That's a good question strat - I'm not sure what the general consensus would be on that, but if you take a look at the current polls, Hillary so far is not doing too terribly with the country as a whole, if that tells you anything.
Would I vote for her? Hell-to-the-no,
not because of the fact that she is a woman, but because I think she is completely wrong for this country. Would I vote for Obama? Again, no - but not as strongly as I feel about Hillary, and mostly on his inexperience with foreign policy, and his tendency to be swayed by the political currents, much like the rest of the current candidate pool.
I would welcome with open arms
anyone who I feel could truly lead this country back to greatness; among them would be a.) Colin Powell (who of course is black), and b.) As Buckeye mentioned, Condoleezza Rice (who of course is both woman
and black.
So yes I, personally am more than ready for either to happen, because a great candidate is a great candidate, regardless.