors needs to be challenged (or slapped), but in most cases this is not the case,its to the point that even the simplest & most innocent mention of ANYTHING sounding different MUST be challenged on the spot.

Is this type of forum that any of us want to belong to,where all we do is try to be the first poster to slam a newbee & relentlesly pound him until he admits he did not do a dbt,because thats the way these threads end up,unless the OP admits or walks away the pounding will only increase.

All im saying is that if we have become so focused on every single word other members say,waiting for the smallest oportunity to pounce,then as a forum were destined to lose respect & anything we say after that becomes suspect because we've lost all objectivity.


Audioholic Samurai
You wouldn't see him much. He spends too much time "ridin' the rails".
Yeah i know but you know how excited he gets,he'd be a handfull after being away for a month at a whack.

You didnt say weather you liked my choice of pretty colors in my post :D


Audioholic Slumlord
That's it, I'm selling my KRELL junk, I don't want to offend anybody, same for the Proceed, now as for the MUSICHOSE......well, jury is out on that one, though technically it will offend many as it is made by MIT (of black plastic- boxes-on-your-cables fame), I'll buy Yamaha/Denon/Onkyo and be politically correct and wires by Home Depot, now that should keep everyone in check.:)
I don't mind you owning KRELL gear. I suspect that it is better than my HK gear and I come to AH in order to find out why it is better. Somewhere along the line I might find out.

The thing I like about AH is that I'm not very likely to run into a bunch of ill informed statements that are not based in fact. When seemingly false claims are made, they should be challenged to keep people like me from believing everything they read. I trust the information I find here and am glad that the wolf pack has torn Bose and the $140 gold plated outlet a new sphincter.



Senior Audioholic
Allright guy's,my last post on this (promise) so here goes.

I TAKE THAT PROMISE BACK,Im still getting back to that damm pancake bunny rabbit :mad:

Just because i firmly & whole heartedly believe Mcintosh to make the best amplifiers in the world (we all know they do:D) would not make it right that i push my view on amplifiers on all others at all costs,at every available oportunity,would it ?

Pushing one's belief system at the cost of acting like a helpfull member is not right,i think some have lost sight of that.

I also think some people are looking VERY HARD for the smallest of words or phrases so they can push their veiws on others,science or not alot of these thread hijacks start over the simplest of words being used,i agree that anybody making wild claims of golden microdot tuning forks making their system sound better should be challenged on the spot,or some yoyo that smooshes some goop all over his speaker wire connection so they can be better conductors needs to be challenged (or slapped), but in most cases this is not the case,its to the point that even the simplest & most innocent mention of ANYTHING sounding different MUST be challenged on the spot.

Is this type of forum that any of us want to belong to,where all we do is try to be the first poster to slam a newbee & relentlesly pound him until he admits he did not do a dbt,because thats the way these threads end up,unless the OP admits or walks away the pounding will only increase.

All im saying is that if we have become so focused on every single word other members say,waiting for the smallest oportunity to pounce,then as a forum were destined to lose respect & anything we say after that becomes suspect because we've lost all objectivity.
With your avatar so can we not agree with you?! That's just unfair use of the avatar to push your view in this forum!


Audioholic Samurai
What's wrong with Bose?

Hey, was that a good example of a trolling post? :D


Senior Audioholic
I agree with your post steve. It is science that is involved in transporting signals. However, I'm a little confounded by your insinuation that I believe in the inherent qualities in mystical cables. I know I used that term, but nowhere did I state that I was confused in these matters. There are plenty of examples out there of hype and outright misrepresentation in some advertisments for cables. It is that to which I was referring.

Unless you are referring that statement to the op (of another thread...not highfi :)), then...nevermind steve. Cheers, John :)
No sweat man, that was just me aiming at the thin air...I don't take potshots at anyone, at least not intentionally.

Some folks will argue all kinds of crazy stuff with cables.

Have you seen or heard the George Carlin skit about "my god can kick your god's ***"? As wrong as it is, whenever I see people going back and forth about crazy-expensive cables, I see that skit in my head, just with titanium plated , cryo-frozen, monofilament interconnects.


Audioholic Samurai
No sweat man, that was just me aiming at the thin air...I don't take potshots at anyone, at least not intentionally.

Some folks will argue all kinds of crazy stuff with cables.

Have you seen or heard the George Carlin skit about "my god can kick your god's ***"? As wrong as it is, whenever I see people going back and forth about crazy-expensive cables, I see that skit in my head, just with titanium plated , cryo-frozen, monofilament interconnects.
Yeah, I didn't really take it as a potshot, as much as my desire to clear the air (that I don't condone mystical cables). I can't have people thinking any less of me than I already am. ;)

Yeah, I like George Carlin. I'm not one for the "mine's better than yours" routine either. Sheesh, there are so many different quality amps, receivers, speakers, and yes, even cables out there, that it is not that difficult to get high quality sound, especially with the new lossless formats...which I am about to experience first hand on my ancient 5803 via analog. :D Cheers.


Audioholic General
What's wrong with Bose?

Hey, was that a good example of a trolling post? :D
We don't mention that word around here... mainly because when translated from Finnish to English means "to flame" :D :D :D


Audioholic Ninja
Hey HH! Krell's better than Mac!:D


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Brett A

Brett A

The last week or so that I have been posting (mostly on the New Shanling Amp thread and some on the infamous How Much Have You Spent on Cables thread) has provided me with an interesting intro to the world of subjective v. objective way of relating to audio electronics. (I’m not video minded)

Today, I understand it this way:

A subjectivist, such as myself, and an objectivist could share the experience of hearing a difference in an A/B test of audio equipment.

Say we then used test equipment and found that no measurable difference was present between A and B.

The objectivist might then say, “Well, the test says there was no difference, so my mind must be playing tricks”. The subjectivist (that’d be me) would say “Well, the test said there was no difference, so we obviously haven’t found a way to measure that difference yet.”

These are two different value sets. In one, experience is trumped by scientific “proof”, and the other, experience prevails as the more “real”. These are very different world views, ones that we had before we came to this hobby. I doubt the objectivists among you are going to change the way I see the world existentially or vise-versa.

I came here and remain solidly in the subjectivist camp. But in this short time, my subjectivist view has been tempered a bit by the objectivists’ pronouncements. So I have to thank you for that. (It might just save me some money down the road.) I’m looking forward to doing some dbt’s with my own system---I’ll let you know how it goes when I do.

Even considering all this arguing and debating, everyone involved in this hobby is after the same thing: a direct, personal experience that is pleasurable. I’ll do my best to continue in this debate with that in mind, and I apologize for my actions to the contrary thus far.

Happy listening!
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Audioholic General
Honestly, what really matters is what you like.
Beyond that, when making a legitimate comparison of "Brand A" to "Brand B" for reasons other than bragging (which is fine :D ), then some more stable and constant environmental settings need to be set in order to properly assess the validity of specification based performance changes.

But, if it's just saying you like it better, that's great ;)


Audioholic Samurai
With your avatar so can we not agree with you?! That's just unfair use of the avatar to push your view in this forum!

Ha,somebody besides looserwife noticed my kitty.

Everybody knows the looserwife' avatar is Hello kitty,my new one is Mello Kitty.



Audioholic Ninja
I knew there was something different about your kitty, but I couldn't put mypaw on it! I did ask myself "what's she wearing on her T-shirt?"


Audioholic Samurai
Nice - made me laugh.
Good,im glad my humor was not lost,i laughed my a$$ off writing it:D.

I couldnt stop laughing,especially when i got to James Randy :D

Do you have any idea how hard it is to include every cliche ,all at the same time, in one thread :eek::eek:


Senior Audioholic
I knew there was something different about your kitty, but I couldn't put mypaw on it! I did ask myself "what's she wearing on her T-shirt?"
You know that they have made men's "hello kitty" apparel now?


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