I'm going to leave my views of religion out of my comments, I personally think that religion is such a charged subject for debate that expressing opinions about it are simply pointless.
I actually watched the video in full, and then I looked around the website, and used some of the links to see what else was going on. It is interesting that many here watched bits, pieces, parts or maybe the whole thing and came right back here to comment without doing this themselves. Many here have outright dismissed this video as conspiracy theorist bunk, without ever looking to see what sources were used and cited for the production of the video. How you feel about the video is entirely irrelevant to me, I'm not criticizing anyone for honest opinions here at all. I will however criticize anyone here for being purposely obtuse about the subject and dismissing the video as fraudulent without ever investigating the legitimacy of the source material used to create it.
The video is no masterpiece, and certainly has many holes in it. However there is definently some points that are brought up that have sufficient legitimate source material to merrit further consideration. Regarding the 9/11 portion especially I should say. For anyone to blindly believe without reservations that 9/11 was the complete work of a relatively small group of radical muslims is amusing to me. There are far too many inconsistencies in the explanations held popular today to account for all of what was achieved on that day. Before some of you start firing back with comments about specialists confirming data taken, I would just like to say that I am well aware of the data. I've read the 9/11 Commission, I've done a decent amount of research of my own and I will be the first to admit that I am in no position to make judgement in any which way. I don't feed into the conspiracy theories that believe it was all contrived by the US Government to wage a war overseas.
Halon451 made this comment, and I think it is a very interesting one indeed;
The thing that I find most ironic though is the difference in public opinion 7 years after the fact, versus 7 days after the fact.
This is truly the central issue of 9/11 in many aspects when one considers the inconsistencies in the whole events of that tragic day. Seven days after it, only the most basic understanding of the cause of the events were understood by the public. Unified by a common belief, the Government had the green light to ratify many acts which impede upon civil liberties in the United States. It had the green light to launch a war campaign against a nation who was not responsible for the acts of 9/11. It generated a fear for possible repeat actions by rogue nations such as Iraq, which in turn gave fertile soil for more war. Right or wrong, for better or worse, this is true.
Seven years later, we have the benefit of multiple studies and commissions investigating the events of that day. The burden of continued combat operations overseas in both Iraq and Afghanistan. And the failure to truly say we have held accountable those who committed, orchestrated, and made possible this atrocity. No one has benefitted from this, other then those whose purses have grown fatter loaning the government the money to operate overseas, and those getting the contracts to manage the oil industry over there. This too is a fact, right or wrong, for better or worse.
The cost for all of this continues to be paid by the public, day in and day out. Through loss of life, through inflation of the dollar, through so many other ways. Were I you, I am sure I would still believe that answers to many questions must still be addressed and answered. Were I you, I am sure I would still want Justice to be issued to those responsible.
For myself, I'm military. I'm light infantry currently, and I've done my stint in the special forces here in Canada. At the end of the day, I don't really care about the situation in Afghanistan, I care about my family. I get paid peanuts compared to those who benefit from my service overseas, and I don't resent that. I chose the combat arms because it was a calling for me, I'm a violent individual, and I am comfortable in theatre. When the Canadian government sends me places to kill other people I am fine with that at the end of the day. So this is my advice. I think if even I can manage not to be a zealot of the governments propaganda, where I've been taught by the government to do its dirty work, then you owe it to yourself not to take everything told to you by them as the truth. You all have the luxury of excercising your freewill, to demand more complete answers to the questions raised from the ashes of 9/11. It is not unpatriotic to think something has gone afoul within the government, its unpatriotic to turn a blind eye to it.