No, I was too young for one war and too old for the next one. My father, who served in Korea, feels exactly the same as I do, however. Yes, I vote against Republicans. I contribute to this country as much as any working stiff, by doing my job well.
So, do you vote against Republicans just for the sake of voting against Republicans, or do you actually examine the issues and determine the best candidate? I wasn't trying to imply that one has to serve in the military in order to be patriotic either, just trying to get a sense of where you're coming from. I joined the military before 9/11 when there was no war going on, and my ship was first on the scene when we went into Iraq in 2003. To afford you this much information - my father-in-law also served in the military, in Vietnam and he shares a lot of your views (trust me, we "discuss" things all the time
What I can't understand is the pacifist mentality that prevails amongst the Democrats of this country. Like I mentioned, I'm neither red nor blue, but I do feel that our days are numbered as soon as we begin to exhibit weakness amid the global community. Yes, in an ideal world, war would not have to exist, and we could all live peacefully, holding hands and planting flowers. But until that day arrives, it's a simple matter of survival and the continuation of our freedoms that so many (seemingly yourself) take for granted. It is not. Our freedom is something we will
always have to be ready to fight for.
Oil? If you think for a second that our interest in oil is over-rated and that we shouldn't be involved in any conflicts because of it, then feel free to visit any third world country in the world - then envision those conditions here, because that is exactly what would happen. Oil, unfortunately, is part of the overall equation, and is an undeniable, complicated component of our nation's welfare, like it or not. Oil is a natural resource, and legions of armies have fought over natural resources since the first caveman clubbed a rival tribe member over the best pond in the hills. (yes Strat, that's a tip of the hat in your direction
) So, formulate an alternative for resource sharing on a global scale that would benefit everyone, and the mathematics of it are impossible, because of humanity's oil dependency, and it's ever-shrinking reserves, therefore making war an inevitable consequence of a problem that mankind created long before any of us were around.
But - this is not merely a war for oil. It is a war on terror, and that objective remains true and focused, despite what the liberal media outlets such as CNN would have you believe.