

Audioholic Chief
...sorry for the caps but I think it deserves it.

I invite you to take 2 hours of your time to nurrish your general culture and to enlighten you on the lies that lives all around you. Please listen to that video.

Even if I already knew the majority of those things, it is one of the biggest revelation I've ever seen. It releases the anger that is building in me knowing that we live in a world of lies and we are puppets.

Like the video says, this documentary is not created with the goal of shocking and dissing. Just to inform you of the truth.

Please share. Intelligent comments welcomed.


Audioholic Ninja
Insightful? Perhaps, but probably not.

I have watched the first half of this and notice one glaring thing that seems to be constant within nearly all religious interpretation: The view you start out with determines your drawn conclusions.

An example of this could be that someone who believes in Christianity or another similar religion might perhaps say that all the religions share such similarity because they have the same roots (possibly even the same) just retold as times change to keep with societal will as nothing can live in stagnation.

Also, it is a well known fact that the bible was written by a committee raised by a Pagan king who saw his rule slipping to the new religion. This would explain much of its Pagan roots and throwbacks to ancient culture.

*Please note I cannot speak for a Christian as I am not a religious person I am just giving possible examples [which would probably not be agreed with]. There are numerous ways one could choose to dissect any religious text the authors of this documentary chose one way - I would choose yet another while someone who truly believes would choose yet another etc...

Edit: This is the first time I have seen much of this put together in such a clean fashion, but to be honest this seems like one large plagiarized document as I have seen/read nearly all of this material previously. Conspiracy theories/theorists will always be around the question is which do you buy into ;).
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Audioholic Chief
I have watched the first half of this and notice one glaring thing that seems to be constant within nearly all religious interpretation: The view you start out with determines your drawn conclusions.

An example of this could be that someone who believes in Christianity or another similar religion might perhaps say that all the religions share such similarity because they have the same roots (possibly even the same) just retold as times change to keep with societal will as nothing can live in stagnation.

Also, it is a well known fact that the bible was written by a committee raised by a Pagan king who saw his rule slipping to the new religion. This would explain much of its Pagan roots and throwbacks to ancient culture.

*Please note I cannot speak for a Christian as I am not a religious person I am just giving possible examples [which would probably not be agreed with]. There are numerous ways one could choose to dissect any religious text the authors of this documentary chose one way - I would choose yet another while someone who truly believes would choose yet another etc...

Edit: This is the first time I have seen much of this put together in such a clean fashion, but to be honest this seems like one large plagiarized document as I have seen/read nearly all of this material previously. Conspiracy theories/theorists will always be around the question is which do you buy into ;).
I agree with you but the message is only to uncover the truth that religion comes from the same place, thousands of years ago, when men didn't even understand the sun. its all beliefs and misconceptions with astrology and ancient myths. that's the message.

and yes I have heard many of those things before but at least they don't contradict each other! the message is still the same. Just a video of a well made representation of those thoughts.

btw, you should listen to the rest of the video... it gets pretty political and economical and it uncovers the truth behind 9/11.

thanks for posting


Audioholic Ninja
I don't have the time right now, but a first year thoelogy student can blow this mockumentary out of the water. As for the 911 conspiracy just search the net for what Popular Mechanics did to the conspirators theories. PS, not all religions stem from the same fountain, Christianity in it's truest form is not even a religion. Andy as for the Bible and it's origins when more time allows and if you're interested I can pm you some very eye opening archiological notes.


Seriously, I have no life.
...and it uncovers the truth behind 9/11.

thanks for posting
If that is what it is trying to accomplish, even without watching, I can say it is bunk. End of story.:p


Audioholic Warlord
If that is what it is trying to accomplish, even without watching, I can say it is bunk. End of story.:p
You should watch it. It's the best argument that I've seen so far explaining 911.



Audioholic Field Marshall
Gotta love how the people from Canada are commenting on how a video made by a bunch of plagiarizing extremists explains 9/11 (No offense to Canadians, I love the country- just making an observation). I was in NYC on that date and I saw the 2nd tower go down while standing on the street- there was nothing controlled about the demolition nor about anything else that happened that day or on the days to follow.

My take on conspiracy theories is that they take root in the same pretext as to why religions were created- to come up with explanations for the things that we cannot explain or do not want to accept. Ancient civilizations came up with rain gods to explain the weather, harvest gods to explain feast and famine, and war gods to help them in battle. Buddhists, Hindus, and Ancient Greeks & Romans were the original "theorists", and over time they gave way to the monotheistic religions who decided that instead of having a god every possible scenario, that 1 god could suffice to explain the world. Even Einstein spent the last 45 years of his life working on his unified field theory in order to attempt to tie all of physics together.

People like to believe in unifying theories because it makes life simple, and they allow followers to have something to "blame"- whether is be Ares, Jesus, or the Federal Government. Whatever helps you sleep at night is totally cool in my book- but when they start attempting to force their views onto others, it normally makes them worse than many of the institutions that they love to blame for the worlds problems (e.g. the Catholic Church or the US Government).
Lightning Steve

Lightning Steve

Gotta love how the people from Canada are commenting on how a video made by a bunch of plagiarizing extremists explains 9/11 (No offense to Canadians, I love the country- just making an observation).
A post from someone in Quebec, does not mean he (or she) speaks for all Canadians. The OP's nationallity has nothing to do with it, or should not.


Audioholic Samurai
I don't have the time to watch the whole thing right now, but if this is ultimately just another one of those 9/11 conspiratorial mockeries, I would rather not watch, than to have to puke all over my computer screen. So, because I haven't watched the whole thing, and in all fairness to the OP - I will reserve making any judgmental remarks on the film itself.

But what I did watch of it - it seems to be just another ploy to shock the viewer into a mentally submissive state with scenes of violence and warfare - shock the senses first, so the propagandist message can be delivered on the backside. This trick is older than any of us posting on the forum right now. I could be wrong, and maybe I will sit down to watch the whole thing when I have the time.

However, as far as 9/11 goes - since it was brought up (by the OP); I don't want to read too far into your words, but if this suggests in any way that 9/11 was anything but a horrific act of war against innocent people by radical, insane fundamentalist terrorists, and is just another one of these 'Bush is responsible', 'we did it to ourselves' pack of lies and nonsense, I would rather sit out on this one. Sorry. ;)

EDIT: To the OP, yes we do live in a world of lies, every day - I will agree with you on that. However, just because someone films a movie and does some creative editing and explains certain events in a rather convincing way doesn't necessarily make that truth. It's just another layer of deception.


Audioholic Chief
I just like seeing an explanation to everything. I obviously don't believe in religion and I think that if we had to find Osama, it would've been done a long time ago. As Sheep said, maybe not the truth but the best explanation to me. If you want to believe that a bearded arab still did it then it's your thing. Too many proofs makes me sceptical about that story though. Never thought that crashing a plane at the top could make a whole building collapse like a controlled explosion, twice. I believed in this explanation that's it.

I have to admit that some things are pushed like the microchip under the skin and everything but yeah, people are driven by money, money is power, and all those made-up wars are making me sick. Too many died because of power, money and corruption.

Just posted it for you to think about all those subjects (religion, economics, 9/11, politics). Not whine about if it's true or not. I'm not the saviour of the truth. Just found what appears to me a nice documentary on the net which explains a lot of things. I guess that some of you here are less open-minded than I thought.
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Seriously, I have no life.
You should watch it. It's the best argument that I've seen so far explaining 911.

I need a headset or speaker connected to my computer:eek: but if that film is trying to explain it as a conspiracy, it is a waste of time, no matter how good it seems to be, like a sighted audio comparison:D
Need more practice being a critical thinker. :)
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Seriously, I have no life.
Never thought that crashing a plane at the top could make a whole building collapse like a controlled explosion, twice. of things. I guess that some of you here are less open-minded than I thought.
Then, you need to talk to experts in that field, not some so called self proclaimed experts. Civil engineering, explosives experts, people who do such demolitions, etc.
Please, don't equate all the dust coming out of the windows just below the the collapsing structure as evidence of set charges. It amazes me how easy it is to confuse people to believe this.
You could ask those implosion guys, or just view some of the TV coverage of building explosions how much explosives it takes to bring it down, how long it takes after the charges go before it starts to collapse, etc.

Sorry, all this conspiracy has been debunked over and over again. Just like the golden ears keep coming back for more of the same; if it is not one thing, it is another, then everything is recyled again and again. It never dies.
Thanks though, it was fun while it lasted.:D


Audioholic Samurai
I just like seeing an explanation to everything. I obviously don't believe in religion and I think that if we had to find Osama, it would've been done a long time ago. As Sheep said, maybe not the truth but the best explanation to me. If you want to believe that a bearded arab still did it then it's your thing. Too many proofs makes me sceptical about that story though. Never thought that crashing a plane at the top could make a whole building collapse like a controlled explosion, twice. I believed in this explanation that's it.

I have to admit that some things are pushed like the microchip under the skin and everything but yeah, people are driven by money, money is power, and all those made-up wars are making me sick. Too many died because of power, money and corruption.

Just posted it for you to think about all those subjects (religion, economics, 9/11, politics). Not whine about if it's true or not. I'm not the saviour of the truth. Just found what appears to me a nice documentary on the net which explains a lot of things. I guess that some of you here are less open-minded than I thought.
That's fair enough - except for the part about those of us who don't believe in the conspiracy, does that alone make us close-minded? That in effect is a very close-minded way of thinking mouettus. I think it's good that you would entertain the thought that everything you see may not be what it seems - that is a cherished value of any intellectual analytical thinker. However, my own analytical thinking has led me to believe that the conspiracy stories are nothing but fabricated B.S., politically charged, and hold absolutely no scientific credibility. Along with the Pop Mechanics thing, there was a show on History channel that had to do with de-bunking the 9/11 conspiracies. My advice is listen to the actual experts - the structural engineers, the demolition experts, metallurgists, rather than Joe Blow talk show host, or whoever else wants to put their two cents worth in. Strictly I don't value their opinion any more than I value a pile of dog poop. There are some very creative imaginations out there, and it's easy to construct a so-called truth and back it up with convincing evidence that supports it; however one may want to spin it to make it sound believable. That's how propaganda works - by taking the untrue and making it sound believable.


Senior Audioholic
Many companies were invited by the government to inspect and give insight about the collapse of the twin towers. Our civil engineering firm member was one of them that was selected to present a complete report on the collapse mechanism. It has been proven in their report that the collapse was of the combination of heat and force of the hit among other structural failures. If some movie producer and conspiracy theory believers tried to explain their own unscientific way, i'd say BS. I posted a diagram on this twin tower collapse mechanism some time ago. It is also a fact that many people like to believe in conspiracy theory since people's mind are known to love challenges and anything interesting. Sometimes the truth may be boring and so plain and the mind refuses to accept that.

I'll watch it anyway since i am bored now and has nothing better to do.


Audioholic Chief
That's fair enough - except for the part about those of us who don't believe in the conspiracy, does that alone make us close-minded? That in effect is a very close-minded way of thinking mouettus. I think it's good that you would entertain the thought that everything you see may not be what it seems - that is a cherished value of any intellectual analytical thinker. However, my own analytical thinking has led me to believe that the conspiracy stories are nothing but fabricated B.S., politically charged, and hold absolutely no scientific credibility. Along with the Pop Mechanics thing, there was a show on History channel that had to do with de-bunking the 9/11 conspiracies. My advice is listen to the actual experts - the structural engineers, the demolition experts, metallurgists, rather than Joe Blow talk show host, or whoever else wants to put their two cents worth in. Strictly I don't value their opinion any more than I value a pile of dog poop. There are some very creative imaginations out there, and it's easy to construct a so-called truth and back it up with convincing evidence that supports it; however one may want to spin it to make it sound believable. That's how propaganda works - by taking the untrue and making it sound believable.
Very well said. That is mainly my point of view but as english is not my primary language I have some difficulties explaining thoughts sometimes.


Audioholic Samurai
Many companies were invited by the government to inspect and give insight about the collapse of the twin towers. Our civil engineering firm member was one of them that was selected to present a complete report on the collapse mechanism. It has been proven in their report that the collapse was of the combination of heat and force of the hit among other structural failures. If some movie producer and conspiracy theory believers tried to explain their own unscientific way, i'd say BS. I posted a diagram on this twin tower collapse mechanism some time ago. It is also a fact that many people like to believe in conspiracy theory since people's mind are known to love challenges and anything interesting. Sometimes the truth may be boring and so plain and the mind refuses to accept that.

I'll watch it anyway since i am bored now and has nothing better to do.
Well, I for one don't think that any real truth behind 9/11 is boring, and the fact that madmen hijacked airliners and used them as missiles against two of our most prominent modern day architectural accomplishments, killing thousands of innocent lives in the process is one of the most compelling and tragic events in our lifetime. Ah - I'm sure this wasn't your point masak, and I don't mean to say that you take the event lightly, as I totally agree with your post, and people's points of view on it.

The thing that I find most ironic though is the difference in public opinion 7 years after the fact, versus 7 days after the fact. It took time to carefully construct these conspiracy theories and put together certain timeline events so that it seemed to follow a logical path and therefore logical conclusion. Right after it happened, and I was still in the Navy at the time, stationed in upstate NY at the Navy's Nuclear Power training prototype as an instructor - I remember remarking to several of my buddies how I had never seen the country so united. You drove down a street and saw an American Flag hanging from every house. I thought - is this what it has taken to wake us up? But of course, it was not to last - as the finger pointing began almost as the last fires were put out. Bush took us to war, and it was a war we believed in at the time, despite the failures that have taken place since. That day, nearly 90% of the Atlantic navy sortied - because this was an attack, this was an act of war, and we were the victims. Yes, a bearded Arab was behind it, as he was behind the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen which claimed nearly 20 of our Sailors.

There are people on the other side of this world that wish to see us decimated, plain and simple. The sooner everyone realizes this and stops promoting these wildly exaggerated stories of conspiracy, the better off we'll be, because as we will be busy pointing fingers at each other and name calling, these guys will be sneaking in our back door to do it again.

Sorry for the rant - good discussion guys. :)


You can ponder about the ultimate question, but you will never understand what the question actually is, much less getting an answer to the ultimate question.

Would a microbe call a human, god? Perhaps. But can a microbe even gain the faintest comprehension of what a man is? Impossible.

So, as a man, you were born, you live, and then you die. These are the only three cardinal truths of human life a man is ever expected to understand.


Seriously, I have no life.
Many companies were invited by the government to inspect and give insight about the collapse of the twin towers. Our civil engineering firm member was one of them that was selected to present a complete report on the collapse mechanism. It has been proven in their report that the collapse was of the combination of heat and force of the hit among other structural failures. If some movie producer and conspiracy theory believers tried to explain their own unscientific way, i'd say BS. I posted a diagram on this twin tower collapse mechanism some time ago. It is also a fact that many people like to believe in conspiracy theory since people's mind are known to love challenges and anything interesting. Sometimes the truth may be boring and so plain and the mind refuses to accept that.

I'll watch it anyway since i am bored now and has nothing better to do.

But but, your company was payed off in secret as was that person:D

I just love it how imagination works, bu t then, we don't have to go far to see a parallel to it, do we; the 'golden ears.'
Humans want it simple and because of other events of the past where real conspiracy was uncovered, Nixon comes to mind, well, it is easy to distrust things.

Science? What? That you have to work at.

I watched it partly, finally. This 9/11 is in part two. Mass hysteria was rampant. Reporters heard things they could not readily explain or just speculated so that fueled people's imaginations. Eye witness account of sounds not readily explained on the spot spawned its own life for mass hysteria. So, a fireman became an expert at what happened, Dan Rather, et al. Once it starts, myths, urban legends, mass hysteria is not stoppable. It has a life of its own.

A simple explanation of the dust expelled from each story as the building collapses is discounted, but the pre-set explosions caused it is accepted with 0 facts or evidence. Curios:mad:


Audioholic Field Marshall
A simple explanation of the dust expelled from each story as the building collapses is discounted, but the pre-set explosions caused it is accepted with 0 facts or evidence. Curios:mad:
While not a scientist myself, I doubt that the site burns for days afterwards if it was just set off by controlled internal explosive. I lived just across the river in Hoboken- and you could see and smell the smoke and fire for days.


Audioholic Warlord
I need a headset or speaker connected to my computer:eek: but if that film is trying to explain it as a conspiracy, it is a waste of time, no matter how good it seems to be, like a sighted audio comparison:D
Need more practice being a critical thinker. :)
An Audioholic to lazy to hook up his computer for sound is the sole reason you're not watching it. Until you watch it, you have no valid opinion on it, and I suggest you stop posting in this thread. You clearly have no patience for it, so I have no patience for your posts.


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